Go to travel and work in Europe, Write to volunteers, You can even today. Tells about Evgeny, who arrived in Spain a budget and lived in the hotel for free. From the last article also Learn, where to find a similar job, if you have not already done.
Amanda and Simon – farm owners “Manna House”, met me at the station The Bottle, not far from the beautiful town of Tarragona. Kind-hearted people, British, live on this farm already 5 years. Как оказалось, it is quite a popular thing – move from Britain in these parts in the retirement age, and many farms are owned by the British. Amanda was an English teacher – knows and is able to explain, if I do not understand something, and that's how I receive daily English lessons. 🙂
Проживание и распорядок дня
So, I live on an eco-farm, in excellent two-story house with all amenities. In my possession kitchen with all necessary, gas stove and cast iron stove, individual toilet / shower, unlimited internet, Satellite TV and on the second floor of a double bed with orthopedic mattress.
Что значит эко-ферма?
- Electricity from solar panels
- Water from its own source, depth 200 meters.
- Hot water is heated by gas boiler
- Separate waste collection
- Avoiding the use of chemicals in farming
Of the volunteers on the farm I alone, since it is winter, and come here reluctantly. In season runs about 5-7 volunteers. The daily routine is usually different, depends on the season and weather. But my hosts try to stick to the same timetable, and it is about the:
- Working with 9:30 to 11:00
- Coffee break with 11:00 to 11:30
- Working with 11:30 to 13:00
- Lunch and rest with 13:00 to 15:00
- Working with 15:00 to 17:00
- Dinner at 19:30
The food here is very British. Coffee Break – it's just coffee with cake or cookies. For lunch, rather Lunch, something easy. Generally, it sandwiches, soup or omelet. Time dense food – ужин. Typically, this impressive size pan or dish: potato, Figure, chicken, salads, frankfurters – always something new. Meal passes with the hosts at the same table.
And now the most interesting: before a trip to the farm, I warned the owners, I do not have special skills, what they said, that the whole train. Indeed, All training takes place on-site, the hosts are very lucidly explains everything, to tell them that I do a good job.
The main task now – preparation of olive trees for the new season. Prior to the beginning of flowering pores (the end of March) need to have time to remove the young shoots from the roots of trees and crop tops so, that the trees did not grow up, and breadth.
Also have another job, but it is less. For example – gather firewood for the stove, clean container for feeding chickens and ducks, paint the walls of the house with a special solution, weed something or prepare the beds for new plantings.
Overall, nothing complicated, and the work under the warm sun warm, in clean air, surrounded by beautiful scenery – great pleasure!
Where our expert on budget travel, go on, public lands, he will find the next job, you can find the following articles on itsoknoproblem.com and our group vk.
Excellent so worked! Routine, of course, tiresome!
To ladno, с 9.30 to 17 отличный график, ИМХО
В этом графике ещё 2,5 часа отдыха. Так что в целом получается 5-5,5 hours, и может быть пару раз я работал 6 hours.
Hello, I wanted to ask and you get paid for it !?
Volunteer work, would not be volunteering, if paid. I lived for free and fed me, and for all the time they didn’t give me a dime. Actually, I did not demand it.
And you often went on such a program ?
So far, only twice, and both times I worked on the same farm. But many live volunteer labor for a year or more., while having time to embrace many countries and places.
I would like to talk more about this with you, since I was interested in this program, You can give your data in VK or Facebook, or email ?
what country is it located in?
Sonya, specifically this article about working on a farm in Spain, and just volunteer work is appreciated in almost any country, including in Russia.
thank you
Good afternoon! How did you find this job?? And what is your work visa?
Daria, here they told, how did you find a job, with a tourist visa.
Eugene, спасибо за ваши материалы и за вашу открытось! Буду очень благодарна за какой-то способ сообщения с вами напрямую. Мой парень находится в Испании, Zaragoza, в данный момент в поисках работы или же волонтерского труда. Его мечта – работать на ферме!!! Было бы ценно обсудить с вами детали. Благодарю вас за возможный отклик!! Darius