In our world there are many concepts, full information, that may seem useful, can be when it is useful, but there is one, which is changing the world, and if we take it into account every day, then the world will certainly be better.
Traces of this concept can be found in any great work of art, in any remarkable device, which we hold in our hands. for all, what moves us forward, стоит это.
You can have different attitudes to business, but it is the literature and resources, dedicated to entrepreneurship, I learned that the most important idea, in harmony with which it is possible to build a brave new world!
From the name it is clear, that we are talking about concept Values, here there is no intrigue, but to understand the depth of this idea, we need some examples. why should we examples? – Without them is unlikely to succeed change our picture of the world. And the first is negative, reverse:
“A bad programmer John made a mistake in the code, due to which programs each user has been forced to spend an average 15 minutes of time to find work around the problem. members were 10 million. Only in vain spent 150 million minutes = 2.5 million hours. If a man sleeps 8 hours a day, on the conscious activity of his remains 16 hours. Ie John destroyed 156250 man-days ≈ 427.8 person-years. The average man lives 64 year, John then killed about 6 as many as 68 сотых человека.
How do you sleep, John - serial programmer?”
While I was writing this article, I rebooted my computer and everything had to start writing again. Fearfully, when you write a term in the editor without autosave, and suddenly a blue screen of death. Inefficient systems rob us a lot – time our lives.
Therefore, we hate queues, angry, when someone climbs ahead just ask, difficulty getting up for work, which is not very much sense, We begin to postpone activities, which will bezsmyslenno and rob us of our time, we could spend as, how hotels, for real.
Hence the inverse output: all, that will make the system more efficient, It gives us time. Today, fast food is so popular, because you can for a minute or two to get your order and then go about their business or have a leisurely snack. You do not spend hours cooking, happy, that from the moment the need arises, to meet her, second pass.
Give a little bit of time to another, Help him not to be killed at work, help him to technology and resources. Let everyone will have enough time for hobbies!
Давайте взглянем на привычные вещи в разрезе соответствия или отклонения от концепции Ценности.
each meeting It can be filled with meaning, communication can give joyful emotions, we can learn from each other such things, to help us become better versions of themselves. A can talk about anything, We can hide behind a dozen masks, together we can kill time… We do so, not because, that we are bad or stupid, but because the current system does not get used to trust people, not be opened, because everything can be used against us.
Тот, who brings value to every communication, It is forcing the interlocutor feel better, stronger, smarter, more beautiful, freely, может быть, completely natural way puts in a lot of communication – and such people will always reach around. Тот, who takes communication to a deeper level, allowing each participant to get a dialogue valuable knowledge or feeling, get a lot of useful. And we really appreciate, when conversations are sincere, when some of the things of this communication can dramatically change us and change our lives.
Why we love to read books? As well as the movies, and performances in the theater – These stories can help us learn different behaviors, know the different outlook and choose a transition to a new world, or the continuation of life in their. When we read the biographies of great men, мы надеемся, that become closer to their success stories. The main value of books – opportunity using ideas transform our view of the world. Often we take the model of behavior seen us, consciously or unconsciously level. Not in vain, Successful people read a lot, adopt the best ideas out of the treasures of this world. Then embody the real change, in accordance with the new picture and it is even more valuable.
Our actions, that seems, are worth, They are not necessarily those of the perception of others. I understand, some shows and movies are important only for their creators and value, which they carried in creating their works – is to improve their own situation (the money, recognition), implementation creative impulse, who just need to let the world. But without moving to deeper levels, без стремления сделать зрителей или читателей богаче, reasonable, confidence in himself, stronger – meaning or flames and sparks in this work will be of little.
Earlier, I did not have this concept and I knew, that good at writing a blog for yourself, well, if people will find useful for yourself on this journey, but the depth of understanding of the values I had.
And if you think, Why we read blogs Travel? – Cool realize and accept, that is possible act and live like this, as blog authors. It changes us. And if we can применить some things from reading and also to go into an endless journey with coconuts under the palm trees on the shore, telework from anywhere, communicating with a large number of people, participation in the most interesting events from around the world? Then there are new world, and hope to be in it.
I used to think, that good to write a lot of useful, sometimes I thought, what to write continuously, even if the depth of this little. Now I think, I can write and can not do so many things, but deep enough, to change the world for the better.
Лучшее – This individual ideas, there is a struggle all the pictures of the world, objective could not be better, and we will not dig into the wilds of philosophy. Each carries a common world their perception (and his painting) and changes the space in accordance with it.
Я вижу, that for many today “value” alcohol and drugs – in getting, “value” prostitution and arms trafficking – survival, “value” participation in games of chance and trust the election bezchestnym politicians – it is the hope. This the world is full of illusion picture, far from reality, full of violence, frustration, poverty, bezsiliya and injustice. It leads us round.
For me, the above – This pain and fear, hiding from whom we make the worst decisions and still live in this “imperfect” world. growing up deficit in the world, it is very difficult to understand and accept, at the same time that there is a world, where everything what we could not even dream – it becomes available. It is very difficult to start sharing Knowledge, money, experience, best developments – because it seems, He gave some of the most valuable, that we have, we lose and put ourselves in a worse position. This is a major trap deficit of the world, and that makes us all run around in circles.
Therefore, the best, carrying value of, I think: justice, abundance, мир, радость, здоровье, truth, time, care and love. – This and will try share. The more people get into such a world, тем лучше, in my understanding, he will become.
And now, ATTENTION – наш мир составляет всё множество наших личных картин мира. And the most important message of the value concept:
- Think ahead what value can bring to all (including you) then, what are you doing.
- Select, is turned on and in every action make the maximum benefit (values).
- Open share with others the most important (securities) в каждый момент.
All things and things, сделанные через эту концепцию приближают нас всех к картине мира, with huge opportunities for everyone, create our future society – affluent society.
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Thank you, замечательная статья. Indeed, концепция ценности лежит прямо на поверхности, нет никаких секретов. И применять ее реально и несложно – спрашивать себя, а какую ценность (для себя, для окружающих, для мира) несет то, что ты сейчас делаешь. Как будто ты создаешь сам для себя ориентир и постоянно по нему сверяешься. И идти по пути повышения этой ценности.
Очень мне понравилось ваше замечание про создание ценности в отношениях. 100% – как часто в общении мы скрыты за масками и оно действительно превращается в убивание времени, которое не дает ничего ни друзьям, ни партнерам. Это недоверие к миру в целом – лучше я в своей раковине отсижусь, как премудрый пескарь. Мне это очень знакомо и понятно. Иногда даже понимаешь, что общение какое-то выхолощенное, неглубокое, чего-то не хватает, искренности, emotions… Но не знаешь, что сделать, чтобы это изменить, do not you know, как перейти на другой уровень в общении.
Очень интересно применять концепцию ценности – вот я иду завтра на встречу с подругой, просто кофе попить. И спрашиваю себя, а какая ценность для нее в общении со мной и наоборот, есть ли для меня что-то ценное в общении с ней. Если смотреть с таких позиций, то много нового можно увидеть и нерадостного. Зато, вы правы, это может изменить взгляд на вещи, помочь ОСОЗНАТЬ то, что происходит, а если получится осознать, значит можно и изменить, and, в конечном итоге, улучшить мир каждого из нас.
Thank you.