Djyetlag, Spring mood “boiling cauldron” people – всё это в новом путешествии нашего друга Evgeny, this time in the United States American.
piggy countries, in which I have ever been, first in the (2016) году пополнила Америка! Когда-то давно я уже думал об этом, but the ruble collapsed dashed all plans – in 2 fold increased cost and without doroguschy visa + tickets + Life in America. Всё это сделало перспективу поездки крайне отталкивающей. In this case, apparently, and would not be issued appropriate option, if not for trip, sponsored by the employer =) Of course, this kind of travel imposes a number of limitations, but in general, Even so, it is possible to have time to see something, study, understand, feel deeply.
So spring, April and 2 travel weeks in sunny California!
The most difficult moment for me on a long journey, как правило, является адаптация к местному времени. Difference San Francisco with Peter in the winter is 11 hours! It almost turns night into day. Not less than a week I was in a half-asleep after 12 Day, Boudreau frantically dozens of cups of coffee… Но яркое Калифорнийское солнце позволило быстрее осознать, что день – it is still not night, and by the beginning of next week I went to bed not earlier 22:00.
After California meet the following dawn residents of Alaska and the Russian Far East, and native Khabarovsk Here I was nearer, than Peter. Обычно разговаривая с Хабаровчанами их вечером, Now I began to call in the morning, с забавной путаницей на тему “yesterday”, “today” and “tomorrow”. Between America and the Far East passes Date Line, and, e.g., моё “tomorrow”, оказывалось Хабаровским “today”.. =)
Climate and nature
Likely, this is one of the main attractions of San Francisco and California, generally. The mild oceanic climate, без трескучих морозов или удушающей жары, with plenty of sun in summer and winter, буйством зелени у океана и загадочными утренними туманами. Nature is full of beautiful landscapes and reliefs, многие из которых образуют обширные национальные парки и курорты разной направленности, including, ski.
Здесь же проходит изобилующее шикарными видами знаменитое “Highway 1”, идущее вдоль океанического берега и по которому мне даже удалось немного прокатиться в сторону Лос-Анджелеса. Only slightly annoying, that the ocean temperature makes it comfortable to swim even in summer, but most fans of swimming here, already have for this wetsuits.
During those two weeks of April, I lived in San Francisco, было много солнца, almost necessary hanging head, winds, blowing the benefit of thousands of local surfers, a couple of days of rain and even a day almost 30 degree summer! Generally, практически проигрался весь питерский июль в несколько ускоренном темпе.
Probably one of the first moments, which I immediately caught the eye of San Francisco – Well very international population. I was already more than 30 странах, seen a lot of cities, but this salad is not met yet nowhere. At some point I even thought, that the actual Americans themselves here and not at all. At work, I was surrounded by Russian-speaking colleagues, соседями по жилью были семьи мексиканцев и ещё каких-то азиатов. В одном вагоне метро в час пик можно обнаружить людей всех возможных цветов кожи, hair, growth, eye slits and speak a variety of languages.
The same can be said about the mixing of cultures, traditions and faiths – probably only here you can see the whole street, where one after another lined up the church, находящиеся под покровительством каких угодно богов со всего мира.
When this whole blood stirring pomp – generally feel quite comfortable. Я не ощущал каких-либо пристальных любопытных взглядов на себе, such as in Beijing, Nobody ran after me like a bag of money, like almost every country in South-East Asia, No one looked at me and did not communicate with any condemnation or contempt. Safe and secure I felt myself moving through the streets both day and night.
confused, truth, неожиданно большое количество бомжей на многих станциях метро Сан-Франциско – этим мне показалось что Америка, apparently, не так уж благополучна как у нас принято считать.
City and surroundings
Here I will omit the stories of hundreds of attractions and entertainment, which is already full of so many guidebooks, and I tell a little about the city as a whole sensations. The city itself, to be honest, not so much made me violent emotions and delight. Будучи ценителем природы, landscapes and open spaces, в тесном и довольно грязном городе я нашел не так уж много поводов для радости.
Constantly comparing views, architecture, Regulated, purity, grooming and the way the state of the roads in San Francisco Peter – for me, Peter eventually come out on top.
not switch, in the course will be the most interesting – Prices, sleeping areas and bikeways US.