Cheap travel easy – save on tickets (they do not need), sleeping in a tent (no hotels) or on the go, a bunch of new friends and acquaintances – всё this hitchhiking.
But it's scary! – say many, as long as you dare, someone hitchhiking travels around the Earth, and some of his wound a few hundred kilometers. And the more pleasant to publish on our website a report on the five thousand kilometers Sasha Nitchenko. fear leaves…
Writing this report, I hope, that my experience will benefit to some of you, just like me benefit the work of the author, которых я прочел. Речь пойдет об одиночном путешествии автостопом, which I made in March 2015. This trip was hanging on my list of goals for a while intact and the solution is very much influenced by a meeting with Maksimom Zaselyanom at my university KNURE. He talked about his experience, it inspired me, however, possible not only to me. Then I suddenly, even for yourself, I decided to turn it into reality.
travel format has been selected in advance: ride to move, stop at the hosts of CouchSurfing. No exact plans, improvisation as there are questions. According to the most rough sketches – I planned to pass through Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Moldova to Ukraine. Visas were not, and in the way of the visa section of Bulgaria or Greece. And the most important point – decided to go alone to check how true the, what they say about the single hitchhiking.
Hitchhiking traveled before this trip only once. Together with a friend from Kharkov to Crimea, but were unable to reach on time and boarded the train Melitopol. At The Moment, looking back, I can say with confidence, that one was easier to catch a ride, than doubled.
on preparation – I did not bother. took the, что было. Large backpack was not – взял 2 small. nout, first aid kit, warm (non-positive) things, soap-rylnoe, SOPs sewed to backpacks.
Отправление 11 March 2015 year.
The beginning of the trip. Stary Oskol. The first night
I left right off the highway Kharkiv, так как живу неподалеку. The first taxi driver ostanovilya, home, and the second driver, learning about the plans outlined, presented me 2 sim cards Russian operators, which was very nice. I stood at the Russian customs 4 hours in the queue. Many crossed the Azeris and Tajiks, and many were torn out of turn. At passport stopped me personally even an hour or two (for personal reasons, do not panic).
Right from the border stopped fellow, who drove to Belgorod. I rode around town on 2 buses with a change and went on the road again. By this time, the street was dark already.
At night, follow the safety instructions and identifies itself on the road (Reflective strips and flashlights). Ночью, particularly in narrow road sections, drivers are not particularly eyeing the side of the road in the light of oncoming headlights. And the people, who work hard behind the wheel, It is sleepy. Such is the harsh reality.
From Belgorod there were several cars. The plan was to get to Voronezh in the evening, but here it was night, and I could only get to Stary Oskol, where he decided to spend the night. He stopped near the post of DPS boarding. Snow still lay, I have with me 2 medium backpack and sleeping bag untried, tent was not.
I spread a rug, sleeping bag, backpacks stuffed in his feet and lay down in what was. The first half an hour trying to concentrate and sleep, but it gets cold. I put all, that can be. At night, I woke up every sound, I slept minutes 5. Towards morning cold unrealistic! – Got up, I began to jump, dance, ate and moved on.
Самое тяжелое в автостопе – путь домой, готов отдать любые деньги лишь бы побыстрее домой, а то как подумаешь что цели уже вроде достиг, а еще столько же отмахать обратно ))
А где же продолжение?
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