Our friend Evgeny have visited many countries and today tell about Singapore, which can not leave anyone indifferent tourist.
Traveling through South-East Asia, we quickly get used to the local color, and about present, that most people here are poor – many poproshaek, dislocation, unsanitary conditions and other “charms” developing countries. Although, by country, The situation may vary slightly in the best, then the worse, but not as much, to change the picture of his views as a whole. All this only so long, until you see the city, which seems to be here by chance, if it was not supposed to be here, but it is!
Authors photos: Роман Комаров and Anna Kupyrova
So, Singapore is a city-state, Located at the southernmost tip of the Malaysian peninsula, at the most southern point of Asia, not far from the equator. To get to Singapore, Russian citizen need a visa, but those, who stopped in transit – allowed to stay on the territory without a visa in Singapore 96 hours. It is this visa-free and we took advantage of a loophole. Passport control demanded fill migration card, demonstration return tickets and then was received the coveted stamp in the passport!
Singapore impresses from the start, because he meets a truly huge and modern airport, the scope of creativity which knows no boundaries. Carpeting, long pedestrian gallery, reception with free internet, Free zone of rest and sleep, curious idea – “Social tree”, a butterfly garden and a unique – All this suggests that, if we have not already in Asia.
Directly from the airport you can go to town on the metro, buying a ticket at one of the machines. The cost of the trip depends on the distance.
All trains are fully automatic and within trains a staff missing. Only occasionally can come supervisors, but for all the time of my stay in Singapore to me they never met. The cars, by the way, very cold, about +17, despite the fact that the street +30, so that the jacket is very helpful. In the city center the metro runs underground, and beyond – on the surface. Noteworthy, that each station has its own toilet, что иногда может оказаться очень кстати 🙂
Passing by a plurality of stations, once it is seen as a clean and tidy around. The country has invested a lot of money in the environment, and concern for the environment is felt in many ways. For example, If you destroy a piece of wood for the construction of buildings – you have to compensate for the damage caused to nature, landed a similar vegetation on the roof of his house. Во всем городе можно увидеть множество зданий с зелеными крышами 🙂
Singapore virtually spared from traffic jams, thanks to a competent network of road junctions, wide roads and well-functioning public transport system. Largely because of this, and yet the whole package of measures to clean up emissions from industrial areas – over such a large city can breathe fresh and clean air. Among the Asian megacities, where I've been, This is the first, where there is no suffocating haze and dense smog.
Curiously, that the country already 4 official language – English, Malay, Indian and Chinese. It's funny to see, Many ads are duplicated immediately on all four.
By the way, Unlike the rest of Asia, in Singapore, you can often see people of European appearance – mostly students, Singapore because education is one of the best in the world. Anyway, English is still the most important language.
And of course, Singapore – city high technology and huge skyscrapers. Tall buildings of glass and concrete are concentrated on the waterfront Marina Bay, Here are concentrated the main attractions.
So, What surprised Singapore already beat-budget tourists? Удивительно, but there are a whole lot of places, where you can go for free and get a lot of impressions and positive. And almost all of it – not just a typical city attractions, such as the biggest church or the theater building, but really something, that can not be seen anywhere else!
Первое – Gardens by the Bay, It is a high-tech park of great beauty, where the trump card – Future trees, providing their own electricity. It seems, if we get into the film footage “Picture”, but several times during the evening, these trees begin winking colored lights under the beautiful music, that is no less impressive!
Здесь же, but for the money, You can visit the two covered pavilions. We went into one of them – Botanical Garden “Cloud Forest”, and we were very satisfied. The main feature here is a large man-made waterfall and clouds of steam, in which you are immersed in the upper floors of the exhibition. By purchasing a ticket, enter the pavilion during the day can be an unlimited number of times, that allows you to see the show as the light of day, there and in the rays of a beautiful night illumination.
Certainly, will not leave indifferent and walk through the main streets of Singapore, especially the area of Marina Bay waterfront. You can often see the wonders of modern technology and creative construction, such example, DNA is like a bridge.
And it is in this area towering giant skyscrapers and is the most recognizable accommodation – Marina Bay. Тот, that is crowned by a huge boat, which is the swimming pool for hotel guests.
К слову, get on that same boat and you can not buy a room in hotel, which costs a fortune. For tourists there is a modest viewing platform, where you can climb, заплатив 20 Singapore dollars. Ну а для тех, who still modest, have at least a legitimate option – by an elevator with someone of the guests. In this case, we get to the entrance and a restaurant area Sky Bar, where you can easily see the panorama of the city on both sides, nafotografirovatsya thoroughly and immediately see the same pool, which by the way does not allow the viewing platform. This is not necessarily to buy something.
The restaurant can be reached “humanly” – by invitation, which are, but, I could not get. In our case, zaprygunli we first got in the elevator with someone, ehavshim on any floor, and left on the 47th. And yet the 20 floors be overcome by the emergency stairs, выйдя в итоге прямо в кухню Sky Bar-а 🙂
The leisurely walk along the central streets is to wander the area of Clarke Quay – one of the cubbies, where the rain you protect a wide glass roof, and the streets are huge street cooled air-conditioners. Such a desire for comfort I did not have anywhere to meet yet.
In the light of the day the city is impressive, not only the central regions, but also a number of places, which is to be reached, if it will be enough time. Unfortunately, the majority of them, for example Zoo, Bird Park, and the like, They need to have a certain amount of money in your wallet, and usually, not small – so we vyberaem free entertainment and first march to the park Sentosa.
Park Sentoza – entertainment center, Technology, stories, culture and just a great experience! Here is the main city beach, where it is possible to swim, though water, admit, not very clean.
In Centoze located theme park Universal Studios, which actually is the main part of Amusement. However, the entrance to, unfortunately, worth almost 100 Singapore dollars.
Some people say, that the most impressionable part of Sentosa is located precisely for these turnstiles, but even if you are unable to get there – quite a lot of interesting things can be found in the rest of the park. It was not without its amazing buildings, chic shopping centers, beautiful parks and green spaces, zanimatelʹnyh trop, ну и конечно – long and clean beach.
To add a measured series of daily, and totally free holiday, можно парком Chinese Garden, that is at the Metro Station. Very beautiful gardens in the Japanese and Chinese styles. It offers a purity, peace, relaxing atmosphere and wonderful fragrant nature..
And when night falls over the city – there comes a time of multimedia wonders! Now in the arsenal of the city as much as two free evening shows, that takes place every evening, about the same time – on the waterfront of Marina Bay and the waterfront at the amusement park Sentosa. And this is not some sort of flashing lasers out there on the roofs, both in Hong Kong, and the whole theatrical show water, music and light, in addition, It has an interesting storyline and a deep sense! Show on the waterfront of Marina Bay even made me cry a little and watch it more than once.
But the spectacle of the evening on the waterfront Sentosa though not so extensively, but also very creatively, spectacular and subject matter. In a highly unusual manner, using modern technologies, before us is a moving story of two beautiful storks.
We are so imbued with the unparalleled ability to create large-scale Singaporeans, modern and truly spectacular multimedia show, that did not spare the money and went to see another fantastic performance “Wings of Time”. It takes place every day on the beach in the park Sentosa, but for the money. Honestly, I am very demanding to, for that cry and I can say for sure – it's worth it! Such a graceful play of light, воды, sounds and fireworks, so even with a clear storyline, I have not seen more than absolutely anywhere!
К слову, if you are not so limited money, Singapore is open to you a whole lot more eye-popping adventure! But perhaps, эти впечатления я припасу для следующего раза 🙂
Lodging and Food. Prices
In all countries, there is a clear link between living standards and prices. Generally, the higher level of life – the higher the price. How can dogatatsya, Singapore well, just a very expensive city. Average prices of products, housing, and services are comparable, eg, with prices in Sweden or Denmark. Find budget accommodation was impossible in principle,, and my friends and paid about 30 Singapore dollars per night per person per bed in the cheapest hostel, in a relatively disadvantaged areas.
As for food on supermarket shelves – here we see the traditional Asia problem with dairy products and chocolate. No, it's all there, but it is worth the money Space, tk. Lucky from Europe. Generally, Singapore's very own productions there, Therefore, almost all the products in the stores brought from other countries. I managed to find only locally produced green tea. After shopping in supermarkets restricted my breakfast banana, noodles and toast with jam.
Surprisingly, Food in Singapore is at a certain stage and separate its most popular form are food courts. It is something like a food court in Russia, but completely different scale. It is a cult food, which serves all, for every taste and humane prices. Tellingly, Singapore is no longer a problem, in other Asian cities restaurants, When looking at the pretty picture dish, It is hardly edible – everything here is really tasty!
One of the interesting ideas, that I liked, It can be called soup, like “do it yourself”. Выбираем 6 or 7 ingredients, of which will be made soup, and around 5-6 Singapore dollars we get a big plate of excellent soup!
Try your luck, you can find an inexpensive meal and one of the main urban markets – Bugis Street. Here you can find almost everything in a humane, Singapore, prices. But to tell the truth, мы ограничились только покупкой сувениров 🙂
Traveling for many years on a variety of countries and cities, I began to notice, that the moment of acquaintance with a new city is no longer gives me such large-scale storm of emotions, but my head hovers something like “somewhere I've seen it”. But not here, not only in Singapore! Then I remembered myself still at the dawn of the era of his travels: learned new things as a child, and day by day, I rejoiced over the new discoveries!
Do you want to see the future? Do you want to re-open the world of travel?! Your next point – Singapore!
Абсолютно согласен с автором. Были с женой в этом неповторимом городе-будущего. Советы от себя для бюджетных путешественников, а их по ценам Сингапура, большинство))). So, мы остановились в хостеле на Hong-kong street. Цена за номер (отдельный!с завтраком))) хоть и скромненький, размером с кровать))- 50 у.е. Очень удобный район , две минуты пешком до всех центральных достопримечательностей – Кларк Куэй и минут 15 до набережной Марина Бэй.
Ещё одна замечательная штука- туристический автобус CitySigtheen. Возможно ошибся с орфографией, но не суть. Main, суточный(!) билет стоил 37 синг. долл на человека. Благодаря этому мы успели ознакомительно объехать весь город , как на такси добраться до ботсада ( там тоже бесплатный вход). Ещё успеть уложиться во времени по тем же билетам и на след. день добраться до острова Сентосы.
В одном себя корим, что хотя бы на сутки не сняли номер в Marina Bay. Оно того стоит, хотя бы ради бассейна на 200 метровой высоте. Как вспоминаем..ммм..обидно, короче.На букинге постоянно бывают акции и можно найти там номер на двоих по 350 у.е. Сумма посильная в сравнении с остальными расходами, поэтому советую в случае граниченного бюджета, для контраста и колорита остановиться где по-дешевле, но на последок- в Марине.