So, This week we received at the hands of the working residence permit in China. Заметим также, что уже пролетел месяц, как мы приехали работать в Китай. Поэтому подведём небольшие итоги.
Главный менеджер нашей частной школы — канадец. Может быть поэтому голова не болела насчёт документов, как он и обещал, вся бумажная работа была закончена ещё за неделю до конца месяца нашего пребывания в Китае по рабочей визе. Регистрироваться в полиции нас повезли в первый же день, мы просидели там очень долго, но всё равно зачем-то попросили провести ночь в отеле, заселили нас туда.
Оригиналы разрешения на работу и зарубежной медкомиссии никому были не интересны, всей бумажной работой занималась менеджер. Про рабочие книжки, для которых мы делали медкомиссию, я так и не понял, называется она если верить китайскому Интернету ALIEN EMPLOYMENT PERMIT и выглядит как паспорт — на руки нам такую не давали.
Один раз нам пришлось сходить в местный ОВИР. Там у нас забрали паспорта и дали вместо них листочки А4, которые стоили работодателю по 400 юаней каждый.
Рабочую визу закрывают тем числом, когда выдают эти листочки с кучей непонятных символов (как же ужасно не выучить китайский за один месяц).
И во вторник листочки эти у нас забрали и выдали паспорта с вот такой наклейкой, что и есть — рабочий вид на жительство в Китае.
Вот и вся эпопея с документами, turned не так и сложно устроиться в Китае на работу легально. В мае надо будет продлевать рабочий ВНЖ до конца контракта. Generally, работодателю нужно немного суетиться каждые полгода. Но хотя бы про медкомиссию сказали, что возможно не придётся её снова проходить. Подытожим, чтобы всё это провернуть, работодатель должен иметь право нанимать иностранцев. По словам директора, our school - the only one in Baoding, которая выполнила все условия для найма иностранных учителей.
Варианты трудоустройства в Китае
При этом никто не отменял варианта со студенческой визой и одновременной подработкой. Also, читал ещё про вариант, когда работодатель посылает будущему работнику приглашение на бизнес-визу и устраивает его, правда нелегально. Но это тоже вариант.
Подводные камни
До того как найти предложение, по которому мы поехали работать, мы рассматривали ещё одно предложение. Всё было хорошо — работодатель согласился, что мы можем поработать и полгода, приедем по бизнес-визе, а потом нам сделают рабочую. Прислали вариант контракта, который нужно внимательно изучать. Несколько пунктов, которые смутили, это огромные суммы breach penalty (суммы отступных-штрафов за разрыв договора) за разные провинности. Поиски по компании-работодателю выявили отзывы, что после пары месяцев работы людям задерживали зарплату, в школу приходили полицейские и у одного учителя возникли проблемы. И уезжать надо и не платят, визу рабочую делать там вообще никому не собирались. И ещё один момент, работодатель сказал, что возьмёт нас работать даже без интервью. Это уж слишком сказочно, точно не стоит связываться с таким работодателем.
Советы по трудоустройству в Китае
So, main, простые советы тем, кто собрался поработать в China:
- Предварительно нужно поискать и изучить информацию о школе, детском саде, университете;
- Задавать много вопросов на интервью (это ваше право, если работодатель нормальный, то всё поймёт и постарается развеять опасения). Если работодатель даже не хочет проводить интервью — верный признак его ненадёжности.
- Проверять все пункты контракта на предмет подводных камней и нестыковок;
- Обсудить всё до поездки и не стесняться задавать все волнующие вопросы про зарплату, проживание, условия.
Один месяц в Китае
За один месяц мы успели:
- 2 раза пожить в гостинице, из-за возможного визита полицейских в наш дом. Непонятно, почему так суетились, мы всё время находимся в Китае легально. NB. В отеле долго не могли понять, почему по нашей визе можно оставаться только 000 дней 🙂
- Пару раз побывать в Пекине. В первый раз мы прогуливались по районам хутунов and двух башен, а во второй раз побывали на площади Тяньаньмэнь, to улице Ванфуцзин and in the Russian quarter at Yabaolu. In general,, it's a little, но всё из-за съезда компартии. Нам рекомендовали в те дни не ездить в Beijing, чтобы не трепать себе и полицейским на службе, нервы.
- Получить первую зарплату в школе. Можно отложить денежку на дальнейшие поездки и заняться попутными интересными проектами.
- Устроиться в квартире, truth, у нас почему-то не работает отопление. Это портит всё впечатление, хоть и стоит в нашей комнате небольшая печка. One of the main points of comfort - fast internet and wi-fi. С этим тоже прокол пока, скорость 256 Кбит/с, но мы хотя бы купили роутер и взяли таки сервис vpn-доступа, чтобы работать с любыми сайтами, которые закрыл Великий Китайский Фаервол.
- Ощутить на себе все прелести китайской медицины, в виде жёсткого массажа от Гриши.
- Раздобыть хороший кофе. Найти его в Баодине было неожиданно большой проблемой. Mainly, везде продают только растворимую дрянь.
- Спланировать наши перемещения на китайский новый год в феврале, но об этом расскажем позже.
- Дать несколько десятков уроков английского для групп китайцев в возрасте от 1,5 лет до 50+, а также индивидуально. Today we’re going to speak English…
Как видно, несмотря на разные небольшие трудности, You can work and live in an interesting country no problem. Gaining knowledge, experience and apply all the best ideas on returning to their homes.
If not a secret, then what is your level of English? Very much enticing tell )
Perhaps we can estimate how advanced, but still it is not specialization, sometimes forget the words.) I wanted to say, that work without taking teacher education and teacher diploma certificates ESL (but still need a diploma). On the money less, than the Native speakers pay, but still can live.
That is in fact enough to live, especially not to delay beyond, if teachers work together? If not a secret, Still wondering how to pay for teachers of English in China. 🙂
Well, vsё depend on appetitov. Get something to delay, for apartment no need to pay, but also at home all the time do not want to sit, save. Then maybe one day want to go to the full and gulnut. I already wrote in an article about the cost of living, that obtained with the different costs, can 4 thousands of yuan for two, may be less.
But with the salary of one thousand dollars per person, you can normally put off, we have a little less salary. And in general, teachers are paid differently, in different cities. Read, Russian girl dress 12 тысяч юаней, just like a Native Speaker, but I have met here and neytivy, are prepared by 4 тысячи, true work 3 days a week at uni. Вариантов много.
Thank you, very interesting. It turns, that the cost of living like in Ukraine (in big cities, excluding Kiev), and the level of wages is probably a little higher. And ordinary Chinese on average work about the same number gets?
It depends on the work of the average Chinese. Assistants, who work in schools are usually at the rate produced less than their foreign counterparts. Take the other works, If you look at the small ads in restaurants and hairdressers, it can be 1500-2000-3000 thousand a month, exact schedule, I do not know. But, as we have said already, here is full of Chinese to cool machine and people, in which several apartments. This gap between rich and poor, as elsewhere, present. Overall, so difficult to generalize all.
It is clear, Nevertheless, the overall picture is clear. Senks! 🙂
Work, if the information is helpful. Alluring prospects? Work in China?
I have a pass, at least at this stage. 🙂 НЕ созрел еще)))
Well, Ideally, of course, to be able to work from anywhere on the planet or the other.) You work remotely? In this scenario,, and probably does not matter “где” – the most important, to be there at the right time.
I would answer the question aloha-family about the cost of living compared to Ukraine. Compare unrealistic!!! Everything you need – Available, and in that the main difference. Fruits and indeed all of the food (except for more or less good milk), basic household items and hygiene – everything is cheaper. Not in Shanghai, of course, but even if you know where to Beijing to take, well you can save. And in cities 6-7 million, there are considered average, pray for us to suty mehapolysы, Edu tratishь of misery!! And this at a salary of over a thousand, and that ye should not pay for accommodation. Clothing and footwear, if you do not qualify for the Gucci-shmuchi – Available, wearable and decent looks. So for a thousand dollars and you can eat, and walk, and postpone. If you do not shoot yourself an apartment)
Thank you for the addition, Me! Agree, with a thousand and one can eat, and everything else. In the Ukraine, with a thousand dollars can be postponed too, we receive and rented an apartment in Kharkov. Yes, Labels, which we have in the article about the cost of living, can be compared to Ukrainian. Yuan is now worth 1,33 hryvnia. Probably many of the products in China are still cheaper. Generally, with a salary of one thousand dollars, and there, and it is possible to live.
Very interested to learn, how there lives in China for our people) Previously did not even know, that there are moving to work, and now these people are more and more to me. Do you personally plan to live long in China? Could there ever move? (can you mention this somewhere wrote, but I have not found)
Very long planning, there are so many places on this planet is beautiful! More, of course, must periodically come back. And here to stay forever – вряд ли. We have no reverence, this is the best country in the world and we dream to stay here by hook or by crook. Here live comfortably, and the ratio of wage-price sufficient, Chinese treat us well, very safe here, Feels Like. Но всё же, forever tear due to the Russian world, with your friends, past, this will obviously be overkill!
Therefore, we are still in China and wait and, and return home, и надеюсь, in other countries, too, will be able to live and travel.
Good afternoon. Tell me after I enter China on a work visa, made a working residence permit, I can travel from China and come back? and how many times when I can. Thank you
Nikita, in theory you can even pass the border every day, indi a page in the passport is not konchatsya. I once 3 went to Hong Kong (if you live in a border town, it is very important), but in general, usually visits, visits are limited to a work schedule and holidays.
For a residence permit you need a beat original diploma (Master's or Bachelor's)?
Good afternoon, Alexander! We asked for a copy at a stage work visa. The originals of diplomas (We specialist diplomas after 5 years of education), counted as Undergraduate, we take the employer to process the residence permit. Yes, needed.
Good day.
Poskazhite, please, Here's what to do in such a situation.
I work as an artist in China. I came here on a tourist visa, which I promised here replaced by rabochuyuyu. Within a month after his arrival I really, something to replace the passport and told, that this work visa. Thanks to the information on your site I know now, it's working residence permit. So, the situation is. Employer all the time deceive, wages are not paid, etc.. Sootvetstvennoo I decided to go to work in another company.
Contract with a previous employer, and I have not been.
Residence permit in the passport was done in another city, not that I worked. Мне говорили, it is illegal if you have a visa for one province, and you work in another, residence permit with the same or a different?
Passport, with efforts, but still get back to pick up the hand.
First, the employer threatened to close my "visa" (they are not recognized, it is the residence permit) and say, that for this they do not even need my presence and my passport. They say if they do, I will not know how long I can stay in China, and if this is overdue, when you try to arrest me Out.
Then they said, that turned this "visa" back on the tourist, again without my presence, supposedly this information simply ENTERED in. The result for me is the same
Then he said,, that served a report to the immigration office that, that our employment relationship ended, and eventually I could be in China before the end of this here "visa", but extend it in China will not be able.
Generally, Help to understand, that in fact they can or can not do if the work was without a contract, Residence permit issued in another city through their acquaintances and passport in my hands.
Also prompt, please, powerless if my new employer without letters of recommendation from the old(remind, contract with the previous I did not sign) take me to work and to issue me a new legal residence permit?
Hello, Marina! Let's start with the main – is, what passport you hold and do not give it to anyone. As the experience, without your passport Chinese employers to change anything in it can not, but also to extend his residence permit for another employer with such relations is unlikely to succeed. Only one option, that new too some connections in the immigration bureau and they also illegally can issue you a new residence permit. If they have issued you the documents, means that the city should have been given your permission to work. When switching to another employer, they require, least, a certificate stating, that the old permit is closed.
“Then he said,, that served a report to the immigration office that, that our employment relationship ended, and eventually I could be in China before the end of this here "visa", but extend it in China is not told smogu.Potom, that served a report to the immigration office that, that our employment relationship ended, and eventually I could be in China before the end of this here "visa", but extend it in China will not be able.” – this is the most plausible of all threats, but this does not prevent you to stay in China and passport for this they do not need to give, even if they insist.
Yes, work in another province, with another employer will illegal, but you need to collect information as possible from the new employer about your residence permit: as they will be able to change it, whether they have the opportunity, this you need to learn from them… Direct legal path replacement residence permit without checking out, I do not see, in the absence of understanding on the old paper. That is, the replacement procedure, they can begin, when you undo the old work permit in another province or when you already have the validity of the residence permit or over again they have a connection, and they would like “legally” where it last. When dismissing them, you are supposed to issue the certificate of revocation of authorization, Try it require the necessary documents (Better call), but there was little hope, once everything is so tight.
Have a residence permit gives you the right to sue the employer at the failure of the contract, but I think, unlikely you will start and this thing, not even having the contract and residence permit made somewhere, in another town. Even if your employer fined, condemn, you do not bring the normal operation.
In the transition to a new job, I also some time worked, still waiting for the documents from the old place of work and their submission for registration of new documents, differently and usually does not work, because you need to work right now…
Good luck with the documents and decent new employer, which will help to solve your problems.
Thank you very much for such a quick and informative answer, when everything will necessarily describe the situation – can someone be useful.
Good evening! Do I understand that working with a residence permit in China! I can calmly go to Hong Kong for a few days and returned to China?
P.S. My employers assure me that you can not) But I think that the ones dissemble!And just do not want to let me go not to worry!
Thanks for the answer!
Hello, Sergey! Certainly, If you hold a passport with residence permit workers, but on a day off work, then no you should not interfere in the conduct of your holiday as you wish. In China, there are days (big political events, sometimes memorries), when the people to be particularly vigilant and try to protect foreigners from visiting, eg, and capital movements, not to worry.
But forbid you to leave in Hong Kong they can, you're not in slavery. Another thing, if you had a single work visa, which should be more on the remodel residence permit – it is quite another matter would be.
Thanks for the quick reply! And yet nyuansы!!! Then be sure to go these days in Hong Kong!
Thank you!
Good luck!
And good luck to you, Sergey! Once we have gathered in Beijing for your holiday, More when working in Baoding and our colleagues said, that we should not go, because it held an important congress in the capital. We, of course, find employment in the city where they worked, but if you really want to, then none of us would not stop. We are sure you have no problems with the trip and you did not have a little share with us your impressions, photos from Hong Kong can.
Good day!
Tell, please, Are there age limits for work as a teacher in China for our? Male teachers there favor or prefer teachers? И, if you can, Prompt, through any agency you arrange to work in China? Thanks in advance.
Serge, age limit for use in China 24-60 years. Sometimes, they prefer girls, but the main criterion is your professionalism, ability to interest students, engage them. Quite a lot of good male teachers!
We have found a job without the help of the agency, on their own sites on. In an article on a work visa in China, you will find all the answers, also check out the “Useful”. Good luck!
Thanks for the quick reply!
Ckažite, please, Having this document (residence), You have the right to travel outside of China in the short term, and then come back, Not framed no more paper?
Sideways, you're absolutely right – You can depart from and return to China without any additional papers. While we talked some comments, you need the police every time you enter and register after returning from trips to other Chinese cities (in Shanghai, say, with the stricter). However, как и в России, we did not (registered only once in the apartment, where they lived permanently), and quietly went to Hong Kong as, as needed. Good luck to you!
Thanks for the reply! I'm going to work in China, but such details remained a mystery to me! You all made it clear, for that very grateful.
I am also a teacher from September food. Tormented by the question: leave and enter (say, in Hong Kong or neighboring countries) is no problem with a residence permit? No need to re-take shape?
She, Read the comment just above. With a residence permit can leave and enter how much you have free time and pages in the passport will suffice.
Good day! I bow to the foot of the magnificent analysis of all the possible obstacles and difficulties on the way to goal. By the way, about her. So I was going to follow in your footsteps – go to China to share their teaching experiences with local youngsters. Benefit, children love, teach, too, Chinese began to study a few months ago, and the English in general, as a second home. There was a million questions. For example, Could you tell us more about holidays? И, eg, I can start work only since the summer – its something kids need to study up before the end of the year – it makes sense to place resume now!? or still wait for June and July, when I was sure I'm ready to global – on my scale – Change?
Hello, Maria! Search and you can start a little later, just remember, that the certificate of good conduct, eg, It is within one month. Passport if you have, also has a, time consuming, problem less. This I mean, to, if you start looking for a job in the summer, find and immediately want to go, you do not have to sit around for another month, waiting for some documents and analysis from doctors.
Holidays gave us two weeks during Chinese New Year, but since we have taken all tickets in advance, and the date of the celebration were not quite so, we were allowed to take a walk and three weeks (a first school). In summer, was given leave by two weeks, Once we have not returned to work. Pay while on vacation quite a bit, the so-called travel allowance, It will be much less of your salary, but it's better, чем ничего. Тут, by agreement with the school.
In kindergarten all dates holiday were known in advance. I immediately gave up three weeks in the winter, and in the summer we went on holiday in late July, and go to work had to be the end of August – It is roughly a month (a little less). In our garden gets about selling 1/6 paycheck. While lying, when I go on vacation yet no selling was not, now must be.
Hello! First of all I want to thank you for the wonderful article! Very helpful!
I would like to ask you, You can just working on a visa, without a residence permit, ride on China? Not in Hong Kong, and, eg, the same Beijing?
And you wrote for the Internet. I've heard a lot, that the Internet in China is not very, many sites, available to us, there do not work. And many who write for vpn. Can, please, But for this info?:)
Ilona, good day! Thank you for your review, we are glad, you handy information. 🙂
Inside China, you can move quite freely, depending on your schedule only. From our experience: in the first school, the employer always wanted to know, if we somewhere to go, even on weekends, Beijing and other cities there – They talked, they bear the responsibility for us, or may have experienced, that if we are somewhere gonna get in trouble, and they will not even know, we left, they will be very hard times. So we just said,, that we will go, nobody forbade. Only once, advised not to go to Beijing, when he was Party Congress – megabditelnost, All experience, that foreigners never walked close. At kindergarten, I have no one in Shenzhen, I never asked, I'll go somewhere for the weekend or not, but I already had a residence permit and I quietly went to Hong Kong and other Chinese cities. Опять же, visa We moved only within the country – to the capital and back.
Internet was slow, Now we are so pleased to use them in Russia, and all the sad moments with a long loading pictures on the site have somehow forgotten. Much confusion has been, site when we were transferred to another hosting. Because of the speed of the connection is broken and we pobilis pictures, some articles had to re-recover. Café Internet been better, and in Shenzhen, we have saved nothing – there for 1200 us 15 hooked months 50 Mbps. Only it was divided at all, and the speed was sometimes terribly low. My colleagues said, they had other providers and speed quite satisfied.
VPN we bought six months for the first time (found on the forum hemisphere advertising branch), Then the familiar winged free. In another time again shared vpnom colleagues and we did not pay. Although Facebook and so we did not climb much already. Videos on YouTube sometimes look like, but the speed is low, even vpnom there was a special joy. Twitter nowhere, Google's services… Only if the mail stops working – It will hurt, but not fatal, it can collect Yandex. Otherwise, Crimea is now also no gugloservisov and somehow neither hot, nor cold. Among the expatriates there is a perception, that Astrill – good vpn service, but I have not used, I have not tried. Nothing more about the VPN can not say.
Thanks for the article! I read the previous comments, and yet I ask again (I have taught the Chinese already 20 just ask again:): a residence permit can I travel outside of China? In Russia, eg? (then more and more a question of Hong Kong has been). I want to go home for the summer, and by September to return to China. I vacation in July-August (well paid, truth). You can take additional summer camp, but you can travel or go home:) home here, and I want:))
and about VPN – ExpressVPN good. I use a month, flawlessly. True, with such speed Ineta still not clear (thought, I will be on youtube tutorials and demo lessons to watch – where there, Internet all night barely pulls)
Good afternoon, Pauline! Yes, you can safely travel outside China, wherever you want, having the residence. Then he can come back, and your working residence permit will be valid until the end of the period specified in it.
VPN'y have different, a problem with the speed may not only be due to the service, which drives your connection through the states, Canada and Hong Kong (by the way, a very good option), and Internet providers. It is advisable to look for such, which leased line speed gave to you personally, and when all users divisible, then a lot of you do not see.
Ochepyatki:)) leave is not paid
Hello! At the moment, I am in a terrible situation, really need your advice. To conclude an agreement with the employer, He arrived in China, We have issued a residence permit. As soon as the start of work, realized, that he was in some kind of hell. My boss promised some conditions, but in fact it turns out completely different. The last straw was the fact, When I received my first paycheck. I saw the amount and realized,it's just a cat laugh. He became to me to invent some excuses, fines, which are generally not spelled out in the contract. I said, either that he pays, or I do not work. What he threatened, that cancels my residence permit and be buried in the black list, I did not make an entry for five years. But the passport in my hands, thank God. Fraudulently managed to get back. Tell, without my personal presence of what he can do with a visa? How long will it take him this process? And I will notify somehow? I have previously purchased tickets for the 20th of June, and now I sit and worry(((
Anastasia, do not worry. Such situations occur, You can read similar in the comments on a work visa. Without your presence employer is unlikely to run you something close. How you can inform? After all, you left, as I understand. Keep calm, everything will be fine.
Thank you very much for your reply! I have not gone yet, the ticket was purchased only in mid-June. I forgot to write up, that contract, if I tear prematurely, the employer is not required to pay a small sum of money. Естественно, after such a relationship, I do not want to pay anything and I will not. He threatened, He would come to my house with the staff of the police. Just wondering, without my passport it somehow may cancel the residence permit? If the course does not come personally to my house and take your passport:)))
Hello! Я планирую в будущем переехать в Китай. Мне бы очень хотелось узнать, возможно ли получить ВНЖ в Китае после покупки жилья? Возможно ли перебраться в Китай по рабочей визе и остаться там жить? Какие особенности получения ВНЖ после заключения брака с гражданкой Китая? Смогу ли я после получения ВНЖ по браку прожить в Китае не временно, а всю жизнь? Заранее благодарен Вам за скорый ответ!
Kind regards,
Guys, good day!
спасибо за такой познавательный форум!
может быть по моей проблеме тоже что-нибудь посоветуете?
мужа направили в китай директором представительства белорусской компании.
так как я подходила по опыту работы, меня тоже устроили в представительство.
по прибытии я получила все необходимые документы для легальной работы: трудовую книжку (alien employment permit) и спец книжку о том, что я являюсь работником иностранного представительства.
сегодня я отправилась в полиции подаваться на вид на жительство, как последний этап своих мучений. и мне отказали!!!!! причина: несколько тайваньских виз!!! на предыдущей работе я иногда летала на тайвань то на переговоры то на выставки. все легально, все законно, никаких просрочек и так далее… но тем не менее отказали. ходили уже ко всевозможным начальникам и от всех один ответ: НЕТ!
правда посоветовали поменять паспорт. и тогда вопрос решится. но у меня тип визы Z, она бессрочная, но с оговоркой, что я должна в течение 30 дней податься на вид на жительство. муж звонил ген консулу в шанхае. консул удивился причине отказа, но обещал помочь. меня волнует вопрос: если вдруг мне действительно придется менять паспорт (в консульстве паспорт делается около 3 months), можно ли как то на месте продлить визу не покидая китай? или надо получать новую?
заранее благодарна.
Good afternoon!!!
У меня забрали паспорт на 20 дней для выставления вида на жительство в него и дали бумажку с которой якобы можно путешествовать типо временный вид на жительство, кто-нибудь знает могу ли я спокойно покупать авиа и летать по Китаю с ней!!!
Hello! Спасибо за ваш полезный и интересный блог! Уже многими советами воспользовалась в Китае! (хотя сейчас кое-что и поменялось) – сложнее получить Z визу – буквально с этого года ужесточили правила.
Prompt, вы не в курсе: продлевать ВНЖ можно заранее, или только по истечении срока предыдущего? У меня ВНЖ до 20 February, а я хочу на каникулы улететь домой числа с 8 по 29 February. Вот и думаю, можно ли подать документы на продление в январе, иначе из Китая-то в Россию я вылечу, а обратно вернуться не смогу
А у вас забрали листочки медосмотра или в конце вернули???
Hello, Люся! Мы проходили уже по приезду ещё один медосмотр, об этом писали отдельную статью. Take a look, please. Вместе с красными книжками медицинскими выдали результаты медосмотров обратно. Tell, please, подробнее ситуацию, чтобы понятнее было и ответить более подробно, если нужно.
good day,
огромное спасибо за интересную и безумно полезную информацию. вопрос, rather. не новый. но информацию именно по Макао я не нашла.. только по Гонконгу..
у меня рабочий ВНЖ. Я планирую посетить Макао. могут ли у меня возникнуть какие-то проблемы на въезде – выезде и вообще в дальнейшем с моим ВНЖ или я могу спокойно туда заехать и выехать, eg, на день?
заранее огромное спасибо за ответ,
с уважением
Alexander, ваш ВНЖ даёт вам возможность выезжать из Китая и въезжать обратно, без всяких проблем. В Макао все граждане РФ (не изучал вопрос по другим странам), независимо от наличия рабочего ВНЖ, могут въезжать на срок до двух недель без визы.
Good afternoon. У меня вопрос . Я русская но с паспортом Узбекистана. Я сейчас оформляю визу бизнес в Китай которую дают только на месяц мне , еду попробовать работать English teacher, образование позволяет . В какие сроки школа или детский сад оформит мне рабочую визу и т.д для официальной работы, и что будет если моя виза уже будет кончаться и они до сих пор не сделали