Easter Island is famous for its statues moai, which represent a human head with the body, truncated to about the middle. Every summer (in February at the equator) here the festival Sunday Rapa Nui, which checks virility and female grace. The festival is accompanied by singing and dancing, held a small parade.
The essence of this festival is a battle of two teams of people from the town of Hanga Roa (Hanga Roa). Each team has a queen, which is fighting for the crown Queen Tapati. Residents are preparing for this event for a year, practicing dance skills, creating the costumes and working with his team.
Takzhe provoditsya Rapa Nui Triathlon – where contestants compete in swimming, rowing on reed rafts and running around the lake, balancing with heavy bunches of bananas on his shoulders.
Another popular event – pei – skating with mountain (volcano) on pieces of banana trunks. One of the most dangerous events of the festival, which requires a great deal of experience.
Other events of the festival: Surfing, fishing, Traditional body decoration. Dances are held throughout the festival. And the old, and small start to dance, swinging her hips. Ends with a dance solo performances boom women, vie for crown.
On the last night the teams points are calculated and was crowned the new queen, which acts with dance winner. People sing, congratulate the Queen, play the drums and ukelele.
What superskie costumes! Since Summer. Love to see Tapati:)
Unusual place to travel! Хотелось бы там побывать тоже 🙂
Катание с горы популярное я смотрю развлечение, Кто с вулкана на кусках стволов банана катается, а кто на саночках со снежной горки мчится.