Where can you go in China, to make it interesting? Now it looks like I've found a place, which can be advised. Back in my first independent trip to China, I learned, that the city of Guilin in Guanxi province is worth visiting and was going to go there. But I had only a week left and I went to Nanning, but I don't regret those days at all,…
Category: China
China (China) – the biggest, by population, part of the plan, with its capital in Пекине. History “Central State” so long, counted 7 ancient, important capitals in the history of, and the area is so vast, that can be studied China in the journey years.
The country is developing rapidly and so, who hopes, that in China, as in other countries of Asia, will be very cheap, have to learn Chinese, to those little Chinese prices to find. At the same time, the prices are not as big, civilized country – for tourists not kydayutsya, but to make up for some more accurate representation, need to go there at least a few times. After all, China is so different.
We traveled in China, in October-November 2011 year.
How to find an apartment in China
Many, who decided to move, always sharply raises the question of property. How do you find an apartment in a new place? Let us examine this in the example of Shenzhen, where we have decided to move after 10 months of work in the north of China. By the time, I found a job, we have two weeks lived in a beautiful apartment, в которую Саша пустил нас пожить…
Search for housing and work in Shenzhen
It's time to talk a little bit, we were looking for a job and an apartment in Shenzhen. When we traveled to this city, We did not know, Unlike the first trip on the contract, в Баодин, where we live, and if I can quickly find a job here. Not every day you move to another town, but one thing we know for sure…
Guerrilla tunnels in the town Zhanchzhuan
Однажды, когда мы ещё только приехали в Баодин и катались на велосипедах по городу, в надежде найти что-то интересное, мы наткнулись на вывеску – Tunnel Warfare Relics Site в южном направлении, just 25 kilometers from the city. Тогда мы точно решили, что доедем в это место китайской партизанской славы – город Жаньчжуань, в уезде Цинюань. Чтобы совершить…
Первая вечеринка Happy Nando’s Mondays (photo)
So, первую понедельничную вечеринку “Happy Nando’s Mondays” held in Shenzhen, можно считать прекрасным открытием. К нам в гости заглянуло 9 замечательных людей, желающих пообщаться. Им небезразлично их здоровье и общение на нашем английском угле прошло в душевной атмосфере, с обилием свежих фруктовых коктейлей и салатов. Как мне показалось, люди были очень рады пообщаться друг с другом,…