Today go on a virtual shopping in China. Take a look, what beauty pedestrian streets in various Chinese cities have to offer, which we visited. Wangfujin Street (Wangfujing) Convenient location in Beijing, once you wandered on Tian An Men square, then you can walk along this street, full of all exotic. Especially extreme exotic for gourmets. Salespeople…
Category: Beijing
Beijing (Beijing) - The capital of the People's Republic of China. An ancient city with many cultural and historical values – Great Wall of China (wonder of the world – the main card of the country), which can be reached by bus, pre-selecting part to visit (of the most visited Badaling, until the very least reduced Simatov), All of the day to get around. In the city center, within the first ring Metro still many: Square and Tiananmen Gate, Forbidden City Museum in Beijing, Temple of Heaven, Drum and Bell Tower and areas hutongs.
At the same time, the city is very modern and you can peep the Chinese a lot of know-how, as electric motorcycles, eg. For Shoppers, it will be a paradise. For lovers eat delicious, there can roam, as in all China, cuisines of different parts of the country and gourmet finds, to which so far only reached sharpness Chinese.
We stayed in Beijing, in October 2011 year.
Philippines visa for the Ukrainians in Beijing
В мире много несправедливости и как часто бывает, в визовых вопросах, Украина не попадает в списки “льготников”. Вот и для того, чтобы поехать на Филиппины украинцам нужна виза. Китайский новый год уже совсем скоро и отправиться мы решили в Пекин, чтобы оформить филиппинскую визу. Philippine Embassy in Beijing is located at: #23 Xiushui Beijie, Jianguomenwai….
The streets of old Beijing
This is a small selection - photo report on a walk through the streets of old Beijing on the weekend. Less words - more photos, плюс небольшое видео. Все дальнейшие перемещения происходили совсем недалеко от барабанной башни. Вход в парк Бейхай. А это небольшой отрывок из шоу старика, который играет по разным улочкам Пекина, вы наверняка его встретите, if you spend at least a week…
Weekend in Beijing
Your weekend we decided to spend in Beijing, and not just sit in Baoding. The road to the city center from the bus stop, near our house, is approximately 3 hours. We must go on the bus, then by train, and in the capital by bus and subway, or only the bus. Train ticket is available at the train station, and can be directly…
798 - Art quarter in Beijing
Всю эту неделю мы проведём культурно, вспомним и прокатимся по интересным азиатским культурным местам, таким как, eg, арт-квартал 798 в Пекине. Многие едут в путешествия, чтобы побродить по развалинам и памятникам древности, но в современном искусстве тоже происходит много интересного. И поэтому, наряду с походами по пекинским хутунам, храмам, центральным достопримечательностям столицы и поездке к Великой…