We have already talked about Our Crimean life, burst into the Black Sea and the summer heat, and now the whole truth about the current situation in Crimea, so, he saw it, tell our friend Evgeny. More details below:
For the past month I live near the southern coast of Russia, Crimean steppe expanses, under the hot summer sun. The tourist season starts, on the beaches more and more holidaymakers, and the sea water is still warmer. Every day I hasten in cafe, To help to my friends в развитии индустрии сладостей 🙂 С самого утра мы печем вкусные пончики, making desserts, milkshakes and brew excellent coffee.
Recently, I was very liking is not just somewhere to come, as a tourist, and fully immersed in the local atmosphere, live and understand, how and what people live there. This requires much more time, less than a week “standard” leave, a lot of communication with residents and, of course, a thorough study of many local features.
Life and sanctions
Of course, first, that comes to mind at the mention of the Crimea – it sanctions and controversy. Certainly, clearly visible, that in the Crimea lacks many famous Russian federal sales network, banks, mobile operators, etc., Ukrainian and gradually have withdrawn in the last year. Closed McDonalds, Euroset is not found or Messenger, none of the major national banks (even Sberbank) It does not have offices in Crimea, ATMs and offices, and mobile communications represented by a single operator WIN MOBILE. Most national giants fear sanctions from Europe and the US, and therefore in no hurry to go to Crimea.
In this context, actively developing a variety of local counterparts, creating some of which initiated national partners. For example the largest bank in the Crimea – RNCB or “Russian National Commercial Bank” – created with the help of Sberbank, but it is only the Crimean Bank.
Many American services (airbnb, part of the google services etc) you will be given an error 403 (Access is denied), if they find, that you go out with the IP address of the Crimean. But, mostly, these are isolated cases, and in general, I do not feel serious problems with internet.
It is worth noting transport restrictions – flights performed only in Russian, and once a week there is a direct flight to Kiev. Train travel outside Ukraine, Crimea is blocked, It carried out only within the region, and only in August will run train Moscow – Simferopol, with a non-trivial procedure of loading cars on ferry. The same crossing and use bus carriers. Соответственно, train ride, bus or car will be accompanied by a very tedious process crossing through the Kerch Strait. In season 2014 all years there lasted for several days… hopefully, that in 2015 the situation will improve.
People and customs
And now a little about local sentiment. The most interesting thing for many – what the locals think about joining Russia, We are all forced power to take any decision and whether the mass of dissatisfied? So, having lived here for a month, I can say one thing for sure – considerably strengthen national discord between Ukrainians and Crimeans. I've heard there are a lot of negative reviews for Ukrainians, and of that, what they think of Crimeans in general and Russian. Honestly, very disappointing, that political differences fueled the hatred of the two brotherly peoples, because both sides have a lot of good people…
Of course, personally, I find it hard to tell, how good it was to live in the Crimea after joining Russia. Twice I have been here, when the Crimea was Ukrainian, and prices were all about the same (only in rubles), the same terribly broken road, service spa Soviet level, Museum public transport, etc. But surely, the reaction of locals to join Russia only positive – say, roads still started to make, It was less corruption, more features and the most important thing – managed “without firing a shot” avoid that situation, we see now in the east of Ukraine…
With regard to the population of Crimea, in general, You can find a lot of differences in culture, a speech, demeanor, and other small details. For example, any krymchanin accurately defines, I'm not a local, from the very first words. Как оказалось, I have my issues “Russian too clean”. I do not “shock”, do not “ghekayu”, and do not drink any Ukrainian words.
Culture of behavior is very simple – there is not waste your time on a courtesy accepted, as, eg, in the cultural capital of Russia, but just come into the store, Briefly I asked, what you need and left. Much of the local culture, way of life and way of life reminded me my native city of Khabarovsk.
Prices and wages
Taking a walk to the shops, Markets and shopping centers can clearly distinguish two types of products: Local and imported. Главное отличие – It's, certainly, price. All the, I used to buy in St. Petersburg, here, average, in 2 times more expensive, but on the contrary the local cheaper, than similar products on the shelves of the northern capital. Therefore, in the Crimea, в большинстве случаев, I buy local products, especially Milk. For example, I really like ryazhenka local dairy in g. Saki.
Here is a small selection of prices:
– low-fat cottage cheese – 100-120 $ / kg
– ryazhenka 500 g. – 25 AUD
– молоко 1 l. – 38-40 AUD
– butter 75% fat 200 town. – 35-40 AUD
– sugar 1 кг. – 30-35 AUD
– flour 1 кг. Sun. – 20-25 AUD
– white bread (loaf) – 15-17 rubles
But products, like yogurt “Danone”, chocolates “Snickers”, curd “Buttermilk”, household chemicals and everything, that driven here from central Russia, It stands approximately 1,5 – 2 times more expensive, than our usual hypermarkets.
Stand out amazing local wages. Even if the price of local products is slightly lower, than the same in central Russia – the average salary is so small, that completely negates this advantage. The locals are happy to salary 10-12 thousand. AUD. per month, and slightly more than the average salary in Simferopol and Sevastopol. It is not difficult to assume, that it is barely enough for food and basic necessity of life.
Nature and Weather
One of the most striking advantages of the Crimea is, certainly, indescribable beauty of nature! Plenty steppes, the majesty of the mountains, infinity sea and lush flowering herbs… All this can be easily found on the Crimean peninsula. I came here in early May – тогда, when the splendor of colors gains a special power, and the beat of the warm sun want to walk among these spaces indefinitely!
Toward the end of May blossomed poppies, and many flowering fields added to his palette, still and bright red color.
East Crimea more mountainous, western – is mostly steppe. Many local nature reserves, lakes, rock formations, caves, waterfalls and a landscape of places, certainly worthy of long trips and individual stories. Some of the places I visited, and their beauty, I'll try to dedicate his next article.
In conclusion, about the weather. It so happened, this winter I was able to get to know weather vagaries of the southern edge of Europe, and the biggest trouble here – this is a very strong wind, which can blow for weeks and even occasionally reach hurricane force. Crimea is no exception, and walk the city streets in these days especially hard – with broken roads, pomoek, and the sandy beaches in the air rises a real dust storm. But sunny days in the winter a lot, and as we approach the spring – windy winter gives way to an early, warm and not less solar spring.
Well, the summer here – it really is the real summer! Sun, heat, sea and beach! By the way, humidity are not great and high temperatures are transferred fairly easily, and the sea is warming almost 30 degrees. Not in vain Crimea – it is one of the most famous resorts!
Very exciting povestvuete. I read an article in one breath. And liked photos
Thank you! Понравилось!