Maxaşivaratri – “Great Night of Shiva”
Храм Пашупатинатх, One of the most important temples of Lord Shiva, located near the river Bagmati. Shiva – god of creation, preservation and destruction. It is important to pray to Lord Shiva on this day, as sincere worship of his acts much stronger, You can get positive karma and spiritual liberation. Толпы народа собираются в этот день возле храма. Musicians playing the sitar, drums,…
Feast of the Fallas in Valencia, Spain
By one of the most important festivals in Spain include the Fallas festival. It is celebrated not only in the capital of Spain, but also in other areas of the autonomous communities. No reliable information about the origin of this tradition. Medieval chronicles tell of fires, in which the townspeople burned wood and old furniture, celebrating the arrival of spring. Other sources associated with the holiday carpentry…
Songkran – Thai new year
Songkran Festival (Songkran) is a massive pouring water, using any means available – buckets, water pistols and other weapons. During the 3 hot days this crazy battle lasts, which is the highlight of the year. And the old, and young, all take to the streets and watered each other. Pouring water is a sacred ritual, which allows you to wash off…
Dong Zhi – праздник зимнего солнцестояния в Китае
Dong Zhi (冬至) – один из важнейших праздников в году для китайского народа. Отмечается 21-22 декабря в самый короткий день на территории Китая, Гонконга и Тайваня. Его также называют китайским днем благодарения. В этот день на празднование старается собраться вся семья, как бы далеко они не жили друг от друга. На юге Китая традиционно готовят сладкий суп…