In Yalta we came back when there went trolley. This was a special relish and chip, travel route, that you still evident at the first visit w / w station in Simferopol. And how, the longest trolleybus route in the world – 85 km, after all. As usual, with a bunch of cases, walk along the Yalta was intended for only one day, and my sister wanted to enjoy the South Coast resort several days. Сказано-сделано!
To leave early, we ran on foot at first (departure to 5:50) bus in Simfer. At this time in the Crimean capital go hard workers, Bus packed to overflowing. Somehow, in St. Petersburg and Moscow is the amount of time, time spent on the road, It does not seem something extraordinary, but in the Crimea from this wean and ride to work in another city, and even every day – it seems highly time consuming.
In 7:30 trolleybus to Yalta, стоит всего 87 rubles. Cass does not give certificates. Toilet only at the railway station. On what scale built – early fifties. People, Victory in the war torn into space, It seeks to build on the beautiful century building. You need only to dream, all fantasy will come true soon… What are the cities of the future imagined Soviet architects? – How beautiful is this dream of life in justice, convenient and comfortable towns and villages, where you can create, bring their ideas, there is always the opportunity to benefit others and to cultivate… A Bright future, which could be embodied even in the twentieth century.
Veterans trolleybus park not want to carry for free.
we decided, that we will go on a very real Soviet “trollike”, plunge into the past. It turned, it cold, the weather is already reaching for the winter and right up and down, Mountain and autumn forest, colorful.
Alushta on the way. When included heating, then enjoy a much better way of getting.
In 10:02 Yalta met us and we decided to climb higher, to explore the city at once from a height. Entrances to homes closed codes, at least for the safety of the residents do not worry.
Phone my sister to stop down for the last time and cracked. it happened, until we took rolls of potatoes and coffee for 30 rubles.
Tanya was going to settle in the hostel in the old part of Yalta, so we decided to get in a roundabout way with concomitant stroll around the city and seeing the sights.
To the south is a great avenue, though it is interrupted in some places, but without it, it would be much worse, greenery diluted road from two sides.
Where else to go to Yalta? Embankment, of course! from all, I heard about the city, praised all Embankment.
Handsomely, and the sun suddenly came out.
With a broken phone, hard had no navigator and we have become the old address to the local, we suggested to the road. And she led us up and up.
budget hostel, that drops one of the first in the list, It turned out to be hidden among the old private houses Yalta. Find it without navigator was incredibly difficult, even though we read all the recommendations, how to get there. Do not always wait for the price justifies the long journey to the sea, or the lack of adjacent infrastructure.
We lost a lot of time, upset, but the city presents us with pleasant views, Beauty, we were looking for and the opportunity to find another hostel.
I have noticed, that when you come to a new place and hard work over the night search, sometimes the best way to, first sit down and eat, and then move in the direction of the selected apartments. hunger presses, and without even realizing, you can tighten and irritated.
After a snack at Pushkinskaya street, we went to look for the hostel and quickly came to the stadium. Here plays and trains local football team, and the entire area, its greenery and outline reminded me of our cozy Baoan in Shenzhen. Walking around the stadium in the evening, beautiful view and even the weather suddenly became this year, and the setting sun's rays of golden grass on the field.
To me it was time to return, as well as a trip to the Crimean expanses takes a lot of time, already six in the evening had to leave. The last bus from Simferopol to Yevpatoria left at half past nine, and trolleybuses Yalta – Simferopol do not go as often.
I can not say, that had much much to see in the beautiful Crimean city, but for the first acquaintance, perhaps enough. Tanya managed to see a lot more, for days, that held in Yalta. Here and House of Anton Chekhov, and plant Massandra, accessible by a fairly free of tourists in the off-season city, It was solid udovolstie.
Я в Ялту ездил семьей с 1982 года и провел там с тех пор, в общей сложности, больше года. Now, с этой войной, уже третий год, не хочу ехать, через Украину не проедешь,а в Одессу и даром не хочется после Крыма. Насмотрелся фоток, и ностальгия заела
Victor, come! Может стоит освежить в памяти свои впечатления и сравнить, насколько всё изменилось или осталось ещё какое-то ощущение и атмосфера из нашего прошлого.
Не так уж сильно мне и освежать, последний раз мы были перед войной. А вот приехать не получится.
First, я живу в Приднестровье, поэтому я по мнению нынешних больных властей Украины – враг№2 (после России).
Во-вторых, как врага, пробьют по базе, и выяснится, что я родился в Макеевке.
И в третьих, как вы думаете, что нужно сделать с таким человеком, который, in addition, еще и в Крым (к врагам Украины) собрался? Likely,расстрелять, как шпиона.
Так что остается только ностальгировать, глядя на большой семейный портрет на фоне Воронцовского дворца.
Yes, путешествие из Симферополя в Ялту на троллейбусе – это настоящий travel для тех, кто никуда не спешит. Можно ехать и рассматривать красоты, откинувшись на спинку. В такие моменты кажется, что мир можно остановить хоть немного и запомнить каждое мгновение. Последний раз катались с мужем лет 5 назад.
Давно не был в Ялте, как видно зря. За всеми поездками по разным странам мира, иногда забываешь, какая красота и в родной стране есть. Хотя цены иногда немного кусаются, зато люди свои.
уххх, аж ностальгия накатила. от души вообще!