Love should be the, that we would enjoy the. Love us joy without counting can give. I love a mother has found the beginning. Blessed be this mother forever.
Muhammad Rumi Mevlana Dzhalaleddin

In the Islamic world of the 13th century lived and worked Sufi poet Jalaluddin Muhammad named Rumi (Jalaluddin Rumi, Mevlana) (Rummy or Mevlyany). One of the greatest mystics of the world's philosophy, his poems and religious writings are among the most beloved and respected in Islam. One of his belief was, that union with God is possible through dance. After the death of Mevlana, his followers formed a brotherhood called the Mevlevi. One way of worship (heaven) they have a dance. Dancing, they strive to achieve perfection, or Kemal. Tossing his ego and personal desires, listening to music and thinking about God, they rotate in repetitive circles, symbolizing the structure of the solar system.
Every year, a small Anatolian city of Konya gathers more than one million visitors, to celebrate the death of Mevlana(17 December 1273). This date is also known as its “wedding night with Allah”.
Dervishes dance throughout the festival, and 17 December – in this special night for them, their dancing the most fascinating and clean, he looks like a trance, meditation. They are dressed in long white dresses, which reflect the shroud to the ego, voluminous black cloak, symbolizing the grave in the worldly life, color caps have a camel-hair, which are their tombstones.
The ceremony begins, when Hafiz, the scientist, who knows the entire Koran from memory, utters a prayer for Mevlana and a verse from the Quran. Timpani sound, and then publish their plaintive sounds Nei (reed flute). Следом Seyhan (Master) Dervish leads to the hall. After three repetitions, dervishes shed their black cloaks, symbolizing their liberation from worldly attachments.
Then, one after the other, arms folded, they rotate on the floor, renouncing earthly life, to be reborn in a mystical union with God. Hold up their right hands, they receive the blessing of heaven, are transmitted to the ground, through their left hand, which aims to down.
When they are turned, they form “Constellation”, which itself rotates slowly. Seyh walks among them, to make, each dervish performs the ritual correctly. The dance is repeated over and over again. Finally, Hafiz again repeats passages from the Quran, in this way, securing a mystical union with God.
Revolving from right to left, around the heart, they envelop all mankind love. Man was created with love, to love.
Tickets (and accommodation) need to book in advance (Selene Tourism in Konya). Konya is a very conservative city, so you should dress appropriately. Women should wear a scarf, and can not wear shorts or short skirts.