The Venice Carnival (Carnival Of Venice)
Carnival of Venice - a grand celebration in Italy, which is held annually in Venice. This festival – One of the most remarkable and amazing carnivals in the world. Duration of about 2 weeks, and the start date is selected according to the beginning of Catholic Lent. This ancient festival, the first mention of which relate to 11 Ages, took place after the harvest in honor of…
Carnival in Nice, France
One of the oldest, scale, ярких и зрелищных фестивалей мира является карнавал в Ницце. Празднование приходится на вторую половину февраля. Корни праздника уходят в далекий 1294 .03, тогда Карл II Анжуйский захотел развлечься в этих местах. Карнавал был настолько фееричным, что даже вызвал призрение церкви. But, несмотря ни на что, традиции передавались из поколения в поколение,…
Festival in Menton lemons, France
In the world a lot of unusual holidays, Among them are the festival in Menton lemons. The festival from mid-February to early March. It was at this period is the time of harvest. Why Choose town of Menton? Because, this town can rightly be considered the capital of lemons. Menton stands on the border of France and Italy….
Maxaşivaratri – “Great Night of Shiva”
Храм Пашупатинатх, One of the most important temples of Lord Shiva, located near the river Bagmati. Shiva – god of creation, preservation and destruction. It is important to pray to Lord Shiva on this day, as sincere worship of his acts much stronger, You can get positive karma and spiritual liberation. Толпы народа собираются в этот день возле храма. Musicians playing the sitar, drums,…
Feast of the Fallas in Valencia, Spain
By one of the most important festivals in Spain include the Fallas festival. It is celebrated not only in the capital of Spain, but also in other areas of the autonomous communities. No reliable information about the origin of this tradition. Medieval chronicles tell of fires, in which the townspeople burned wood and old furniture, celebrating the arrival of spring. Other sources associated with the holiday carpentry…