So, the next stage of design to the official job China, after obtaining a work visa and arrival in the country, will be: to receive a foreigner's work certificate. Of course, along the way, work is already underway, and for the registration of those books, we need the original of the medical examination - so we went to Shijiazhuang to do it.
It was necessary to pass the health check in that city, because Baoding, where we work, belongs to Hebei province, and Shijiazhuang is the provincial capital, largest city, the way there takes 1 hours 40 minutes by train, like to Beijing.
A medical institution for passing the commission is open from 8 am to 11:30, so I had to leave at 6:20. We went there with the employer by train. Taxi to the station, long road, sleep… taxi from the station.
Medical Commission
We arrive in a hurry, and it turns out, that the medical center has moved somewhere…
Had to jump in a taxi again, the city in the middle of the day is one big traffic jam, despite all the convenience of the arrangement of Chinese streets. There were fears, that we will not make it in time, but apparently the new premises helped us. Not many people knew where it was or just such a day, that few people gathered and we passed the inspection without any queues.
I can't say for sure about the price of the inspection., because it was paid by the employer, in my estimation the cost of medical examination – 388 yuan per person. Give a workaround and here we go to: donate blood, irradiate on X-ray, urinate, do an abdominal ultrasound, look to the optometrist, measure height / weight / pressure. But we passed all the doctors very quickly, comfortable room, even if you have to wait in line, bright, fresh…
On the way back there was a little more time to have a snack and take a walk at the station.
I managed to shoot a couple more shots while we were on the bus back from the medical center..
The city is modern, skyscrapers are stuck everywhere.
Local comrade, tried to make friends with us, chat in chinese, which we still know at the level “wo ting bu dong” – I do not understand. A few phrases won't save, Need to study.
The return train was delayed by 30, had to sit at the station.
One of the colleagues left to pick up the results of the commission., especially since this is her hometown. The next stage in registration will be the submission of a package of documents for this workbook, what does the employer do too. And the last chord in this saga with the official employment for work will working residence permit - Sticker in the passport, which we can present to any Chinese, who dare to question our official status:)
Continuation of the article found)) Thank you!
It's my pleasure)) There's still a continuation of the registration permit and its renewal will continue.
Prompt, please, and may be so, that the results of the Chinese commission you will not approach the employer? I've been flying too soon in China as a teacher of English, but I have diabetes and low vision. To live and work with people, like, prevents, but then the employer will not like it?
Thank you for your question, Pauline! You have already sent the Chinese medical examination results, which took place at home? If it has not caused any complaints by the employer, then another medical board did not worsen, the problems mentioned above is clearly not contagious. 🙂 Вы прилетите в Китай и работодатель зафиксирует ваши показатели здоровья, so you no longer say, that you all was well in advance, and in China deteriorated sharply – also insurance for them. You yourself say, work with people that it does not interfere, so do not worry. Тем более, in the interest of the employer to hire you, maybe if I had a problem and serious, they probably would have closed our eyes to this.
And if chronic hepatitis B can I get a work visa??
Сложный вопрос, Irina!
Уточняйте у своего работодателя. Он должен знать, как быть в таком случае.
Tell,please,а у вас требовали дополнительно прислать результаты анализов(рентгена,ан.на СПИД и т.д )?И терапевт пишет все заключения на том бланке основываясь на результатах анализов всех врачей(психолога,нарколога и т.д.) и ставит свою печать ,right?ie. нужна печать только терапевта на том бланке и всё…..???
Отдельно мы ничего не посылали, As far as I remember. Мы принесли терапевту и она вписала в бланк все результаты, поставили печати и отправили.