For those, who want to combine business with pleasure - Qinhuangdao is also possible to get to the section of the Great Wall of China. It is called only as Dragon Head (Laolongtou), and as we remember, Mao zedong govarival: “Who has not been to the Great Wall - the one not a man China did not see”.
And it's just a gift for tourists, who dream of the sea and relax (c Beidaikhe), and at the same time and on the cultural part to do everything - to visit the Great Wall of China. My ascent to Stan in part Mutyanyu, I have already covered, and now tell, as we did in Qinhuangdao.
From junction we went in the direction of, where it was stated Laoluntou. Many signs in Qinhuangdao and written in Russian, including. But they probably did Mr. Google, plus this font – the computer translated, and inserted.
At the corner there is a temple complex at the entrance and aunt tried to convince us, that the Great Wall is right there, we doubted, because the sign indicated on.
Tricky marketing ploy – the ticket in the NIH-drawn TOZÉ Great Wall, but after passing the entire complex to the head of a dragon, you just do not go out and have to pay an entrance fee to the wall separately. Good, that at the entrance to the complex was an honest student, which dispelled our doubts and told, that we must go further.
Entrance to the Great Wall stands 60 yuan. Tip: эta price not specified in spiske, there is recorded only price 120 yuan entrance fee plus a five-minute boat trip, which is not all that is needed.
On assurances Julia, boat trip is worth it, to ride.
So, Dragon Head – the last part of the Great Wall of China, was built in the Ming Dynasty. Construction was started in 1579 There was an officer Wenzhong. The wall goes into the sea at 22,4 m, its width 8,3 m, and the height 9,2 m. Restoration work on the subject held in 1987 year, of 9 layers of masonry, original stones can be seen on 4, 5 and 6 layer.
Someone may complain: Well look at these restored pieces of wall? – But it is worth a little deeper into the story and find out, that many of the cultural sites in China were destroyed 1900 , the united forces of the Army 8 Western States.
We walked through the park, previously there was strengthening, ground for exercises and training, prison and the Temple.
Temple also out into the sea, azh of celыh 124 meters and is called the temple of the Sea God. It aims to help mariners safely reach their destination.
More beach has a lot of shops with small souvenir of shells and all sorts of knick-knacks, may be interested to take home with them something to remember.
On the way to Guangzhou, we decided to take our time and have a meal in a restaurant with seafood, which is famous for Qinhuangdao. Scallops and octopus in a plate of seafood were strange, and in the afternoon we ran on the same bus, to have time to swim in the sea…
Whoa there people in the walls O_o. Интересно, and there are places where it can be viewed in relative odinochesvte?
Well, just in full-full, may need to be there early in the morning just in quite a remote province. Maybe somewhere in Hebei. I saw in Baoding Museum of Photography – there went a man on the wall somewhere near, and took pieces – desert, the weather is sunny, excellent shots turned out in high resolution. And she's on such a mountain site, as it is usually portrayed, the pass tyanetsya… Places, that absolutely no soul was not in China are difficult to find, We rarely come across. Even in some remote nook zabredёsh, still there will be a few Chinese. We did not come across such forests, to go into the wilderness and there is no lost people – everywhere they ennoble all or industrializing. Generally, it is necessary to search, do not you call, Overnight in what may be left with a section of the wall tent, Then the next early morning, you are unlikely someone will be able to stop to take photos of the Great Wall alone.
Here we've got to walk in relative solitude on the site Jiankou, and even there the rise of free, but the climb is difficult and can be quite dangerous!
If interested:
Free climb on the Wall – it is wonderful, but still not restored section. Well done, we found this piece of wall, guys!
The only pity is not smart enough to take a tent with a, чтобы романтично встретить утро на вершине 🙂
“Site work is suspended” – could not see(
On the topic of the article – poveselila Google-plate, well and generally pretty places. Aunt input – rediska cocoa th…
A Sea holodnoe or not depend on the season?
That he could not see, Lesh? – I do not know, buggy today hosting. The sea was good, heat in August. In winter, there will be cold, Shirov эto the cave. Do not bathe, unless you're a walrus.
Site stylers, that unsubscribed above, I can not go. With your site everything seems ok – no problems. 🙂 (it’s ok, no problem)))
About the sea understood – thought so, but vsyakiy case stated)))
It's good, but then I thought,, our. He sends me sometimes unreachable message, but short. Oh, and for the hosting still have had failures. So I'm worried.
Khy khy, on the day we forgot to pay for hosting)
Looked at the map-Wall stretches very far,coming out of the city,forks in the mountains…Was not able to walk on the unreduced sites,vdali of local habitat osnovnogo turistov?
Unfortunately we did not get to go away to the mountains. We had one day and everything was late at all, mы Wehani not TUDA bus eshtё. Almost the entire trip took place in our expectations, and now we will wait, when we can come to Qinhuangdao again and without haste to explore all the local sections of the Wall.)
And how get? And then I realized tours there nobody organizes
About the tours are not sure, but the trains from Beijing to Qinhuangdao are frequent. We drove from Baoding, the way Zelah, separate article came, about it, as trains can be late in China. Directly from the square in Shanghaiguan walks 25 bus to the intersection, from which more kilometer to the entrance to the dragon's head. And in the rest of the mountain we got, there is also a bus can.