Кого-то зима вгоняет в депрессию и он хочет вырваться хотя бы на недельку-две, чтобы погреться на солнышке и искупаться в теплом море, а кому-то подавай настоящую зиму, да чтоб со снегом и морозами. It turned, что наш друг Evgeny только и мечтал закапываться в сугробы и пробовать новую лыжню по всему евразийскому континенту. This he…
Category: Finland
Finland (Finland, Finland) – gosudarstvo of North Evropы, member of the European Union and its Member States of the Schengen Agreement. Capital Finlyandii – Helsinki, with a population of 5,4 million, this is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. The population is mainly Christian, speak English Suomi, Swedish is also a state, but with English you will not get lost. Finland is rich in its natural resources – forests, there has 35 National Parks, broad direction for Ecotourism. In the tourist area, direction is well-known Finnish cottages for rent, in winter.
In the east it borders with the Russian Suomi, and this makes Finland a very attractive destination for visa, especially for residents of the North-West region, which introduced a simplified regime for issuing visas (set of documents). For residents of other regions России, obtaining Finnish visa may be a bit tricky, but it's quiet, neat country, to look back, traveling in Europe.
We have been in Finland in 2009, 10-m, 11-m… It's hard to count how many times…
Traveling on European railways
If you buy individual tickets for all trains in Europe, it may turn out not cheap. Today will tell, how to buy a ticket, with whom you can arrange almost headlining tour in three dozen European countries. When we travel information, you will certainly come to know something new. The first European trip, I learned, What is CouchSurfing in Amsterdam. In…
Weekend in Finland
Об одном из самых дешёвых способов посмотреть Финляндию – на велосипеде, you now tell our friend Evgeny – любитель велопутешествий и наш эксперт по бюджетным поездкам в Европу и Азиатские страны. В комментариях вы можете задать ему все интересующие вопросы. Если вы являетесь счастливым обладателем Шенгенской визы, and even Finnish, and live somewhere close to the Finnish…
Еда без ограничений в Хельсинки — это незабываемо
When you do something like this and you share with friends, can not say, that is advertising. This is the best advertising for businesses, когда они завоёвывают сердца людей или как минимум их желудки:) after a walk, we went to eat pizza, in one of the best cafes in Finland. go to! For 8.95 Euro, можно есть все самые классные вкусности…