23 February Simferopol, Sevastopol и других городах прошли праздничные мероприятия, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. В крымской столице ранним утром собрались на митинг люди, many of whom took part in the formation of groups people's militia of Crimea.
В сквере Победы полки ополченцев возложили цветы к Мемориалу Славы “T-34” and paid tribute to those killed in the battles for the Motherland warriors minute of silence.
People gathered quite a lot of, I came to the rally and the head of the Council of Ministers, Sergei Aksenov.
Many times he thanked the militia in his speech, без активности этих людей вряд ли что-то получилось бы, and now civil war was probably not in the Donbas, and in these parts… This was said by almost all the speakers, talking about it, many Crimeans, I spoke with.
Ukrainians, русские, татары, Poles, Greeks and others continue to live here, and if Crimea died out, some say media, then the people would have long rallies. When we walked through the FMS cases, is seen, Crimea is not without foreign guests – British and Colombian passports on the table Inspector, people come on business, and it is not so important, the immigration authorities of the state to bring their documents.
More interesting opinion is about the occupation – разве против оккупантов не проводили партизанские акции во все времена? Where such shares have not seen. Of course, not without provocation and attempts, which had been promised for the past year a lot of, and weapons to Crimea imported hotheads, but fortunately, the situation is quite calm on the peninsula. In that, of course, has the merit of the People's Militia, which is now converted into falls under the category of Russian laws – national guard.
The militiamen are patrolling the city and engaged in the protection of public order, помогая сотрудникам полиции. Делают это, опять же, locals, and do not come in large numbers from all over the Russian citizens.
Часть ополченцев в годовщину формирования полков получала от главы Республики и командиров благодарности и награды, who passed them by in the past year because of the bureaucracy – world in Crimea still their merit. A variety of ordinary people followed for a year, the referendum was held peacefully, They helped as best they could, and they were on duty in their cars, and tea with pies maintained patrol.
World – such a short word, which over the past year has become for many people a cherished state. It is hardly possible for something to negotiate with weapons and economic blockade, поэтому хочется пожелать всем добра и понимания. only mutual assistance, rather than coercion and threats, fraternal peoples will overcome all difficulties and solve all the problems.