Our friends do not sit on the ground, snowboarding in the Caucasus – great plan, but it involves the transport of equipment and today we invite you to read the fascinating story Lirik'a to send the board to Peter.
I passed the quest “Snowboard send mail from Russia Arkhyz” call for after punktam, so you feel it with me.
little prelude
I had to send a snowboard Russian mail, потому что авиалинии просили 4000 rubles for the shipment from Mineralnye Vody to St. Petersburg, and there was no way to plan everything in advance, because, already during the trip we changed plans (it was during the holidays 23,24 February).
1) wait for 8:00, 25 February, To call to a free line of Russian mail, to find out where in Arkhyz snowboard pass the post office and get the address.
2) Find your Russian mail in Arkhyz. The difficulty is, that Yandex and Google maps do not show the house and their numbers in the street. The difficulty of the second: on a mail Site map Russian branch of this curve. The difficulty of the third: house numbers are not subscribed to own homes and greatly diverge (7B is after 21), and I need 8. With the help of local, Russian post office is localized in 2 blocks from the mark to the Russian site address.
3) Branch found. Inside awaits only girl operator, that with a smile on his face says, boards that they do not accept, so how, outsized. rings, learns, that soon a branch in Zelenchukskaya – it 50 km from Arhыza.
4) I am going home, I calculate the recreation, I go to hitchhike to stop Zelenchukskaya (already 09:20). Nobody stops. The bus goes there in 10:30, I am waiting for the bus. While waiting, I know the toll free number, where Zelenchuksky Russian Post office, which can accept oversized cargo rollercoaster. give 2 address, один из них – central branch! In 10:20 He drives a taxi driver picks up and all of Zelenchukskaya 100 rubles (he taksovat in Arkhyz tourists and a ride in the way back).
One of the central streets.
5) I ask the taxi driver to stop at the Central branch. Finally, I come before him! Getting in!
6) learn, that oversized cargo, snowboarding can be sent from Zelenchukskaya, only if it weighs less 10 kg and packed in burlap cloth. I weigh snowboard with crossed fingers. Оказывается, that on the scale necessary to put so, to oversized cargo do not touch, including my finger. Put the board can not be flat, tk. for the balance they have come up with three different levels placed between tables. equilibristics, put it on the front / rear edge is not possible without the support of my finger. I urge employees email, that my finger does not facilitate the sending of.
7) Please sell me a bag, but answer me, that they never sold these bags, but generally in their beautiful city has a wonderful weaving factory and no less beautiful drapery!
8) I am leaving to look for the bag. Directly opposite the mail market – lucky, today is my day! I ask and find among the first merchant bags of plastic fibers of sugar-free and they get! I dress your snowboard on both sides (these bags are no longer on a snowboard, to fit into one) I am back in the mail Russia!
9) I say, it is wrong and should be the one bag. I tried to convince, I have actually been snowboarding in a fabric cover, a blue and with a pattern, but it does not bother, tk. they only accept bags from plain light fabrics
10) I am leaving the exit and give bag seller on the market. breathe. I call on the toll free number to specify requirements for the color of my cover. me explain, that they were very sorry, but they do the requirements for the transport of oversized cargo is such and my multi-colored fabric cover should be dressed in a different light monotonous a burlap sack, что они понимают всю абсурдность ситуации, но не могут мне помочь 🙂
11) breathe. Спрашиваю у местных где тут магазин тканей. Объяснили, как устроен весь их город. Иду через парк, вижу все веселятся, отмечают масленицу. По пути взял блинчик, заслужил.
Иду к магазину и думаю, вот было бы клево, если продавец не празднует и работает в субботу. Нахожу магазин – закрыто!
12) начинаю ходить по всем магазинчикам и спрашивать мешки из вязи и место где можно из них сшить 1 мешок. 30 минут опроса ничего не дают, I go to the furniture store, hoping to find there a large cardboard. Of course 2 meter cartons have no! But! They speak, that the floor above the weaving workshop and my case is quite possible to do there!
13) I flew on the second floor, and I think, that run with a backpack and a snowboard, I was already tired, and generally today carnival and Saturday! But I am lucky – open!
14) Inside sits only one girl, which distracted from sewing and looks at me. explain, what I need. He speaks, She is ready to help, but no suitable tissue (tkatskom in shop!)
15) It seems to me, that the whole city I troll! Conversation with her. Via 10 minutes asking, if she knew casually phone saleswoman fabric store room? He knows, but it does nothing, because, the seller was on the road for the product and will be tomorrow.
16) I say goodbye to Lena (girl in a weaving workshop) I go out. breathe.
17) I am looking for google, where there is still tissue Zelenchukskaya. No more fabric stores!
18) I never say die, I am looking for grannies and ask them. Third granny walking with her husband, I found them. She said, that just a couple of blocks there is a store and sent me in the direction of solid Ilyich hand.
19) I am saving this store. Throughout the description it should be here, but it is not! I move on!
20) I was catching up with her husband of the grannies and explains, that the store is not tissue, and curtains!
21) I look about, to her! – just! Here he is.
22) I go to the store curtains, I ask elm fabric - There is no and has never been!
23) But there is a light tulle fabric for linen! With the lace or snowflakes!
24) Ask me to cut off a piece of fucking fabrics with snowflakes, to mail in Russia were able to confirm, that such a case they will take! Cut a piece of fabric!
25) Russia in the run-mail, узнать, whether such a fabric bag for a ride. I answer in the affirmative!
26) I ran to the Lena in weaving mill, find out how much it will sew the bag and how much it will cost (time before the departure of Zelenchukskaya in 15:45), and already 13!
27) She told me with a smile answers, he will do everything for half an hour and 250 rubles! Here it is happiness!
28) I ran into a fabric shop for cloth. measure our, cut off, buy!
29) I run in the weaving mill, I give the fabric, I leave there a snowboard (tired of him running!). I pay.
30) I go out, breathe. I See, that much I want to have, the nearest store and green apple sorbet with real nuts! I take everything and more, I still sleep in the same flight to St. Petersburg, dinner.
31) I go to Lena, I measure – everything is perfect, takin Case with snowflakes. I'm going to e-mail Russia.
32) I say, Now that the case comes to table seats (hanging). I have already mentioned, that the balance is between the three different levels of tables and partition between employees and their Russian mail clients? And now it is impossible to weigh.
33) I explain to them, I sewed a bag with snowflakes in their city, on Saturday, during carnival celebrations and weigh my board – This peace of cake!
34) I go to them, I pull out the old Soviet scales (weigh at least 20 кг!) on the table next, so that the board had to place.
35) Employee-mail Russia look at me, as if I had just crossed the line to heaven, without consulting with their deity!
36) explain, I need to send the board, and I will do it with or without them, I ask them chief.
37) Employee-mail Russia agree with me, that the board can now weigh! Weigh! About miracle added 300 gram and is now a little more than 8 кг!
38) We make the parcel. I go out. breathe. I go to the bus station and eat apples, I am waiting for the bus, yet 2 hours.
P.S. В итоге перевозка сноуборда обошлась в 2450 rubles and feature of this quest is, что когда начинаешь его проходить, то не знаешь, что нужно будет сделать и сколько денег потратить.
Квест пройден, возвращаюсь в серые будни 🙂
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