This extraordinary thing happened this summer, during flowering lotus in Baoding. This occurs, as we know, July, when in this city, you can see something unusual. Now you know when to go to Baoding - along with the residence of the Governor, lotus bloom in the old pond (Ancient Lotus Pond Garden), considered to be one of the main attractions…
Category: China
China (China) – the biggest, by population, part of the plan, with its capital in Пекине. History “Central State” so long, counted 7 ancient, important capitals in the history of, and the area is so vast, that can be studied China in the journey years.
The country is developing rapidly and so, who hopes, that in China, as in other countries of Asia, will be very cheap, have to learn Chinese, to those little Chinese prices to find. At the same time, the prices are not as big, civilized country – for tourists not kydayutsya, but to make up for some more accurate representation, need to go there at least a few times. After all, China is so different.
We traveled in China, in October-November 2011 year.
Its business in China. Case 1
All during our stay in China, We are constantly tormented by the question: “How to make your business in China?” Then through one, all businessmen, who carries something, someone has a small factory for the production of paper, fire equipment, bags, Patent Office, grocery store. One of the characteristic features of production in China - this scope! There is a city, в котором большинство людей занимается…
Shijiazhuang - what to see in one day, of 2
Продолжим наш рассказ о том, что можно посмотреть в Шицзячжуане за один день. Когда мы вышли из автобуса, чтобы дальше ехать в сторону парка, к остановке подкатил ещё один добродушный дядька, который вызвался нам помочь и даже довезти. Мы не ожидали такой удачи и вряд ли бы увидели то, что смогли, и ещё может опоздали…
Shijiazhuang - what to see in one day
На той неделе мы вновь решили отправиться в Шицзячжуан, и учтя прежний опыт подъёма в три часа ночи, мы решили поехать на поезде, который отправляется в 8:37. Обычно, мы встаём в 9-10, так как утром уроков у нас обычно нет (в летнем расписании будут) и можно спокойно попить кофе и сделать блинчики. До вокзала нам,…
Longtan Temple of okrainah Baodina
On his day off, we gathered in the glorious city of Shijiazhuang, and tochnee k hramu, which is located in the mountains 70 kilometers from the city. They opened the alarm for three o'clock the night and slept safely to ten… Nowhere to go to wonderful places and not enough sleep, respectively, with a bad attitude. Despair, we did not, looked into the navigator, который…