Wedding in China . Wedding photo shoot for the bride and groom can spend long before the ceremony, to the wedding everything was ready. If you are going to get married in China, go to someone's wedding, register their marriage or simply want to learn about holiday traditions – read!
Category: Beijing
Beijing (Beijing) - The capital of the People's Republic of China. An ancient city with many cultural and historical values – Great Wall of China (wonder of the world – the main card of the country), which can be reached by bus, pre-selecting part to visit (of the most visited Badaling, until the very least reduced Simatov), All of the day to get around. In the city center, within the first ring Metro still many: Square and Tiananmen Gate, Forbidden City Museum in Beijing, Temple of Heaven, Drum and Bell Tower and areas hutongs.
At the same time, the city is very modern and you can peep the Chinese a lot of know-how, as electric motorcycles, eg. For Shoppers, it will be a paradise. For lovers eat delicious, there can roam, as in all China, cuisines of different parts of the country and gourmet finds, to which so far only reached sharpness Chinese.
We stayed in Beijing, in October 2011 year.
How to get a new passport abroad. Beijing
Friends, если хотите получить новый загранпаспорт за рубежом, то российские посольства и консульства в стране где вы проживаете на данный момент, to help you. Еще в июне я написал, I want to get a new passport in China. The process is said than done, документы поданы, летали наверно в Москву. Но оказалось, that the bureaucracy in Russia is quite agile mechanism and…
Получение нового загранпаспорта в Китае
Пришла пора менять загранпаспорт, truth, до окончания срока действия ещё год, но страничек осталось совсем мало. И если я захочу получить ещё визы, то наклейки ставить будет уже некуда – спасибо вьетнамским и русским пограничникам, которые для каждого штампика портят новую, чистую страничку паспорта. В общем пусть будет новый паспорт с кучей страничек, ещё важно,…
Зоопарк в Пекине
Before you go to our school on an excursion to the mountains, мы купили билет в Пекин, чтобы побывать в городском зоопарке и посмотреть на панд, которых мы, к своему стыду, не видели за всё время нашего пребывания в Китае. От западного вокзала до остановки Beijing Zoo (动物园站) just a few stops on the subway and we arrived at the…
Massage and a meeting in Beijing. Exchange tickets for the train
All the costs of obtaining a Philippines visa in Beijing were successful, we drove to get it to the embassy quarter, that in the Yabaolu area, Monday. Got this lovely sticker, with which you can travel to the Philippines 30 days. The process of filing, list of required documents and the experience of application, we detail previously painted. After obtaining a passport, satisfied gone…