When we own travel extensively, on the road constantly meet people, from stories that, I want to quit the planned route and go to those places, which have just heard, in admiring stories interlocutors. In the world is not so much the continents, but when you think about them, come to mind immediately route options for independent travel, which heard somewhere or come to a head, it would be nice to drive “like this”, and then… Here we will try to tell you about the best ways for independent travel, that will feel the romance of the road, and in any of them, you happen to several of excellent stories, "Will be something to tell the grandchildren":
- Transsiberian train (Trans-Siberian railway)
- Trekking Tropez after Ho Chi Mina
- From Sydney to Petra of minibuses (OZ path)
- Trail illegals. Panamerikanskoe shosse motorcycle
- Soedinёnnыe shtatы Americas Vostok village west of the machine (Route 66)
- To the pole of the Earth on a dog sled
- Eurotrip hitchhiking
Well, Let's go!
Transsiberian train (Trans-Siberian railway)
The longest railway in the world - is located across Eurasia, connects the two capitals of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) with the third capital (all Russia) - The largest of the East Siberian and Far Eastern cities of Russia. The length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 9298,2 km.
To tell the truth about this route dreams every second foreigner, when he hears about the biggest country: Russia? Would be cool to go Trans-Siberian!
– How to go by time?
– Week!
According to the site Railways, then travel from Moscow to Vladivostok will take 143 Hours to 161 hours trails. Cost, according to European standards, very small – 270 euros to place in platskarte. And this, I believe, the best option for travel – for 6 day road, neighbors in the compartment may be very bored. And in the reserved seat, if desired, social circle will be much more. Especially interesting for foreign travelers.
But, in truth, If we are going to explore Russia, Route, sharpened by the Trans-Siberian Railway, then it is necessary to select at least one month. In advance to schedule a stop in large Siberian cities, visit Lake Baikal is also necessary. You can stay in kauchserferov (in Russia there are many who want to take guests) or via airbnb. Less – it is more expendable, than a ticket on a direct passage to Vladivostok, but the advantages are disproportionately. So, you can:
- see Russia from the inside
- enjoy all its vastness, breadth and open spaces
- shout: “Conductor! Tea!”
- know the local people closer (There is a saying: “The farther away from Moscow, those good people.”)
- on the train you will definitely falls into a trance and higher transcendental meditation state without any
- if you're a fan of pseudo-Russian, you can dial a lot of vodka – you certainly will gain new friends
- even if you are not a fan, you can still meet those, who drink all the way
- enjoy the beauty of nature all the way, In particular bike at
- flaunt in front of foreigners: “Ах, I traveled as a Trans-Siberian Railway…”
This trip can be incredibly epic, with proper training. How to speak our friend Evgeny: “Transsiberian? – Nothing special…” – Of course, if you get home without any money in the hands of you only book, but, anyway, even such a story sounds!
From Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway, you can not just go to the Far East of the Russian territory, but also in China. Through Russia and Mongolia, train takes you to the Beijing, is another incredibly interesting direction, which satisfies all of the above.
Trekking Tropez after Ho Chi Mina
So, traveled to China for a few months, great to explore Hutong, Great Wall of China, learning to talk “she-she” and “Kun”, realizing all the difference and the subtle nuances between Cantonese kitchen and Sichuan, seeing the mountainous areas in Yunnan, You can move to the south, Vietnam.
In the capital - in Hanoi need to make a stop for a few days. I suggest to visit several museums of the Vietnam War, to become better acquainted with the future route.
Ho Chi Minh Trail - a series of water and land routes, length of more than 20 thousands of kilometers. In the years Vietnam War, It went by the guerrillas, forces of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, as well as the accompanying equipment and machinery. This way of Hanoi to the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City (former. Saigo), prolehala and through territory of Laos partially through Cambodia, by dense jungle, which are abundantly watered with fire and chemicals American troops. So, you can:
- feel like a Vietcong
- meet real partisans (though it is unlikely they will tell you a lot about it)
- be able to see all the legacy of the war in the cities and the jungles of Vietnam
- to participate in this adventure, beating all uncleared land trails
- also on the way can meet deadly creatures and all living creatures of wild jungle
- This will route survival, not Vietnamese beer the hostel whip
Now on the territory of Vietnam laid long-nominal track, which connects the two capitals. What else can be done? – Buy a motorcycle, ride it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and in the southern capital to sell it. If you have a good trading, then on the difference and you can still win. On the road need to be very focused and attentive, movement is very rapid, and when I moved to the territory of Vietnam by bus, something I've always been scared for motorcyclists, who had to pull over to the side of – our bus, at full speed, raced on an opposite…
From Sydney to Petra of minibuses (OZ path)
What do many European school leavers, students, who have not completed university – going to travel. Often, in his pocket, resulting in the home country working holiday (worker-selling) visa, they travel to Asia, perceiving the world, until the money runs out. Then jump on the next plane back to Perth, Darwin and Sydney and sent to work in Australia.
A lot of work in Australia, high level of income, as the level of cost. Even working on an organic farm, with free accommodation, You can defer the money for the continuation of the Asian travel expanses. But first,, need a ride at the multifaceted country kangaroo and national parks.
Buy a few people a minibus and after a crazy holiday and surfing on the Gold Coast - Gold Coast (Gold Coast), you can go to travel on Australian routes. Plus minibus will then, that there can sleep comfortably and save on your accommodation (main zanavesochki, the cops inside the car you have not seen, prohibited by the laws of the night in the car). Pleasant finale would be to sell your minivan following travelers (some even remain in positive territory).
All of this journey will allow you to:
- ruble to become a millionaire in just a few months of illegal work in the mine
poboksirovat with kangaroocompete in speed with an ostrich running around- to live in his house on wheels
- eat fresh fruit on the farm – vitamins and nutrients
- learn how to insert into a conversation “mate” and “bro” at every opportunity
- surf anywhere from the east coast to…
Us visa to Australia a little more difficult, for the citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus working holiday available. And just a tourist do not give so willingly, as Europeans (via the Internet) – you have to collect the papers and go to the consulate or visa center. Me Kuala Lumpur denied a tourist visa with all my biometrics and application form, but that should not stop you. Do Australian visa in their home country, with all the translated documents. My friends easily got her, passing the standard set of documents in St. Petersburg, and Bali smartly went for Air Asia Darwin. Good continuation of the route could be a return ticket on the South American continent.
Trail illegals. Panamerikanskoe shosse motorcycle
From Australia with a hot transfer in Bangkok, taking with him “The Motorcycle Diaries”, you can go on the Latin American continent. From Buenos Aires to Nuevo Laredo goes a long way . I'm sure many watched the movie, where the young Ernesto “That” Guevara went with a friend on a motorcycle, with magnificent leprosarium different countries in South America: Chile, Перу, Kolumbiю and Venesuэlu. Motorcycle they broke even in Chile, so you can continue to do as well as Che: foot, hitchhiking or "Hares" on ships or trains.
In the same way, and the crowd moved emigrants, hoping to get to the United States. Together with tens and hundreds of immigrants, you will be able to overcome for a song hundreds and thousands of kilometers, good program about it withdrew Al Jazeera:
May be able to slip a couple of Latin American countries without a visa, on the roof of the train. Well, besides, Of course you, expect a lot of other bonuses:
- you can pull up your Spanish
- of validation facilities in Buenos Aires, You can learn a tango
- You will find a lot of friends in emigre circles, it is useful to you in the United States
- you can meet these Indians
- in Chile and Peru, you will learn how to dance salsa normally
- fall in love with the beauty of the local nature of the saturated
- survive malaria
- inspired to implement a new round of world socialist revolution in countries with pro-US regime
- shoot a couple of drug dealers, or to work with them
- a little turned off the Pan-American Highway, You can drop in at the carnival in Rio
When we are all together safely get to the Mexican border towns and naedites enough burritos, quesadillas, it will be a good continuation of the intersection of US border, who are legally, and who does not legally (another epic adventure), visa to the United States can still be obtained, and though the procedure is similar to the Australian.
Soedinёnnыe shtatы Americas Vostok village west of the machine (Route 66)
So, you decide to go on a journey of the American dream. Many were sent to you, impossible to be inspired on a trip from West to East across America or from East to West, we advise to read Jack Kerouac – «On the roads».
Of course, when you have a visa and the right, you are ready to go even today to meet the new city, long highways and roadside fast fudam. I do not know, whether it makes sense to list all the attractions, that you will encounter on the way, but the portion of the wind in the face, you will get exactly, and still be able to:
- to rent or buy Solid muscle (muscle car)
- to enjoy the freedom and kilometers, which made the wheels under your
- gorge yourself a big ass in fast foods and banish it to the fitness club
- take with you “magic suitcase” (see. “Fear and loathing in Las Vegas”)
- naturally, in Las Vegas will need to be sure to marry / get married
- ibid, pull all his belongings / last pennies in machines
- to come to Hollywood for casting
- shoot an automatic rifle and a shotgun at the ranch from his friends cowboys
- meet a real American sheriff
- ride on different routes epic past: Kerouac, Ilf and Petrov, Jack London
- open your small or big business in the developed capitalist countries
Illegal border crossing will not give us the feeling of complete freedom, will need to keep out of sight of police or even sit in the underground. Therefore it is better to obtain the necessary sticker in the passport and race around the track 66 to meet your friends in a remote state, lie on the beach and surf on the California coast, swing in my car under the gangsta rap in the poor neighborhoods of New York and follow her dream (optionally American).
To the pole of the Earth on a dog sled
Both poles of the earth have been made by dog sled. The North Pole first got Robert Peary in 1909 year, and the South Pole - Roald Amundsen, Expedition 1911 year. Welcome to the Arctic and Antarctic Museum in St. Petersburg, for inspiration. In this journey just seems necessary to go, when you grown hateful heat beaches on the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
How much you can do during an expedition to the North Pole:
- explore the Earth's magnetic field
- see how funny penguins move and compare with the human flow in the subway at rush hour
- stay close to nature, polar bears, seals and other animals
- used to sub-zero temperatures – average winter temperatures at the poles: -40° in the North and in the South -58 °
- send to Twitter its weather forecasts with pole
- ride in a dog sled – this is a lot!
- You can stay on the continent, which does not belong to an existing country, ice every year back
Go to the South Pole can be, eg, from Latin America, sudah out of port argentinskogo Ushuaйi, flight from Chile, on his yacht for a 30-meter waves, importantly it would wish, and funds (to go there as a tourist must be a lot of) there! Well, one of the great options to make the journey – get on the Russian Arctic or Antarctic station and escape with dogs on the pole. Although, if so you are going to embark on this journey, then you're already ready for anything.
Eurotrip hitchhiking
You can also think of Fyodor Dostoevsky and his voyage to European cities, though not hitchhiking, but let me quote from the works of the writer about the trip: “Who of us all Russian (that is, reading magazines though) Europe is not known better half, than Russia? Twice I put here courtesy of, and probably ten times”.
Croissants and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Red light district in Amsterdam, beer and… Beer in Prague, pitstsa and razvalinы Colosseum in Rimet, пицца в Golden Rax и cycling routes to Helsinki – it is only a small part, about which we have heard. How much more the other Europe is waiting for us at a hitchhiking trip, and that, more than possible. How many stereotypes can be destroyed by direct contact with people from other cultures, how many impressions will be received, how to change the world…
The main advantages of this trip:
- Article travel budget on the move will be very small
- drivers – talkative people, even if you do not have their stories, select notebooks – learn a lot
- be able to see the small towns of Europe and live in them
- You can live in the European squat
Hitchhiking in Europe – It is not very difficult, crowds of people in Europe, Yes, and from around the world are moving there in such a way. A little bit of skill and experience, and in a way! From his European experience can only lead the way to Berlin from Warsaw, I overcame, a little more, than the night, moreover,, that went hitchhiking in general for the first time. In Europe, the crowd went even our classics, admired her, disappointed in it, but it attracted and will attract more long Russian heart.
Finally I want to quote from the beautiful works IABunin, which, may motivate you to get to Europe soon, autumn: We came to Geneva in the rain, night, but by dawn the rain was only a freshness in the air. Dverь open the balcony, we felt entrancing cool early autumn morning. In the streets of melted milk mist from the lake, sun dimly, but shone brightly in the fog, and moist wind softly shook the blood-red leaves of wild grape on poles balcony…
Read going on lib.ru. Lastly, if you get tired of crawling on the ground, it is always possible to fly from one European city to another cheaply - Ryanair and other loukosty to help you!
All these beautiful routes - a figment of our imagination and knowledge, drawn during the study of the world. We are ready to go through all these routes – sponsors expeditions to every part of the join! In “Contacts” есть форма для связи с нами 🙂 А пока будем выполнять экспедиции и открытия, research and travel as far as possible and may be tomorrow, after hearing stories of the next encountered traveler, We snapped the planned route and go wandering and catch new experiences in new places, which have never been… World! 🙂
Thank you, guys! Excellent post, inspiring! Мыслим одними категориями 🙂
Sasha, thanks for the review! You in any of these areas continue to think to move?;)
Tricky question! These routes of discharge “ever certainly go”, and we all pretty trivial, in the nearest future – Азия 😉
Good selection! At the expense of Marshurta Darwin Sydney minivan also has thoughts. За Route 66 – отдельное спасибо 🙂 – a great idea.
Будем читать вас дальше 🙂
Yes, may be in Asia will be more relevant flight Denpasar – Darwin, one of the cheapest but already there by minibus… Although Air Asia flies to Sydney (possible for 100 bucks from KL to take pre-, eg), and the City, speak with the work (although illegal) – easier.
Shtatskie shtatы tozhe wonderful, especially, a couple of days, say, that for the citizens of the Russian Federation will be incredible indulgence with visa and everything is sitting on suitcases) – though immediately take a ticket and… in the way!
Good post!
Про Trans Siberian 100% truth, each 3 traveler , traveling more than a year or have a ride on it , or dreams.
Terrible omission about Transsiberian, if there were not. I now regret, that this route did stop only in Novosibirsk, and be it, one day at a time for a flight, on the way to Beijing.
A really, not even the third, and every 2 minutes, met foreign backpackers, who heard about Russia, in the near future is going to drive along the route or, as properly noticed, already passed!
Ho Chi Minh trail – pustыnna and beautiful. great place for motorcycle or bicycle trips! about the Trans-Siberian Railway not know, who of Russian hunting for trains to ride and look at the forest belt along the railway? IMHO it's fun to just suckers, чтобы растворить хотя бы для себя этот красивый миф 🙂
Ivan, agree with you, Transsiberian is a Russian fairy tale for foreigners, but I would love to have visited several cities and the surrounding area, through which the road passes, Again, this is a beauty, we hear about sometimes, but do not seek to go there.
Example Chinas, I can tell, they have a very developed domestic tourism and millions of people ride in another province, to see the monuments or see the local beauty. Maybe this is due to difficulties of going abroad for many Chinese, but there is a feeling of, that you have at home, you can see something great.
And most of all that you can feel, when you have something already seen. This I discovered for myself, after, both in Europe ride. When he returned to his native land, saw, that we have something as beautiful too, begin to appreciate more places, who previously missed. So I really want to travel to Russia yet.
The atmosphere in a way creates not only the scenery outside the window, and companions, so I wish you to find a good way, interesting people! You already drive on the highway of Ho Chi Minh? It is not always so deserted, I just wrote, that the bus on which I was riding on it, often went to the oncoming… Представляю как там спокойно было мотоциклистам 🙂
I went on the road with the Ho Chi Minh Hue to Vinh few days Wehle – Sometimes there are only a few cars per day… big bus there generally will not pass – it is too narrow and dangerous….
Cool, Tell us more! Solo went? With a tent? And about the dangers of detail. You can link to this comment throw on your report? It will be interesting to read.
report here: http://www.marshruty.ru/Travels/Travel.aspx?TravelID=fbd3458e-5629-4d9d-a71c-7f3c6cb9dbe4
Ivan, I started reading about this circumnavigation, a bike ride so much – that's cool! She ended? Indeed circumnavigation turned?