Pakse – город на юге Лаоса, in provinces Tyampasak. Many travelers take the ticket directly from Vientiane to Phnom Penh, делая короткую пересадку в Паксе. Когда я собрался в Камбоджу, то решил взять билеты отдельно. Первый – из Вьентьяна до Паксе – 110 тысяч кип. Автобус отходил в 18:00 и я рассчитал, that to be the next bus…
Category: Pakse
Pakse (Pakse) – маленький городок на юге Laos, in provinces Tyampasak. The main transfer hub for travelers, departing from Vientiane to Phnom Penh or back. Also, a few kilometers to the north-west of the city, has an international airport. Gorod stoit the Mekong sliяnii TPP and I don.
In the city no special attractions, you can go to the local market, spend a day or two in a measured, as for the Mekong, rhythm, drive to the ruins of the Khmer temple of Wat Phu (Vat Phu) not far from the provincial capital, on rented, in Pakse, motorcycle. Until another popular with backpackers destinations – 4 Thousand Islands (Si Phan Don), You can take the bus at least, than 3 hours. If you are going there or even further, in Cambodia (25 dollars – Visa плюс прохождение границы), we advise you to withdraw cash in Pakse, so how далее на юг, ATMs have been reported.
We stayed in this city in December 2011 and May 2012 year.