Я думал, что после похода по реке Ли, руки будут болеть с непривычки от махания веслом, но все было хорошо. Вечером мы ходили лишь поужинать и местное традиционное блюдо “биэрфиш” (пивная рыба) не показалось чем-то из ряда вон лакомством. Под вечер город преображается: на улицы вываливаются шумные толпы туристов. Все едят на террасах ресторанчиков, and…
Category: Yangshuo
Yangshuo (Yangshuo, Yangshuo) - A small town, Lost in the mountains, Vilnius in Yangshuo, province of Guangxi. The area is 70 kilometers from another famous Guilin and delights tourists and locals for its scenic landscapes, karst cliffs stretching up, slowly which flows the River Lee and all the richness of nature.
Если вы смотрели фильм “Picture”, you probably have seen the flying rocks. According to one version, original sketch appeared in this place. And more, if you look at the bill in 20 yuan, you will see one of his landscapes, which is famous for this county.
Official site of the county: yangshuo.gov.cn
Мы побывали в Яншо на выходных 9-10 November 2013 year.
Where to go in China - Yangshuo
Where can you go in China, to make it interesting? Now it looks like I've found a place, which can be advised. Back in my first independent trip to China, I learned, that the city of Guilin in Guanxi province is worth visiting and was going to go there. But I had only a week left and I went to Nanning, but I don't regret those days at all,…