Film “skiff” will appear in Russian cinemas have 18 January.
In film “Man from Boulevard des Capucines” the main character asks to make installation, like in the movies, quickly to a baby. The same definition comes to mind, when I saw with my own eyes, what work has been done behind the scenes, to output turned ninety-minute thriller.
Hours applying makeup on the main characters and extras, Costumes, and these millions of pieces, just, to create an atmosphere. In frame, You see only the main line, Follow the main characters, but around it 45 days of hundreds of people.
All, who will come to the cinema to watch and will look for something to complain about (and there are such people), it is worth recalling the words of George Carlin, we stopped to appreciate what, it has become customary for us, как например, flying a plane. – It seems, Film and Cinema, gone, heroes run, and you do not know, they are half naked in freezing temperatures, Under strong winds Crimean, filmed a bunch of doubles battles, swallow the smoke of fires, not sleep at night, to have time to shoot all in time.
For me, the story revolves around a bloody, dynamic contractions – worlds clash, betrayal, a constant struggle, ordinary human history. But in the words of film director Rustam Mosafir on previews in Yevpatoria: “This movie, you probably have not seen.” And I really do not remember, even in a foreign, an amount of violence in the minutes of the film. Along with the, all very realistic and immersive.
duration: 105 minutes.
Как вы правы насчет придирчивых! Найдут какую-нибудь маленькую ошибку и начинают радоваться, какие же они умные. Критикуют те, кто сами не могут ничего создать. А фильм отличный!
Раньше не слышал об этой картине. Обязательно посмотрю этот фильм. I think, что он должен быть интересным.