In world pretty very unusual holidays, among them is possible mark Festival lemons in Menton.
Time of фестиваля с the middle February and to beginning March. Именно to this period accounts time collection Harvest. Почему selected городок Menton? Yes therefore that, this городок is possible по law count capital lemons. Menton Cost to most border France and Italy. Through solar weather, Myahkyy Climate land города simply ideally suitable для growing fruit. Menton turned in main Manufacturer and provider citrus. Creator holiday является some private businessman. In 1895 year it organized exhibition citrus in garden отеля. Officially Festival received his status in 1934 year.
Menton getting started с XV century, was critical manufacturer lemons Europe. In the local residents There is beautiful legend. In time expulsion of Rayah Adam and Eve, Women took с yourself lemon. Fearing God anger, Women forced was throw away fruit. But она in no way do not could select most right место, где retain lemon. И вот coming in Menton, Women realized, that It's it then место, which будет remind about lost Rae.
In XIX благодаря abundance lemons, opened Factory по Distillation essential oils lemon, Neroli. In the local lemons thick, juicy kozhura. Of other lemons their is possible to distinguish по elliptical form and sweet taste, their use ни drops do not wincing. Fruits of Menton surprisingly long stored, 2–3 month after collection Harvest.
On most fragrant and vitaminic Festival Europe, gather view do not только French, but and Guests with just World. Public Holiday boldly competes с Carnival in Nice, they are даже match по времени of. Chief hero holiday – lemon. More 80 years here passes famous Festival lemons с carnival processions along waterfront. Local know, that такой goods надо appreciate, поэтому для festival installations use lemons worse, brought of–for foreign. For exhibits necessary часто care, change rotten фрукты to fresh.
Procession His Majesty Lemon in Accompanied by Formation open himself Festival. Улицы города filled music and dance groups, «living» figures and other characters.
Those present to celebration can попробовать beverages, goodies and dishes foundation которых are citrus. A fair surprise diversity, jam, likerov and даже perfumery. Параллельно с Festival held International Festival orchids. Right Away after фестиваля lemons is possible catch to do not less spectacle Event – carnival in Nice.
Photo from the official site
Festival website: = en