Today our friend Evgeny tell us about your stay in another East European capital - Budapest. Gloss tourist center, dirt and subway and walking on the outskirts of all the attractions of the Hungarian capital.
In Budapest I arrived when it was already dark and the greatest happiness, that there is near the town of what some military airports for 200 km, which could benefit from Ryanair, but because I was at the main airport and even 20 minutes ahead of schedule.
Общественный транспорт Будапешта
Advance reading about public transportation, I was ready to buy 3 daily travel on all modes of transport. But alas, at the airport did not have points of sale tickets (except unreasonably expensive tourist card, which include not only public transport but also a museum with guided tours), but because I had to buy a ticket for one trip per 320 HUF (about 50 AUD). This card I used the bus 200E, message to the nearest metro station. Mistaken with the choice of the bus is difficult - it the only route which goes to the metro from the airport.
Only at the metro station I was able to buy a 72-hour travel, I happily enjoyed all three days, and I can definitely say, that it paid for itself on all 100%. Its cost is about 550 rubles, and it allows you to use any kind of public transport, including commuter trains and river buses. Not very convenient only, pass that he is a wretched form a thin piece of paper, which for 3 day came in quite pitiful condition. Well, the control system was surprisingly simple - each subway station escalator before the trigger are in 3-4 employee, that hard stare in tickets and passes for each passenger. During peak hours, such a conservative approach to control, certainly, creates some queue. Well, As far as the land transport modes - there free entrance, however, prevent all speak eloquently of fines in 16000 HUF for ticketless travel, if you "catch" the controller. But in all my time I stay in Budapest such controllers never met.
So first, that surprised me in Budapest - a metro. It was surprisingly seen here our, Mytishchi train, and in such a terrible condition, it seemed, if they were sold in Hungary near the beginning of the 80s, and since then they have ride unchanged:
Station, all of the same type, dirty, and the tourist are quite complex in guiding. Sometimes the names of the stations are hidden behind advertisements and posters, a decent metro scheme there is almost nowhere. Announce station, of course, only in Hungarian language, and taking into account, that understand the pronunciation is the habit completely impossible - is the use of such ads is not enough for the tourist. Benefit, the metro in Budapest is only three branches, that overlap in only one place, and therefore, after a couple of trips, difficulties in orienting not arise, A few days later I even remember the pronunciation stations and learned to recognize them. By the way, one of the branches of the metro it's not quite the underground, and underground light rail. Never before have I had never seen such a miracle, and therefore my great pleasure to ride on the "yellow" branch, the more trailers that there is much more modern and pleasant.
So, at its metro station I was about 9 pm. Honestly, I did not expect to see such a dirty subways, leading to the station, to station myself krasotoy not bleshtet. In corners peacefully slumbering homeless, a couple of which something mutters. And when I went upstairs, something right in front of me suddenly emerged a hero, which unashamedly defecate hard metyas into the gutter. By surprise, I even slightly cursed, even though, probably, he did not understand me. Well, then I had to find a hotel. It was very close to the metro. Three-star hotel here was a kind of living room near the plant, which gave me a small room on the roof, with a window on the ceiling. But then I do not even began to like - quiet, cozy and breakfast is, though very modest.
Достопримечательности Будапешта
The next day I went to explore the city. Weather for 2 November was just perfect - about +10, and a relatively high sun eloquently firmed, I moved too far to the south. Out on one of the central metro stations, I immediately impressed by the beauty around me buildings - an abundance of architectural solutions from different years forms a very lush historical center, which may well compete with the beauty of the many masterpieces of the Italian city-.
Of course, as any tourist, first of all I went to the embankment of the Danube, and no mistake – pleasant experience from the heart perfectly complement the stunning beauty types of chain bridge in conjunction with the building of the Royal Palace, now is the National Gallery of Art:
Looking ahead, I note, that is especially beautiful this song looks at sunset and dusk. What is called, breathtaking! Unfortunately, promote my photographic equipment is not enough, to capture it as it should.
Generally Budapest - a joint name of two cities. Those, who looks at the building of the National Gallery on the other side of the Danube are located in Pest, and clicking chained bridge we enter the city of Buda. And so, nalyubovavshys views with beach, I'm heading in the direction of the gallery. Chained near the bridge seems even more majestic and impressive.
Okazavshys Near the Buda, primarily, I certainly, heading in the direction of the National Gallery. It is situated on a hill, and to the tourists there Funicular, but if you intend to walk longer, and do not confuse ups - forward on foot path. Actually, on the way to the National Gallery is able to bypass almost all the important places of the old city. One of these – Matthias Church and Fisherman's Bastion.
Came across there, where a crowd of people. It turned, that next to the galleries took honorary guard divorce. The spectacle is certainly not as impressive as, say, Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, but take a look a little bit is fine.
Here close to the Royal Palace, which actually sent the largest number of camera lenses of curious tourists. Building, certainly, quite worthy of this, but like so much on the Buda side - this is only the restored copy, lost during the Second World War, Palace.
Well, until it got dark, costs a little more appeal to the Pest side. The most interesting thing is there, but the most profitable it can be viewed from the opposite side of the Danube. Of course, it is the brightest building in Budapest and by far its main character - a magnificent building of the Parliament. I immediately remembered, I've seen many times something very similar to a picture of another city - London, and as it turned out - not by chance. As the tour guide told (and I'm on the way to join the free guided tours in English) - The architect of the Parliament took as a model the Palace of Westminster in London. Of course this is not an exact copy of, but the features are very similar.
Having admired, down in the subway, that is practically on the waterfront. To cross the Danube and go straight at the parliament building enough to drive only one stop on the red line.
Near the parliament also looks impressive, however upset that, that half of the building was shrouded forests, more close to him not to come - is fenced and the entrance by ticket only. However, you can walk around the area near, which is full of posters of the hard times during the "Budapest Autumn" and the struggle with the Soviet Union of the Hungarians.
Meanwhile, despite, that while only 4 pm - uzhe temneet. Sometimes really arouse suspicion in the need to translate the arrows here - the sun rises in the 6, get into 16, while the working hours as well as everywhere with 9 to 18. Nu to ladno, Hungarians presumably know better.
The evening is also quite pleasant to walk through the main streets, and many of the buildings in bright lighting now act in a somewhat different form. Especially, it concerns the most recognizable places - in chain bridge to the Royal Palace and the Parliament.
It so happened, that only in the dark I could see the main street of Budapest - street Vaci. As in many large cities is crowded pedestrian street, where the musicians play, lead tours, located in a number of luxury brand shops, in conjunction with the least expensive souvenir shops and of course a wide variety of cafes with cuisine to suit all tastes, but mainly on fat wallet. Well, it's time to break away from viewing the sights and enjoy something such Hungarian. Back Srazu attention to it, that almost all make some strange sweetness - something like a muffin-tube, that delicious smell and taste is definitely beckoning. Of course, in the center I was offered a "tourist" price tag, and wisely decided to try their luck somewhere near the hotel (and I live in a residential area) I have not made a mistake and bought this miracle in 3 times cheaper than at its metro station. Cost 300 HUF (where a 50 AUD).
In Hungarian it is called «Kurtoskalacs», or simply "kurtokalach" – such a wonderful baked tube, sugar-coated, and anything of your choice. I took with nuts, and really quite tasty!
In conclusion, little about the general impressions. Budapest seemed quite inexpensive city. The room, products in stores, fare - all quite comparable with the Petersburg prices, and the appearance of streets, except, of course, the most central, also in many ways similar to the streets of ordinary Russian cities - broken asphalt, dirt, neuhozhennost. In underpasses often had to see homeless people or alcoholics, ardent leading negotiations for a bottle of booze. So we can safely say, the standard of living is quite low Hungarians.
As far as communication - Hungarian language proved totally incomprehensible and not on what does not look like. About as, as Chinese characters. Even most of the international words, such as for example "souvenir" or "airport" is spoken and written in a completely different, and there is no chance to understand, that there is. I did not bother memorizing new words, the more so because their pronunciation is difficult to logic.
And of course, it is impossible not to draw attention to another important feature of the city, solely due to which it attracts a large portion of tourists - mineral springs. In the city a large number of mineral baths, one of which I was able to visit. However,, about, I probably, I will write more in the following article.
Pleasant walks in Budapest!
What Feels Like – how there safely?
Objectively – of alters Nicto not attacked, no one stole, on the head did not give.
Subjectively – Walking through the streets of the sleeping areas somewhere in 9 in the evening I did not feel safe.. as dusky, dirty and not very friendly all around. Here and there, the homeless so any strange looking person. In the center of the course is not so bad, but also sometimes comes chtonibud, that make nastrozhitsya.
It, certainly, not Scandinavia.. But there just feel safe.
Budapest is one of three favorite cities – atmospheric, cozy, though not small by European standards! There were only three days, gladly would have went for a week!
Вы и Evgeny – Well done! Can we also went to the top three, when I visited, say. Is a week enough for one of the most popular cities? I measure your favorite city for months, 2-x – 3-or more. What are you still of the city in the first three?
I am, apparently, yet insufficiently think big))
Fave, of course, Tallinn, he will not leave anyone indifferent, can only very experienced travelers, but for us it was one of the first cities! We arrived at the weekend to take a walk through the narrow streets and sit in a restaurant “Olde Hansa”, Decorated by the Middle Ages, around the spark plug, massive tables and honey beer in a stein!
И, perhaps, Marrakech, it is a completely different, very colorful!
None of the Asian cities have not entered… First impressions, perhaps the most striking! Although I will not say, Helsinki that I have somewhere in the lead, but the city is pleasant, and agree about Tallinn, a very pleasant town, and ancient, a great option for a first trip.
Previously, Lao Vang Vieng was, but now somehow all mixed up)
Helsinki…first crossing borders, source! is not forgotten!
Well, I do not remember, I was nervous to chat, that the name of his forgotten, but we traveled by car in Helsinki and I thought frantically, and what they will ask there on the border? Nothing special was not asked, We and vpravdu in Helsinki for a couple of days ehaly, nothing is going to lie.
Yes, jim-jams was, as always before something unknown. And perhaps these comments, a la: “oh, road then some, immediately obvious, that came to Europe…” – sunk into the memory. And you just something special happened at the border? 🙂