We have worked in China and English teachers have been asked many times, how many are teachers, How much can you earn a lot or a little about our costs (the standard of living in the country). Recently I had the good infographics in dispatch from TEFL center, where such data on salaries ESL teachers painted. Together, let us look at these numbers and surprise. Perhaps this article will help you better determine, what country you can go, to work as a teacher, and where can and do not look for work because of the high level of costs for accommodation.
For some indicators can assess the level of life in the country? – We consider the price of housing, Internet, food (One local cuisine), water bottle and mug of local beer.
Let's start with Asia: the price of beer in Vietnam we know, but what's the average salary of a teacher turned higher, than in China was a discovery for me 1300-2000 dollars, против 950-1900 dollars. Still, the Chinese have built large cities more, and wages can be found there, and more than two thousand dollars a month. Of course, we do not know all the details of the study, возможно, If you start from the proposals, which spread on different sites for TEFL vacancies, You can make such a conclusion, but top-end salaries can hardly find a lot of ads on these sites. Rather, it is necessary to have local sites advertisement look, as well as through social networks, friends and can even arrange a field study, running over schools in a pleasing area.
Опять же, the average standard of living will depend heavily on the living conditions. The same example, when we Baoding schools provide housing, and it was immediately minus 200 dollars to our costs, and in Shenzhen, we shoot ourselves for 500 US studio, how big the difference, to the ratio of income / expenses. We have given a fairly detailed calculations about Prices on Life in China – sure, help to make calculations and conclusions on the example “Celestial”.
About Thailand had long been known: such high wages in Japan (2500-2800$), South Korea, China and Taiwan (1400-2100$), there will not be offered, but thousands of dollars to be quite enough for a good life full of simple pleasures. In Japan, the southern part of the Korean peninsula and “beautiful island” travels quite a lot of foreigners, so the competition there should be a good. But try to find something you can always.
Any work in Cambodia, I somehow immediately associated with volunteering, especially remembering how there waiters in metropolitan institutions may 30-50 receive dollars per month. In Muslim Indonesia and Malaysia are obvious problems with cheap beer, there is no such, but those, who is not fond of alcoholic beverages, will be quite comfortable to work – plus savings and more money to spend for good food.
Europe can immediately identify Russia and Ukraine, which has clearly sunk in salaries with the current exchange rate of the ruble and hryvnia. Many foreigners, by the way, go to us for huge sums in envelopes, and for impressions, although 30000 rubles in St. Petersburg can be one person and remove housing with colleagues, and will walk, and for beer. Not so bad, and probably the salary here is not the determining factor, where you can chat with the most beautiful girls in the world.
In the rest of Europe is clear economic stratification, so it was always. In Hungary, the general low wages, but the price is affordable. In France, Germany and Italy all is well, it is necessary to explore the possibilities of better. In Poland, English teachers do not favor, with a maximum of a salary of one thousand dollars. Likely, English-speaking people there is little surprise anyone, when so many Poles commute to work in Britain and Ireland, living in English-speaking countries, and then returns.
When you study a job offer in Latin America, what comes to mind only, that is where you can go for impressions. With a salary of 400 dollars, in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico strongly not clear, just cover your needs. Есть, and of course there are better options, in the same Mexico, but Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil looks tempting ratio and pay the cost of life in the rhythm of the samba. Generally, of course, this continent beckons, and perhaps it is worth thinking about traveling with part-time job in these foci fun.
In Middle Eastern countries to make people go everywhere, except Israel, where the level of costs can be quite higher wages – 1-1,5To K 600-1200 dollars. Наверно надо со своими деньгами приезжать 🙂 Все небольшие королевства предлагают хорошие деньги и наши люди тоже вполне могут получить там работу. Two or three thousand dollars in Saudi Arabia is quite adequate money. The same can be achieved in Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, the truth in these small states are usually not a lot of proposals. Teachers are advised to look at the forums a good position in the United Arab Emirates and the Saudis. Egypt and Lebanon and Turkey may not offer such high rates, but work there can be very, very interesting.
In some countries, teachers are happy to take, sometimes even without any qualifications, only to “white face” worked, but in general, to qualify for a good position will need to take special ESL classes (TEFL, CELTA). There are different options, can approach and a 40-hour online course, as my colleagues in Shenzhen. I am also quite satisfied 120 hour course, from which I learned a lot of useful things for. We wish you every success with the search for vacancies, such employment enables interesting to spend a year or two in the country, where you want to live.
Useful links
Курс TEFL, which to me helped >
More accurate layout at prices to life in China >>
Quit and go to work Divemaster in Thailand >>>
How to travel around Europe for free, laboring for food and accommodation >>>>
Нужно только добавить, что это инфографика для носителей языка. Я про русскоговорящих на среднем востоке вообще не слышал, а в Корее и Японии только пару, причем в Корее работали за тысячу долларов нелегально ,а в Японии тоже за мизерную плату асисстентом.
Джоник, мне встречались русскоязычные учителя английского, которые работали и в Саудовской Аравии, и в ОАЭ (недавно встретил во Вьетнаме украинца, который перебрался сюда после 5 лет работы в Дубае). Апдейт по вьетнамским раскладам, и вправду бОльшие зарплаты предлагают нэйтивам, есть те, кто зарабатывает 2-3 тысячи долларов. С другой стороны мне встречалось много нейтивов, которые берут классы по самым низким расценкам и я бы обновил данные вестями с полей, average, учителя зарабатывают в Хошимине меньше, чем в больших городах Китая, say 1000-1500 dollars.
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