If you are coming to Vietnam for the first time and do not know, what can I do and where to go, how not to squander all the money in the first week, and the best way to have fun, then this list is for you. And even if you have been here, it is possible not all had time to try, every time you discover something new. Keep this list at, not to lose.
Perhaps there will not be all tourist attractions, ну так и не вся жизнь проходит вокруг исторических мест — нужно узнать здешнюю жизнь со всех сторон. So, le'ts go, 15 things for a memorable trip to Vietnam.
- Set local Grab application for journeys around town (analog Uber, Yandex taxi) and get to the hotel. When the driver will call you and ask for something in Vietnamese, respond to all: rowing, rowing, той кон хьеу — что означает, of course, “I do not understand”. You can add something in Russian, but the memory in the form of better application, than occasional taxi and divorce on 2 milliona dong, as it happened with my Dutch friends.
- Cross the road. Lesson number for Kamikaze 1: We approach the edge of the road, We look at the endless stream of motorcycles and cars, are not going to stop. it's desirable, но необязательно — зебра и зелёный светофор. Raises his hand and take a step into the roadway. Slowly begin promotion, drivers to see us and could go round. Safe and invisible, We get out on the other side of the roadway.
- If you drink alcohol – have a beer on 3000 VND per glass. Places called bia hoi, but the truth of the prices may be higher. And, if you still drink, it is necessary to have a drink with casual acquaintances Vietnamese, sometimes, seeing a foreigner, passing by their feast, gladly invite him to drink beer together. And talk, even if no one speaks in foreign languages. The phrase to remember: spendthrift, let, and, you!
- Find on Facebook Speaking Club meeting and practice with students of the park. Perfect, if you know English at the school level. more communication – more contacts, Local will be happy to be your real conductors, just passing by practicing a foreign language. And this is not a divorce.
- Eat street food, sitting on small plastic stools. — Это не нищебродство, a lifestyle. On such impromptu feasts can be collected, not poor people, who park their SUVs a few hundred meters from the venue friends. In big cities, there are corners and crannies, where dealers evening out with their own set of chairs, tables and drinks.
- Smiling passers, guards, traders and the rest of strangers. Very often you get… Smile in return. Dozens of smiles a day regulates the nervous system, improves blood circulation and sleep.
- rent a bike. Lesson number for Kamikaze 2: To make your stay in Vietnam was not boring, rent a bike and ride in the district, where we live. Your driver's license is not valid here, so if the police want to on any strange coincidence you stop, you'll have to pay a bribe. Good news – stopped very rarely, more, someone stops, in principle, and the police chasing them napryazhno. And a small tip – if stopped, immediately take away the keys to the bike in your pocket.
- Find friends among the local, через Couchsurfing. Who does not know, even if you have a house, and you are not going to live for free from a local, then who better to tell you about the local city, where you were. Total, Ten to meet the requests of coffee – and you will learn about the best places in the area many times more, than any of the guidebooks. Very happy to meet many Vietnamese, to practice their Inglish, without any deception and benefits, but if you experience, it is safe to get acquainted with the local through this site – You can always read reviews about a man in his profile, before, you go to a meeting.
- Ride a bike from south to north or vice versa. Lesson number for Kamikaze 3. If you have a little more time, than two weeks in the hotel and you are bought cheap tickets to Vietnam, this journey – then, It is making the most independent travelers from Europe and the US. Buy a bike in the north, travel all over the country and be on the south, sell the bike for the same price or even more, than the purchase price. The mountains, поля, towns and villages – the beauty of Vietnam's available to you on a journey, and of course, more interesting people. Plus the danger on the road: Tube, wild buses, rushing on an opposite, возможность заблудиться — но оно того стоит.
- Drink all Vietnamese coffee. O yes, the thick, black drink, passed through the digestive tract of small animals called weasel. Ладно, I tell the truth, not all the coffee passes through the stomachs of animals, but only some, sold, usually, in tourist areas. The taste of a cup of coffee any unusual here, definitely worth a try, usually add a cup of sugar or condensed milk gives sweets. Words to remember: ka phenyl to! (with ice), ka fe sua (with sguschenochkoy), nong (hot).
- Go to a karaoke, preferably with Vietnamese. A meeting place and entertainment – karaoke bars can be made very rich, almost like a casino. Sing songs in good company in the language, which you do not know – unforgettably. How would you go terribly sang, Believe, always there will be people in the karaoke, who sing worse and, attention! – It does not stop them. Therefore, forward, as soon as you will be familiar to Vietnamese, invite them to a karaoke, fun guaranteed!
- Eat the best possible breakfast – Bhamo oplya (banh mi up let – baguette with fried egg), plus coffee – divine combination. Plus soup pho for lunch and dinner. By the supe – it is chicken, will – beef. This is not just soup and a Vietnamese national dish “for tourists” – Vietnamese themselves happy to eat the soup for breakfast (eg, in 6 am), Yes, at any time of the day or night.
- Go to the Museum of Military History War remnants museum and horrified that, people that worked for decades the Vietnam War. This museum is in the Ho Chi Minh City and in Hanoi. The worst moments with the use of chemical weapons, statistics of, how people can unthinkingly take life for ideas. This is worse than any bloody film.
- Go to guerrilla tunnels Cu Chi. Would you like to wander through the manmade tunnels, where you can crawl just bent? Another horror story, which will allow you to get a taste of life and enjoy, you do not need to be in a bomb shelter Month, два, five, maybe ten years of his life to hold underground. Day trips, impressions for a lifetime.
- A ride on a sleeper bus from one city to another. This bus, where you can just sleep all the way lying or reclining. It allows a wonderful night's sleep on the road. To book a ticket you can at any local travel agencies and via the Internet. Do not rush disappointed, if online tickets for the next date was not, you can always come directly to the agency and the chance, you can leave, wherever you want, significantly increased. So it is with prices, by carriers, eg, Hanh Cafe and Tam Hanh Travel prices are usually lower, than that outbid, places that sell buses of the same companies.
- To come to Vietnam during the rainy season (May – November) and make sure, it's not so bad, as you might imagine: showers 24 часа в сутки, 7 days a week, без остановки – fairy tales. Check. Where did the item number sixteen? – Suddenly you do not drink, then now is the time to start planning your trip and to share experiences in the comments. See you!
Of course, Vietnam is not limited to these ideas for travel and living here, and these phrases for survival, I can enumerate many more: Water puppet show, Surfing, drugs with the death penalty, lediboi, пляжи, both postcards and other Asian delights, but you can start with this list and never give up on your trip, because few come to the hotel and drink there for two weeks with compatriots, Currently, the movement chut-chut (just so the Vietnamese say “a little”) more, outside the beautiful resort.
Какие забавные и полезные правила!) Особенно понравилось про дорожное движение!) По сути правил во Вьетнаме не существует как таковых? и радует, что гнаться никто из местных “гайцов” не станет. А вот музей войны бы посетила, жутко, но интересно с точки зрения истории!
Хорошие и полезные правила! Особенно понравилась мысль о автобусе для сна и про путешествие с севера на юг на байке. Тут уж точно – экстрима надолго хватит!)