Canton Fair in Guangzhou проходит два раза в год. At the very huge Chinese trade fair business can find partners and to communicate directly with the producers and various suppliers. Businessmen traveling from all parts of the world, to see the latest achievements of various industries, collect samples and buy traditional goods import and export trade.
This fair has a full name: Fair China Import and Export Commodities, but the ancient name of the city Guangzhou - For it is well established name: Canton Fair (Canton fair). История Кантонской ярмарки восходит к 1957 year, when the spring in Guangzhou held the first ever exhibition of goods.
Важная информация от организаторов
Here set out the basic information on visiting the fair, products and their categories by phases of, Useful contacts – Hyde in Russian and English languages.
Фазы проведения кантонской ярмарки
The Chinese call this fair the most ambitious, on the vast territory in 1,10 million. square. meters, it is carried out in the entire three phase. Dates of spring and autumn session this year: phase 1 – с 15 по 19 April; phase 2 – с 23 по 27 April; phase 3 – с 1 по 5 May. Autumn Session: phase 1 – с 15 по 19 октября; phase 2 – с 23 по 27 октября; phase 3 – с 31 October 4 November.
Fair knowingly shared by phases, on different days will feature various categories of goods, Other Industries. Приводим список категорий, чтобы вы могли определить какая фаза подойдет вам для поездки, в первый этап можно будет оценить:
- electronics (audio-video, computers, mobile devices, charging device);
- lighting devices (осветительные системы, лампы, системы для монтажа электрооборудования);
- building materials (отделочные материалы, оборудование для кухни);
- chemical products (неорганическая химия, органическая химия, удобрения, краски, пластик, изделия из резины);
- engineering (Generators, электродвигатели, оборудование для производственных линий, Printing apparatus, сварочные, насосы, строительная техника);
- alternative energy (нагреватели, solar panels. wind turbines);
- means of transport (Bikes, electric bicycles, cars, Motorcycles, колеса, комплектующие).
in the second phase will be represented:
- consumer goods (кухонная утварь, ceramics, Homeware, уход за телом, туалетные принадлежности, корма и товары для животных);
- подарки (Watch, оптика, игрушки, украшения, традиционные китайские предметы искусства, фейерверки);
- украшения для дома (керамические товары, изделия из стекла, из дерева, Candles, картины и рамки, садовая утварь, furniture).
Phase three is:
- Clothing and Textiles (одежда для мужчин, для женщин, для детей, нижнее белье, спортивная одежда, меха, кожа, шубы, ткани, ковры);
- Shoes (модная обувь, спортивная, детская, специальная);
- Office Supplies (ручки, бумага, автоматизация офиса, украшения);
- сумки и чемоданы (чемоданы, кейсы, кожаные);
- Medical Supplies (традиционная китайская медицина, травы, экстракты, фармакология, для здоровья, медицинское оборудование);
- food (meat, добавки, алкоголь, кофе, соки, вода, tea, packing).
Полный список всех отраслей по фазам на английском можно найти тут.
During the first and third phases will operate international pavilions, where there will be imported (China) Products from other world producers.
Заказать свой стенд
To participate in the fair itself and to present your company's products in China, kindly requested to apply for. To participate in the spring session, you must apply for the first phase to 15 January, in the autumn session to 15 July. Чтобы принять участие в третьей фазе в весенней сессии надо подать заявку до 30 January, in the autumn session to 30 July.
What it costs? – Price may vary, but at this point the first phase – It's 3300 yuan per square meter of free space (order from 36 sq.m.) or 32700 yuaney for place (9 sq.m.) with standard equipment. Stand in the third phase will cost 3000 yuan per square meter, or 30000 yuan for a standard place. Online registration party. Conditions of participation and application forms (на английском) – here.
Приглашение в Китай
Businessmen and so heard about the good opportunities for trade and signing new deals at the fair and in any case, go there. We recommend to visit the fair and assess the extent of. The registration procedure is simple – pass her можно здесь almost immediately and future visitors will be sent to e-mail an electronic invitation to correct the sample, with which you can apply to the consulate for supply to visual business in China. Surely it is useful to those, who is going to China about the dates of the fair.
Дешевые билеты в Гуанчжоу на Кантонскую ярмарку
Here you can find the best deals on tickets to the fair. Бронируйте заранее, получится дешевле.
Fair – this is a great opportunity to learn and explore demand good ideas to start and grow your business. In the halls you will be numerous consultants from the organizers of the fair, but even if you're not going to go to the fair, This information will be useful to you. Invitation to print in color as, in 2011 he helped me to such an invitation is easy to get a business visa and I visited 110 trading session in Guangzhou.
Official website of the Canton Fair:
Ближайшее метро: To get in the zone A, you need to go to the station exit A Xingang Dong. To get in the zone B, get off at the station exit A Pazhou; get in the zone C – output C Pazhou Station.
Address pavilion: Fair Pazhou Pavilion Chinese import and export of goods (g. Guangzhou, ул. Yuetszyanchzhunlu 380).
А была у кого-нибудь ситуация, что в консульстве требовали оригинал приглашения на Кантонскую ярмарку? У них ведь только электронное. Идти с распечаткой, подавать ещё раз документы?