Carnival of Venice - a grand celebration in Italy, which is held annually in Venice. This festival – One of the most remarkable and amazing carnivals in the world. Duration of about 2 weeks, and the start date is selected according to the beginning of Catholic Lent.
This ancient Festival, the first mention of which relate to 11 Ages, took place after the harvest in honor of Saturn – God's land and crops. There were mass celebrations, and during the feast slaves sat together with their masters at the same table, but using Mask, to hide the social inequality. By the end of 18 Festival was in decline due to the revolutions, and later on it was vetoed. Only 1979 he was again allowed and became popular.
There are several types of masks: Worship – closes the upper portion of the face, nose and cheeks , allowing the owner to have, drink and talk freely. It was used not only in carnivals, but also in everyday life. Moretta means “dark” and presents a mysterious way during these ten days. This female mask, which covers the face and has soft curves. She first appeared in France. Face (Italian "face") или Larva( of latыni oznachaet ” ghost”) are simple “masks of ghosts”, enveloping the entire face, decorated with white, accompanied by a cloak. The most frightening is Plague Doctor or Plague Doctor. Long beak-nose, coat and white gloves – such a suit earlier served as protection during an outbreak of the plague of the 17th century.
Carnival offers an old Venetian holiday - Festa delle Marie, which is dedicated to the liberation of the Venetian girls, kidnapped by pirates from Istria. Come to the festival a huge number of people, to plunge into the magical atmosphere, buy a fancy suit and mask, and go on a holiday. The whole city is covered by dancing, music and fun, pouring rain on the area of confetti, magicians perform, acrobat, Clowns, held theatrical performances and concerts. In ancient palaces organized traditional dances and receptions. On San Polo a carnival for children.
The last day of the carnival - Shrove Tuesday, after which passes forty-day fast before Easter. This day was the parade of costumes, over the lagoon you can see a grand fireworks display. Not do without the pagan ritual – burning straw man, which symbolizes the renewal of nature, as well as mass dance in the Piazza San Marco. The bells of the church of San Francesco della Vigna announces the beginning of Lent.
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- holiday starts on Friday 16.00 with a procession wearing masks in the Piazza San Marco
- Fat Thursday(2-st Thursday) или Martedi Grasso(Tuesday, last night) squares of San Marco. Events with live music, masked performances and fireworks
- Tips on water
- ride a gondola, especially romantic will walk on the last day, Fat Tuesday, when the gondola candles
Some more info on the different types of masquerade masks here:
Nice article, Josh! Thank you for this interesting material.
I do not like noisy and crowded holidays. But here at the carnival, perhaps, it would be interesting to take a look. The spectacle of bright and unusual.
And in any celebrations or festivals you have already managed to visit? It seems to me, что шумные и многолюдные как раз самые яркие и запоминающиеся 🙂
Yes to any rock festivals, Poetry Festival, City Festival etc.
Everyone has their own preferences. I do not like to be in a crowd. Our trips are usually in beautiful places and, по возможности, not crowded (time specifically choose, that people were less).
But now I will plan to look real big festival. To get a vivid and memorable experience. 🙂
What rock festival remembered was the coolest? может мы пополним нашу копилочку событий 😉
What advise to visit?