Travel to Asia is fairly easy and inexpensive. You can buy a plane ticket, заказав его на сайте одной из лоукост компаний, take the night bus or get to your destination by train.
На автобусе
Of CL Buses depart from the main station Puduraya Bus Terminal. The nearest metro station LRT to it Plaza Rakyat (Centre line). Is close to China town. Стоимость проезда на автобусе до Хат Яй варьируется в зависимости от выбранной автобусной компании. Самый дешевый билет – 45 MYR.
На поезде
This option is the most convenient, If you are traveling from Malaysia to Thailand. You can buy a ticket in advance on the website of railways KTM Berhad (Keratapi Tanah Melayu).
Вот расписание движения поездов в направлении Сингапур – Kuala Lumpur – Penang – Bangkok.
- The – Deluxe sleeper (Premier Night Deluxe), 1 или 2-местное купе с собственным туалетом и душем, air conditioning.
- F – 1st class sleepers (Premier Night Standard), 2-seater coupe washbasin, air conditioning.
- S – 2nd class sleepers (Superior Night), верхние и нижние полки со шторками, кондиционер.
- 1 – первый класс, сидячие (Premier), довольно роскошные кресла, кондиционер.
- 2 – второй класс, сидячие (Superior), комфортные места с кондиционером.
- 3– третий класс, сидячие (Economy), современные, довольно удобные места.

Стоимость различна для детей и взрослых, as well as upper and lower flanges. The best option for me was the top bunk.
Отличие от наших плацкартов в том, что все полки расположены вдоль по вагону и имеют шторки, где можно спокойно переодеться. Есть небольшой светильник, можно почитать книжку. Также есть минус – совсем нет места для багажа, мне пришлось спать в обнимку со своим рюкзаком, зато все было в целости и сохранности 🙂
Будьте готовы к тому, что поезд может прибыть позже обычного или опоздать на пару-тройку часов. В Азии это вполне нормально. Желательно планировать свое путешествие с учетом этого факта.
Еще в вагонах с кондиционерами может быть очень холодно. Держите теплые вещи под рукой.
Едем в Thailand. Поезд идет от станции Куала Лумпур центральная (посадка на линии KTM) до станции Хат Яй. Ticket Price 52 MYR. Отправляется вечером, прибытие утром, но не сразу. Поезд останавливается на маленькой станции Padang Besar, где все туристы должны пройти фейс-контроль и получить штамп о въезде и визу (если необходимо). Официальная часть проходит быстро, и дружелюбный тайский пограничник приглашает туристов и гостей страны отправиться в столовую, находящуюся этажом выше, дабы отведать местных яств. Как и во множестве столовых на территории вокзала, еда выглядела не очень-то и привлекательно, да и стоила не дешево.
Так проходит около 1.5 hours, пока подают наш поезд. Погрузившись в вагоны на свои законные места, мы отправляемся дальше и спустя полчаса, but with a delay, exerted in the southern city of Taya, Trade center province Songhla.
Thanks for the great article! And just in time – we 26 dekabrя around KL to Samui edema.
Honestly do not understand the table – how much is sent to the evening train to Hat Yai from KL? And how much is coming? And what class did you go?
We are planning an evening train to Hat Yai, and then Mini Bus or public bus to the ferry to Koh Samui. Only the schedule is not found on the network.
I went to the class S (2nd class sleepers (Superior Night), upper and lower berths with shutters, кондиционер). Evening train departs from KL (станция Sentral) in 21.20. This line of KTM. Arrival in Hat Yai is somewhere 10 am.
Buses run frequently from there. I went to Phuket and the schedule they leave every hour. I think Samui too many buses going.
Hello!We travel to Malaysia without a visa (SPB-Kuala) to 1,5 month, as possible without a visa only 30 days,want to go to Thailand for a week and return.
By train putting stamp do the same are leaving and re-entering the country??
И, if I is now in St. Petersburg to buy train tickets and tie.(nebilo to problems at the airport in Kuala0Lumpure) ???
Hello, Arina! Yes, at the border with Thailand, you go through customs at the airport as, procedure is the same. Stamped on exit / entrance.
Upon arrival in Malaysia normally do not ask tickets to leave the country, there is very easy to pass control. Maximum demand for how to enter and cause entry. I think you can not hurry with tickets in Tai.
Arina, You can not rush. On the other hand, Now you can even buy tickets for March and if, for your own peace of mind, you need to have on hand all the tickets, all possibilities to book tickets you have. In sheet Stations, on the site malayskih ge, Kuala Lumpur station called – Sentral Kuala Lumpur (this extra half hour to her not to look in the list).
Hello. When crossing the border by train KL-Hat Yai, Do vzveshyvayut luggage? There are limitations to this, how many kg? Thank you in advance for your reply
Jeanne, Hello! We weighed nothing, we just crossed the border (stations) with backpacks and waited on the train, in Hat Yai.
Thank you very much for your reply. How lucky you are with a backpack:)
We bought tickets for seats, 2grade, how to be with luggage, with chemodanami? where to leave luggage?
When will come out, To put the visa / stamp, suitcases are in the car? Is not it dangerous?:)
You can still issue, when already in KL Sentral, where to go, where it says KTM Komyute?
Answer me, please, train tomorrow, a bit worried before the trip, da else luggage we had no small:(
We left the luggage in the car, shelves there is for him, Nobody stole, and you somehow raspihat)) When crossing the border, then took the bag with a, the train does not leave. Do not worry, can with a lot of luggage will be uncomfortable, but there's no rush all drag, border will pass and go further.
Spasibo, these otkliknulis’ and otvetili me:)
Vse prowlo horowo, patches 3000bat for visa on arrival, Leave a bagazh in POEZD, all at locations:)
Blagodarya them into a Saito ya uznala December and zabronirivala tickets online, spasibo, these pomogaete Takia neopytnym, kak my) zhelayu Vawemu blogu prodvizheniya i horowih vpechatlenii ot putewestvii 🙂
Spasibo for it, what we're reading! Very excited, that article has helped you, and that you quietly crossed the border! Удачи в путешествиях 🙂
Hello)! I'm on the same subject))))
stayed in KL more 20 days… tenure is coming to an end, I want to go to Thai and back to KL! Now the question is what… from Hat Yai to Phuket on what and how you can be reached? Price question? and may know the account of the movement from Phuket to KL… same, via Hat Yai or have a direct path?) iii Chto 3000bat for the visual???? Are there any costs that??? forward otvetaaa!!!! Thanks a lot in advance…
Hello, Camel! Their Hat Yai constantly ply buses. The bus station is in 1.5 km from city center. Price depend on klassa bus, cheapest – without air conditioning – about 200 Bat, 2-Grade – about 350 Bat, 1 класс VIP – 550 Bat. There is an option to order mini van, but it must be booked at least one day before departure. I do not know about the cost, возможно 500-600 Baht per person.
Buses leave every hour. Go to Phuket 6-8 hours, depends on the type of bus. It took me whole 12, because the bus broke down and while it repaired, and then filed a new, much time has passed. And it happens. Better to buy tickets at the ticket office at the station, do not listen to any help. The bus arrives in Phuket Town.
Do not quite understand the question about the visa. You want to make a Thai visa for how long? You are from what country? 🙂
Wow.. 6-8 hours, decently! And do not tell me where to go from Hat Yai for a few days, отдохнуть. Water, песок, солнце))) I generally with Kazakhstan. We 30 days visa-free stay… I am now in Malaysia. My visa-free period comes to an end here. And I want to go to another country (Thailand) stay there for days 5 and return to Malaysia that would have been more 30 days.
For residents of Kazakhstan issued a visa on arrival for a period of 15 days. Site directed, you need to have a photograph(4h6sm) and 10000 Baht per person, as an indicator of solvency. Visa costs 1000 Bat.
In Songkhla beaches are not very. Look province of Satun and Trang. Some people say, that there are very nice beaches, many parks and islands. Ride from Hat Yai about 2 hours. Back in Malaysia, you can get the bus back to Penang or ferry to Langkawi. It would be interesting! 🙂 Потом поделитесь своим опытом 😀
привет, say and to make visa-something from Malaysia via Hat Yai need much time to stay in Thailand?? Day two, three or however many? or can be on the same day to return to Malaysia and it will be considered as new visa-free 30 days?!? thank you! ))
Julissia, we have not heard about any restrictions on this account. You can return the same day, but of course, better and stay in Thailand for several days, to the situation with the visa-wounds would not be impaired, both in the same country of smiles, nuts and did not start spinning for those, who is going to stay long in Malaysia. In Tae lot of interesting things you can also see a few days.
Hello to all) I want to share my trip..
As I wrote before, was Malaysia. It was in KL for 30 days, then decided to make the visa wounds through Thailand. Wehani in Hat Yai,, from there all the same in the province Songohla. stayed there for a day 2, then returned to Hat Yai and stayed there too day 2. Buy tickets on the bus in KL. We have got a very bad guards. Something long discussed in Thai. then without asking anything stupid stamp.. as it turned out only 7 days. Although we were with a friend sooo wanted more 30 days. Long tried to talk with them.. but they were not very welcoming. And in the end said they are tired of such tourists, who try to cheat someone by their visa wounds. Overall in great confusion we left in KL.. There we met a friend, which helped to extend still 30 days visa. On the day before the day is done the same thing our friend.. We found out all about her trip. And when we started to think that as a yes, understood, we with my girlfriend were not particularly like the tourists. And so, my advice) Look like real tourists! all possible attributes welcome!!!Good luck)!
Camel, thanks a lot, that shared their experiences! We are confident, that a large number of readers of your story will be useful, both in terms of ideas for crossing the border, and on conditions at the boundary now. Add, if not difficult, more story, you in KL still extend the visa to 30 дней 😉
Zdrastvuyte! Spasibo all kto chital i rasskazival the etix informaciax! Jelayu risknut are: a prodelat Samoa, plan vrode takoy from KL to POEZD i for 50RM to Hat Yai, a tam hostel za 3 dnya around 70RM + for piwu, vice versa takje.
For vizu repealed platyat? Grajdanin Uzbekistan, vrode bezvizoviy rejim? Xotel Ewe utochnit o tex 10 000 bat and pro pics, eto obyazatelno?
Hello, Shakh! AFAIK, citizens of Uzbekistan, as well as Ukrainians need a visa to Thailand. Get it can on arrival, it operates fifteen days and is worth a thousand baht. We recently did this for Julia, когда the last time was in Tae.
About the money she asked and pictures you should have a better, to save – still have to do the, who need a visa, and the airport is clearly not cheap. In Malaysia you know, 30 days without a visa.
Hello. Я собираюсь завтра выехать из КЛ в Тайланд на автобусе для того что бы продлить визу в КЛ. Случайно не кто не едит в этом направлении.