We are interested, why do the Chinese drink hot water all the time, and found several answers to this question.
Some people say, it’s good to drink a glass of water before eating, and in China, with centuries-old traditional medicine, people continue to drink hot water and make it permanent.
Those, who has been to China, наверняка знают о том, что в любом ресторане или кафе, на любой встрече, в первую очередь вам приносят стакан горячей воды или чая, but most of the water.
So, options:
1. Hot water is better perceived by the body., than cold.
But why is this so, the Chinese themselves can hardly give an adequate answer, скольких бы я не расспрашивала. Стандартный ответ: “Это хорошо для здоровья, для твоего организма”.
Эта традиция зародилась множество лет назад (tea traditions have long been known, but what about hot water?), родители приучают детей, from the first years of their lives drink warm water. Они везде носят с собой маленькие термосы (杯子 – bei zi) с водой, разнообразие которых на китайском рынке поражает: большие, маленькие, с разного типа крышками, с теплоизоляцией и без, прозрачные пластиковые и тяжелые металлические, всех неимоверных расцветок и форм.
2. Maybe, такая привычка пошла с времён, когда в Китае необходимо было всегда кипятить воду, чтобы убить микробы.
На Западе люди пьют воду из-под крана, а в Азии только прошедшую обработку. Today it is also relevant., if you look around, then most public places, companies, establishments has a cooler, where you can pour yourself a glass of warm water, as well as bottled water of dozens of brands.
3. Употребление холодной воды во время еды способствует застыванию жиров.
Некоторые ученые придерживаются этой точки зрения, и утверждают, что необходимо пить теплую воду, чтобы помочь организму переварить жирную пищу, которая может застыть в желудке и вызвать проблемы пищеварительной системы.
Другие ученые говорят, что наш организм сам способен регулировать температуру – before food or water goes into the stomach, она будет соответствовать температуре тела.
Реальность. В Китае воду пьют постоянно. В любой неприятной ситуации вам дадут совет: Drink hot water! (Duo he shui!)
Особенно много ее нужно пить во время болезни (даже употребление лекарств уходит на второй план), но если случилось так, что у тебя плохое настроение, не ладится на работе или в личной жизни – попей водички и все пройдет.
Чем больше воды – тем лучше!
What else we should learn from the Chinese? >>>
P.S. За время пребывания в Китае, мы привыкли пить тёплую воду, обычно другой уже не хочется. И красивый bei zi у нас тоже есть. Да и присутствует в этой привычке огромная польза, ведь организм должен получать воду постоянно (1.5-2.5 литра в день), все наши системы функционируют на воде.
Поэтому, friends, пейте побольше воды! 多喝水!
But when I have a high fever,my mom(she is a doctor)I often soveduet,to water pit.a in my opinion,most intersnoe,in China,people believe,what to drink 1 a glass of water in the morning,It is a disease of the intestine and stomach. how to clean it.)generally drink hot water,Tokoy priizhodit way from the theory of Chinese lekorstva =)
And what is there in the theory of medicine say, Yunifei? True, what makes hot? Я читал, that it should be at room temperature, and to cold, and boiling water did not destroy the intestinal microflora (everything there is health). What other tips would be about drinking?
I was told,that drinking hot water circulation -Accelerates,as well as the selection is just toksina.vot =)Sit back should ask the Internet =)
I had to travel (по 4 year) more 8 years spent in 3 cities lived, and visited more 20!) India. Visited and heads of large industries and companies, heads of ministries, was in the Himalayas more than 4 times and bathed in the Ganges and on both ocean coasts of the mainland (Goa, Bombay, Madras etc.)…
Briefly about drinking water in India:
– water temperature should be at least the temperature of our body – only such water is perceived by our cells!
– water should settle in the vessel not only, to heavy metal salts and salts (from food) precipitated in even a primitive filter, but also naturally;
– in any Indian office, the head or ordinary official always has a glass / mug on plastic plastic with or without a picture of their deity (like a positive charge): And so from drinking from 2 up to 3 liters per day (especially in hot weather. Drink slowly: of 5 to 10 minutes otherwise, the sense of replenishing cells will not be through the salivary glands and blood),and immediately enters the urine. bubble;
– the main thing is not to forget:
water has not only a memory for good and bad including. words and your well-being ( do not drink water in anger or with bad thoughts – tune in and then the healing effect of water will be super!)
before drinking, you need to thank this water before drinking for its wonderful properties and the water is amazing liquid crystals like snowflakes in winter!) и после за её чудесный вкус и полученное исцеление Души и радость!;
Ещё много свойств Воды, о чём знают индийцы уже более 6000 years! Но об этом – then!
Water in catering served everywhere from Southeast Asia to India
Heart – a lot easier… ))
About germs – and there especially neznayut
Thanks for the comment, Pavel! About germs, India in the same, can someone not know, but food, eg, many spices sypyat – obviously because the bacteria are killed. More options for response are welcome, Tell, What are? 🙂
Funny men they, These Chinese. =)
But you did not find this in their habit of rational, Lesh? In winter, all goes perfectly hot and warm water lapped. And about two liters a day without constantly thermos will forget or not? And here again, all at your fingertips – sipped, how much to, day four pieces of thermoses blew and be healthy!
Sure, just so they would not have invented such a) I was just amused, because I can not imagine, as you can drink “empty” горячую воду. Another thing tea, кофе, cocoa, but just boiling water sёrbat I probably could not. Although people can adapt to all. 😉
Yes, it is the force of habit. They often and tea “naked” drink, it is unusual for us. Where all sorts of cookies, drying, crackers and cheese sandwiches with butter,? Although without these buns for tea probably harder to fret. Generally, quickly get used to it too, Then strange in Russia, that there is no place water or boiling water type…