Our diving instructor Lena, arrived at the work in Maldives, I could not drive past the capital of the republic, and today you will learn more about Male.
Theater begins with a hanger, and the Maldives to Male, but usually tourists, Arriving in the Maldives, всегда пытаются свое пребывание в столице сократить или вообще избежать его. "White people", leaving for Resort, push off there by seaplane spidbotah or directly from the island-airport. "Budget" tourists also run Malé, to catch a ferry, leaving on the inhabited islands.
But diving instructor comes to the Maldives not rest, in the package of documents it warms Vork temporary permit – in our opinion, permission rabotu, and therefore will have to stay in Male ', to undergo a compulsory medical examination.
At the airport, normally meets the representative of the Resort or in my case, the travel agency, which belongs, Dive Centers Network.
I was met by an Indian, perfectly fluent in English, but, unfortunately, his English was, apparently, too good for me. After tayinglisha I knew him through word, He answered at random, focusing on intonation.
"Ponaberut, do not get someone to declare ... ", – probably, he thought to himself.
From to Male Airport can be reached by regular ferry, go no more 10 minutes, Cost 1 dollar or 10 Rufio – and here it is, capital paradise!
Male meets "outstanding architecture" and the dominance of motorbikes. And where to go-here?
Before the trip, warned me, that it's not just slow in the Maldives, but very slowly. Arriving at the office, First we waited for the woman from HR, then Indian left and we have to wait for him, Then he returned, and we waited for "boy", which would have led me to the hotel, Then we waited for a taxi ..... Downloading Taxi bags with their belongings overwork snaryagu, «мальчик» рванулся было позвать кого-то на помощь, but I stopped him with a resolute gesture, As abandoned feather 30 kg suitcase in a luggage compartment, still waiting, I would not have suffered!
We rushed to the hotel at a rate of 10 km / h. I was struck by the narrow streets in the width of the machine, and quite a busy traffic. Street, where my hotel was located, It was so narrow, What's to stop a taxi it was impossible to get around with a suitcase and even passers-by had to press in the wall.
Такси и отель по приезду с полным пансионом тоже оплачивает компания. На следующий день я прошла медосмотр (just 4 hours, Just like home) and walked on the Male.
What to tell about the only town in paradise? – В Мале есть два искусственных пляжа, but to bathe in bikinis and swimming trunks there, naturally, prohibited. New large artificial beach pretty cute treadmill, benches and barbecue areas.
construction of the century – Bridge to the airport, say, It is built in two to three years, and ride on the Male will be much freer.
Embankment and almost cute area.
tsunami monument.
Features of the national traffic. The truck stopped for unloading, can not pass, everyone is waiting, without ceasing to honk, but none of this baggage handlers from heat, nor cold, they do not hurry!
of attractions – there is an old cemetery, several mosques, Museum, fruit and fish markets.
In Malé, as elsewhere in the Maldives, you can pay in dollars, though it will be slightly more expensive. The course will 15 Rufino for 1 доллар, and if the change in the exchanger 16 or higher. But it must be borne in mind, that fly to Male tourists absolutely nothing, Only shells and magnets “Maid Ying China” at fantastic prices. Shopping in Male will be of interest only to run wild on the far island without hair conditioner.
Generally, Male did not disappoint and was exactly, not worthwhile, how it was described and. Дорого и неинтересно. И на третий день я была рада, finally, leave the island.
Another bonus for hotel staff – tickets for the seaplane is also paid by the employer. True, place give a residual, if a lot of guests flying on this day, or too heavy luggage, персонал передвигают на следующий рейс или следующий день. И иногда узнаешь об этом даже не на регистрации, and already during landing.
Registration on seaplanes of TMA (Trans Maldivian Airlines) It takes place in the main terminal on the left side of the uprights tour operators. Weigh luggage, including carry-on baggage, issue a boarding pass. Затем всех сажают на микроавтобус и везут в отдельный терминал для гидросамолетов.
open terminal, можно наблюдать как приземляются и взлетают самолеты.
Inside the plane is even more interesting, pilots flying barefoot.
Until, Male! Meet, Paradise!
Дальше – more, and interesting! To be continued…
Ахаха, вот это самолетики! Cool! Даже не знал что они могут быть официально пассажирскими =) А есть ли там бизнес класс и красивые стюардессы? =)
А где же продолжение?… Было бы интересно почитать впечталения от мальдивских резортов глазами работника…
Алиса, добавили ссылочку. Вторая часть уже опубликована на сайте.
Ну и улочки)
Только я не понял, а почему нельзя купаться в плавках и купальниках?
Религия не позволяет . Там мусульмане .
Yes, не очень внушает доверие)