Feast of the Fallas in Valencia, Spain
By one of the most important festivals in Spain include the Fallas festival. It is celebrated not only in the capital of Spain, but also in other areas of the autonomous communities. No reliable information about the origin of this tradition. Medieval chronicles tell of fires, in which the townspeople burned wood and old furniture, celebrating the arrival of spring. Other sources associated with the holiday carpentry…
Day elephants in Thailand (National Thai Elephant Day)
Yearly, 13 March, Thailand celebrate the national day of the Thai Elephant (National Thai Elephant Day). Celebration takes place on a specially equipped site about 80 kilometers north of Bangkok. Entry is free. This is done to, so that more visitors come to see and pay homage to these most noble creatures of nature. At the festival can be seen…
Colorful Festival in St. Petersburg
Festival of colors 'Holi' will be held in St. Petersburg 11 July. More 5000 Participants will sprinkle each other inks of different colors and shades. This day, expected, will be the most colorful day of the year! In Indian culture, there is a special tradition, uniting all Hindus in one bright color society - a festival of colors 'Holi'. It passes worldwide, giving people…
Festival of Lights in Berlin, Germany (Festival of Lights)
Фестиваль проводится ежегодно в Октябре. В это время Берлин превращается в город, полный огней. Искусная подсветка зданий, скульптур и достопримечательностей делает этот фестиваль уникальным и всемирно известным. Местные и зарубежные художники сооружают световые инсталляции, превращая город в огромную сцену. Они рассказывают истории, подчеркивая элементы культуры, искусства, ремесла. Улицы, скверы, исторические памятки и достопримечательности: all wrapped up…
Escalade (L’Escalade)
If you want to eat chocolate relish and rejoice with Swiss. that they were able to defend in 1602 Geneva, the invaders from Savoy, then you just need to visit the biggest festival Geneva: Escalade. The name of the celebration received from the French word “staircase”, which army the Duke of Savoy tried to climb into the night to storm the city. По легенде все…