Before go to “Celestial” I heard something about Cheap China: cheap goods, cheap clothing and equipment. After several months of living in China, can say, that not everything in China is cheap, and now write, as here the situation with housing, what kind of prices on food and travel.
- Accommodation in China
- Rent an apartment
- Hotels
- Products
- Vegetables
- Meat and fish
- Fruits
- Dairy
- The rest
- Cafe
- Mobile telephony
- Public transport
All of your budget, their requests, This layout will help at least some level of cost estimate during their stay in China. You can go directly to the interest rates.
Accommodation in China
Rent an apartment
So, start with accommodation: apartment provides us with an employer, so much to say about the price it can not rent. But at this flat we need pay for heating, for 4 cold months. At our huge two bedroom apartments turns 384 yuan per month, in the summer it will not have to pay. The second item of expenditure can be considered electricity, to 100 yuan you can buy 192 Four-wheelers / hour, suffice it to us more than a month, and may be missed, and for a lesser period, if you include the stove or permanent air conditioning use, in 200 probably You can meet. Next comes the Internet — 72 yuan for an apartment for the slow 256 kbit / s, and all sorts of cleaning the stairs and probably repaired, More 64 yuan. Gas prices higher than at home, cubic meter costs 2,4 yuan and 20 cubes lasts for quite a long time (promise, that soon gas will cost 3,6 yuan, but generally prices will not soar). In this way, in the cold winter months, we need the maximum pay 620-720 RMB for utilities, in the warmer months 236-336 yuan for the whole communal. При этом, we do not have to solve any issues with the landlord, and we do not have to look for all the little pitfalls in the contract for a two-room apartment, where you can ride a bike.
According to the information from your friends, who have lived or live here already, can say, that housing prices in China vary. For example, gorod Baodin: our Chinese friend takes one-bedroom apartment in a new building with air conditioning and facilities for 10000 yuan per year (50000 rub.), it is not the center of the city, but the machine itself is a small town. And to buy an apartment in the adjacent house, about 80 squares, should be given to the order already 500000 yuan.
According to other sources, Apartment in Beijing, maybe it's worth 4000 yuan per month, well, with respect to Hong Kong or Moscow prices, Chinese metropolitan housing is not such a sky-high. Closer to the outskirts you can find prices and lower articulated. In the center of Wuhan can be removed 90 square meters in just 2500-3000 yuan, and the apartment 80 squares is not in the central regions will be worth it already 1000-1800 yuan per month rent.
Not all Chinese hotels may receive foreigners, this harsh truth, we encountered a couple of occasions for all our stay in China. Case in Beijing, when after midnight near Udaokou we were sent out a couple of places with cheap rooms (and pay 400-500 yuan per room 4 the stars, we then could not), and in a couple of places there was no free rooms, we finally stumbled upon Two-Star Hotels, where there were rooms for 220 yuan. This of course, two zvezdы, Bathroom and shower with toilet joinable, we did not expect much. Right on the western train station hanging signs, that can be removed double near the railway station in just 130 yuan, need not yet been, but also information, allowed if there aliens, we did not have. A, eg, Evgenu our, pomazhorit loves and for the hotel in the center of Shanghai paid 340 yuan, but for a small room next to the metro Dengshikou (Hotel within walking distance from Wangfujing) в Пекине, he gave 260 yuan.
When we were in the process of getting our working residence permit, в Баодине, School Celine us Parush diff in Othello, where we work. Four Stars, a spacious room on the seventh floor and Breakfast enabled – 600 yuan. China such a big, generally, You can find an available room in, but let me remind you one trick, if you are in a situation, that good, difficult to find a cheap hotel - go to the bath. In the truest sense. We've written in more detail all the benefits of the Chinese baths.
Usually we cook at home, Still there is a huge saving, if you want the usual food. Gas is usually consumed more slowly, than electricity, so another layfhak: we no longer sticks out at the stove with a frying pan and ladle, rather than pour water into the kettle and throws in a little sandwiches elektropechku. So, start with drinks, tea selection here is huge, need to write a separate article, when we learn to understand the nuances. Packaging of black tea worth in the supermarket 9,9 yuan, with coffee and then the real trouble. When we arrived and saw the store shelves, clogged soluble rubbish, they thought, that the Chinese drink instant til (such powder cement color) instead of coffee. Large pack costs 16 yuan, but we were able to overpower the only one and I would not say, that many Chinese people drink this drink. Coffee is also possible to control the, Then we bought a package (450 грамм) imported, for Brazilian 80 yuan. There are cheaper options and, in Wuhan, we took coffee (350 грамм), imported from France for 50 yuan. In Peking I allocate bank 35, but does not know, that it was for coffee, at the time reserves were full. Чай, Yet, remains the most popular drink in the population.
To purchase the product at hand three huge supermarket, sometimes you can take some of the products in a street market, but in contrast to, from the same Ukraine, in such markets do not always work out cheaper (can we just do not know how to bargain everywhere). Mainly, we prepare simple meals, This helps us rice, is very pleased with us and accelerates the cooking process.
While rice is heated: there are packages of five pounds – 30 yuan (If you take in bulk, it is worth it usually 2,49 yuanya for polkilo), we cook vegetable and mushroom filling. Approximate price per pound: onion – 2,78 yuan; pepper – 4,98 yuan; cherry tomatoes – 3,98 they, that pink sweeter – 6,99 yuan; common tomatoes – 1,99; zucchini – 3,28; cabbage – 2,68 yuan; Chinese cabbage happened and 0,19 yuan, average 0,5-0,9; carrot – 1,28 yuan; Different mushrooms sell, Cheapest oyster on 3,50 were; other mushrooms – 3,99; mushrooms 5-6 yuan, long, thick mushrooms (also do not know the name) – usually 6 yuan.
Meat and fish
Many dishes are prepared from potatoes, in Russia will still be cheaper, here on 2 yuanya for polkilo, takes one, but it is quite scary. Large selection of all greenery from the arrows of garlic to the tops, we do not know what to call it from 1,50 to 6,50 yuan. As you can see in the gallery below, chicken breast worth, eg, 10,80 and navels on 15,80, about the same cost minced. Fish products much cheaper, for 4 yuanya / polkilo, we can take, for 8-10 the big fish, few bones. The most expensive fish are ~ 27 yuan, Aquarium usual fresh, crabs and even toads sell. We are not so far that foodies. There are frozen foods, You can make yourself at home hot pot, than what we do sometimes, a pound of such products (fish, tofu, “meat”) – 12,9 yuaney for polkilo.
Go Category fruit bezumyyu, mangoes are expensive, than in southern countries, but still cheaper, than in Russia – 9,99 per pound of large mango and 6,99 by smiles. Very tasty papaya, after rasprodazham Bralo for 2,58, Now go pineapple season and they are sold on every street corner, approximately 1,88, fully weigh, then it can be cleaned and. Autumn and winter long you can always take the mandarins, for 1,7 yuan. Bananas usually go for 2-3 yuan, depended on qualities. Pears – 1,78, Apples – 4,38, Oranges (available all winter) – 3,99. Generally, without vitamins difficult to stay even throughout the winter.
In the dairy department lot of preservatives and I do not know, they put there, but even in the refrigerator does not keep its, You can take a huge package for 26 – 30 yuan, it is 26 packages 120 milliliters (depends on Producer, rates reach up to 50-60 yuan), liquid yogurts, we also constantly take – 1,50 for 160 ml upakovochku. A paragraph c sыrami, oil, curd, sour cream then big problems. None of all that diversity, that so pleases in our dairy departments. Sometimes you have to take the imported cheese (Cheddar) for mad money 250 grams per 40 yuan, were Yabaolu, take something like the Russian cheese, for 15 yuan a small piece. Generally, who can advise good shops in Beijing, it is desirable to link to the map, Let's get straight to the comments. I thought, the next time in, being at home, take in the shop once a kilogram of cheese or two kilos of different, Russian and some massdama – also goes. It will melt in the microwave and put on a thick piece of Russian, and then vice versa. Generally, otorvёmsya.
The rest
Eggs are sold by weight here, and the cheapest supermarket shelves are 4,89 yuan. To add to our meal any condiments, по 2-5 yuan for Paketik zapravok, peppers and other. Soy sauce – beautiful attribute of any of our dishes – we take a liter bottle 10-15 yuan. Pasta is also possible to take vrazves, по 2-3 yuanya for polkilo Svezhin, chopped noodle. One of the most inviting departments Baking (not BREAD, because the normal black bread is not here) or can it even be called baking, there simply stunned pastries for tea, keksiki after 5,99 yuaney / polkilo; biscuits on 7,99; baskets on 2 RMB per piece. Generally, many yummy, too simple loaf stuffed sugar, we take only unsweetened version – white bread for 3,76 yuan. On the way to the exit waiting for many more temptations, Chinese have reached a high level in the food packaging and shelves piled with dried meat, all sorts of berries, semechkami, nuts, čipsami, candy, which can be stored for long periods. But these divisions, we try to avoid. By the way, deshёvыy chocolate kytaytsev, too horrible stuff, how to take a good, if there is no decent cocoa. Illustration ordinary Chinese supermarket below:
As they say: Chinese eat everything that runs, flying and crawling, so we will not describe all the branches and a variety of Chinese dishes, just describe a little bit of personal experience. Szechuan cafe, next to our house in Baoding offers sharp, hot meals for 25-30 yuan; plate acute tofu (just like in St. Petersburg) it is worth 10 yuan; we usually order Figure, to snack savory 2 yuan per bowl. Total, there just is not much naeshsya, pair a three dishes and rice for two cost us 50-60 yuan.
The cafe next door to our school is full sets choice of 13,5 yuan Well burger, meatballs and gruel, to 19 yuan for noodle soup with green and burger with meatballs. For 18 yuan You can get a dish of rice with meat, plus salad. Snack there average goes to 30 yuan.
In one the cheapest cafes, where we ate in Baoding, You can take a big plate of pasta with the sauce and eggs for 7 yuan, a large bowl of soup for 6 yuan. Gradually, the prices are rising and one of the favorite dishes, which we take on Tap – Bao tszy (burgers), stands now 6 yuan, against last year's five for 10 stuff. Usually, we have enough on portions each for a light breakfast with kofiem.
With coffee trouble here, but in some places, Coffee is still boiled and magnificent chyzkeykam by 12 yuan, we take a couple of cups of coffee (American) – 10 yuan. Mug simple black stands 8 yuan.
In Wuhan, after a long walk on a cold city, was just bliss to sit in a warm cafe and tried a bunch of different cakes, as well as corporate kofya, which cost of 8 to 13 yuan. Sometimes you want this caramel treats, and in one of the biggest Baoding TC – Beyguo, Starbucks has, where a half a liter of coffee costs about of 22 yuan to 39 yuan per glass. Add, that Starbucks, a very cozy atmosphere and it honey attracts all foreigners. There are constantly flocking all expats, which brought in Baoding, which is a good benchmark for a small town. In Beijing, the same, foreigners are not so interested in aliens, because they were there the crowd.
And many of these foreigners, who come to China to see the sights, just need to try Peking Duck. You can try it in a heap of restaurants, we did not find specifically how to Peking Duck in different locations, but half duck with sauce and fresh appetizers 100 yuan for two, in one Městečko near the Jianguomen subway, seemed to us quite acceptable.
Generally, It's Business District, where businessmen go on lunch break, and even to the east, izvestnom neighborhood in SOHO, prices in the cafe is not space, dish by 20-30-40 yuan, quite expensive for the laborers. A small observation: usually, inexpensive and simple street food cafe located next to the university hostel and buildings, so if there is a university nearby, may be able to eat cheap. But this does not apply to Udaokou in Beijing, may first, cursory meeting with the district has received a passing, but the metro we saw, mostly, eatery with foreign cuisine. And here we come to one of the traditionally high levels of the cost of a meal in a restaurant – it any other cuisine in the world, except Chinese.
Next to the house we had a Korean restaurant, где one dish could cost about 50-80 yuan, for a small town, a decent price, but this restaurant has closed down.
On the next street there is a real Sandy's Italian restaurant, where the average price of pizza – 50 yuan, Lasagna – 48, nezhneйshie and tiramisu for panakota 28 yuan. Russian cuisine in the neighborhood, we were not looking for, EE replace the home or draniki golubcы, actually, you can cook a lot at home, Similar products many. The only, beet that we in the local supermarkets are not met – “coat” do not, Well, with a choice of cheese – trouble. Buckwheat kitaytsev delicacy in how, they brew it in tea and this box is worth almost here 50 yuan, Beijing can afford it easier.
Mobile telephony
Calls and sms are cheap here, Of course it all depends on the rate. We use China Mobile, because most of our colleagues and friends in Baoding, connected to this an operator. Of operators, that catch the eye, I can not remember even China Unicom - also one of the largest. Connects us to a cheap rate, so that you can send messages – 0,1 yuanya for SMS and call – 0,2 yuanya for minutu, And in a month at the same time written off 8 yuan. The cost of connecting – 50 yuan, all at the expense of. There is a mailing 13 yuan subscription fee per month, the difference in the balance of the bonus Megabytes, so if you use the Internet, then probably best to take this option, with my phone about the Internet can not bother. While in the other region, phone as well as in Russia goes into roaming, therefore advantageous to use for travel sms. International calls, we do not do, with family on Skype call up, and for sending SMS from the main operators have online services.
When I first came to Beijing, for the first time and was looking for the way to the office kc, which has then stayed, I bought a card already for 100 yuan, while on the left bank 30, not as profitable, but rather the divorce. Oddly, but in Baoding China Mobile office every time we come across at least one English-speaking officer, therefore deal with payments and tariffs was much easier.
In connection with the mobile theme I want to address the question how much machinery in China, the same iPhone 5. On the first day of sales, in the near our store was a huge billboard, that can be taken as the fifth 5400 yuan, сейчас, naturally, prices fell. In Hong Kong same, prices are lower due to lack of fees, You can fly there and without a visa, but there were also the complexity, at the beginning of the sales, they are not sold to foreigners. On average, the, prices for mobile devices in mainland China is not much below, than in Russia, the only way to fight off the trip – take just a pack of devices for friends.
Public transport
For such a huge city like Beijing, price of a trip on the subway amazing mala – just 2 yuan. The subway is very convenient, connects the different parts of the city, in winter you can hardly get out to the surface, of Moroz. For example, when added two 9-th branch, we have just a couple of transplants get off at the same Jianguomen, when they open the transplant with the first branch, will be even faster.
In the southern cities, eg, Shenzhen and Guangzhou Metro fare ranges from distance. At least it turned out to pay 3 yuan for proezd, just a few stations. And when we drove almost all the blue branch on the way to Longgang, greedy machines took with us 10 yuan. But it, of course, any comparison does not go with the Hong Kong subway, where for three stations with each one of us took off 11 dollars, and the drive from the border to the center can cost all 38 dollars, in St. Petersburg for the money can be 5 time to ride.
But we will not be upset, pereydёm Category buses, because such, Beijing travel costs for the most part 2 yuan. Sometimes come across buses, where it is possible for 1 Yuan drive. The same situation in Wuhan, travel long distances between parts of the Tricity, for 2 RMB delight. In Baoding will, eg, for proezd most buses, will have to pay only 1 Yuan, but the route, где buses go in long-haul destinations, that we do not know, also 2 yuan. The same applies to the new double-decker buses 1st route, Naver price zavisit, more, the length of the route.
Taxi drivers China's relatively honest, nobody offered us to go without being turned counter or as a Filipino taxi driver to Cebu, go without meter or “over the counter, but plus 50 Peso”. Well and good prices in Baoding: 5 yuan from the start, и по 1,2 yuanya kilometric. In Beijing counter activated with 10 yuan and each kilometer drips 2 yuan, if you are passing more 15 kilometers, then 3 yuan.
At this stop today, in another article will try to summarize and how much it cost to paint the other aspects of life in China.
Wow, what you have just turned Directory!
Hope, This background information will be useful, if you will be going to live in China for a while.)
Cool you review has turned! The prices are almost the, as we do in Minsk. Pity, cheeses that they are not very. They do at least some cheeses produced in China, or all of the imported?
Well, what is on the shelves in supermarkets, maybe made in China, but it's processed cheese, slices. Does not have a huge cheese heads. That, that lies in the department of import – slices of cheddar and his ilk on 250 gram or mozzarella.
The only salvation, look for something in the Russian quarter. Somehow I do not know, may be somewhere in the south and there is a local cheese, but we did not come across never.
Unfortunately, and yuge Chinas sыra net. We have him here even worse situation, Cem the North – in supermarkets even mozzarella not find import. And American Cheddar on 250 g. me too disappointed – recently, seems to feel right, what he chemical….
In the North, there are also shops, where more imported goods, and we are – only import department Karefura, and all. And there is little choice…
In local supermarkets or type Beyguo Baobay have import department, but there is no more than Keyrfore. For Russian cheese only in Russian quarter in Beijing have to go, but sometimes zabugorny suitable: yesterday took the same keerfore Gaudi, very tasty cheese (price so wom, as cheddar).
lucky you:)
Podrobnenko. With kvaritrami much cheaper than in Moscow. A kakya average figure living in China in the month you get?
Everything depends on our activity. Here we are now living in Baoding, work, Beijing does not ride, rarely to go, can play a game of billiards, eat at home, rarely in the cafe, for one-third in April 500 yuan was spent on just two.
In December we went to Beijing a couple of times and in Wuhan, at the same time over the last month took no more than 4000 of double.
Finally! If only hold a plus!!! Article – class!
I even read all, despite the fact, that the images are not so much )
You?! Read all? I do not believe!:)
Thank you. But that's not the whole list. And since revised its, their costs, and I think, I'm usually in Peter even more on himself alone spent.
But the taxi drivers I immediately wanted to deceive. On Fanfudzine tried to catch ) 80 yuan, says, to Yabolu. I'm shocked, otoshli sosednюю the Street, it caught on the counter and reached for 15 🙂
Sim card on the same Vanfudzin baryzhat markups on 250 Yuan. The official saloon! Findings vidimo c Baodin for deshevыmi ehatь (
Subway in Beijing class – very economical, for 2 RMB skate everywhere. But in Shanghai, eg, depends on the distance. Minimum – 3 yuan, and on the branch to the Airport I gave something about 15. Но это уже другая история 🙂
Well, you skazanul, everywhere there is vile cabbies, is one of the professions okolomoshennicheskih itself. But the percentage of those scoundrels in China, insignificant, compared with India, eg.
And in tourist areas, it is natural, because there across fuckers, means, razvodily consider, what with all this ride. Just hold the tail gun and do not go to a Chinese student drinking tea!:)
A good overview!
We, I look, apartment several times cheaper, but the food and the food in the cafe is cheaper you.
We talked to one of Shanghai, that the more expensive real estate in Shanghai, but a month for housing leaves a lot less money, than we do in Hainan.
So are we still living in the capital, and not in the resort of Sanya – there at all prices bite…
Thank you!:) And if not a secret, it is several times cheaper to as? For communal costs about the same as obtained (except heating, which you do not)?
Studio apartment somewhere 1500-1800 yuan, quite a great, in good repair. For 700-1300 can be found without repair, postaree.
Communal, really, exits at approximately the same rates, and heating we have(((
Winter about 500-600 yuan heaters accumulates.
Nifiga itself nabegaet zimoй. I once thought, what you have in Haikou is the weather mild winter, warm. Or is there in Shenzhen at +7, already shivering chills? Long cold? Yes, good prices on rent to the provincial capital.
In Sanya weather is good, and in Haikou – in SHZH, you'll subtropiki, essentially. By +7 we can not be lowered, but to +10-11 quietly.
Terribly cold, damp, mold everywhere, wind…
And now the weather is a joke some plays – Monday was sunny and about +20, Tuesday sharply +36 (all the moisture evaporate start, once such a bath, horror), a medium temperature dropped back to +22, today has been 30….
Such swings just crazy reduce… And in the snow, of course, bored..
I do not know, Bath does not scare us, with pleasure and +30 and +36 survived to, than near zero throughout the winter. We were so happy, when in February came in SHZH, and there plus 20. Here, too, snowfall total 3 times, children immediately sculptured snowmen from what it was, so bored we somehow did not manage to, You can even a year without snow and frost!:) In the south, you have a lot of solar panels used?
Wow, exactly what directory!)) Thank you very much, very interesting!
I hope that some of this directory will be more important at the time, when you will be going to China:)
Thank you…article is really good…I plan to go to Beijing with a girl…learn…learned…training at the university 3000 $… and on how much there really is possible to live?…especially not walking…and save the budget…kindly advise…and is it true that in Beijing with knowledge of English is really easy??? Thank you…
You will be much easier in Beijing, when you know Chinese, sadly. Yes, You can find people, who speak English, among college students is probably even easier, but still this is China, percentage probably as many people speak English, but in Russia. The same taxi drivers better on paper to write everything, and stores, sign language ride. Well, if living in a hostel you will also be included in the cost of training, it costs very little per month are obtained. In the student canteen prices small, and if there is somewhere to cook, then all will be good save. The exact amount is difficult to call me, we wrote in the comments, what costs we have obtained in the last month. Beijing prices higher, Yet, and in stores, and in cafe.
Hello, можешь рассказать мне о своём опыте с Китаем, просто очень хочу туда уехать с женой. +79289530538
Hello, could you please help me – contribute to the purchase of phone Xiaomi, I want to save. Fact, the phones are only for the domestic market, the world's supply only through intermediaries, that make a mark- 2000-3000 rubles. I will translate you the money for the purchase and shipment + your reward, and you send it to Russia. Can help?
Sam lived in China. In the city of Shenzhen. Relatively Flat- 1250-1500 studio apartment is not in the center. You can pay on a monthly basis. Deposit for the safety of the property is the cost of 2 months rent. If you are looking for an apartment used the services of real estate agencies, then they need to detach half the cost of apartments.
Ie. for the first month, provided the apartment is worth 1500 you will pay RMB- 1500 for the first month,3000 for the safety of property, 750 Agency. When you move out of the apartment I advise to fix it if that- or broke and get unnecessarily. in Shenzhen hozyaiva apartments knowing that all the furniture in the apartment is worth breathing on parole and check everything carefully, that would not give a deposit for the safety of property. For example- for torn wire connecting the motor to the drum, host last apartment in which I lived tried to deprive me of a deposit for an apartment in the amount of 2500 yuan. The cost of cable- 20 yuan.
With regards to food prices…the city is not small, in each area of their prices.
Cheap taxis- 6 yuan. The middle class- 10 yuan.
In a restaurant you can eat for 60 yuan. But these 60 yuan included- 2 portions of pasta, mushroom soup, unlimited drinks, cake type- teramisu and cup with finely-sliced fruit. This is an example of the Italian restaurant in Shenzhen. With regards to Chinese eateries again- prices are different.
Roman, thanks for the good, Maximized addition! You are right about the agency, so we're trying not to use their services, but to find a place through guards, Baoan. It is true we are all looking for a studio and took her unfurnished, but with the help of agencies also tried to find, turned expensive, and even pay them commission. Hosts cunning across not only in China, see, as we pass, because we paid initially for the first and last month, so before departure will not need to pay and did not argue because of what. When we broke down the column with hot water, technique called the owner at his own expense. U neighbors ze, the owner is also modeled for their money back from a receding floor tiles, are different landlords.
About Italian restaurant you can detail, this is not the case Saizeriya? – This is one of the nice restaurants in the list of exceptions SHZH, cheap and tasty. Would be great to know, if there is any such place…
Shenzhen, of course, significantly more expensive small towns, bear Baodina, but salaries here, respectively, more. It is possible to survive, though, that many Chinese wages also 3-4 thousand yuan a month.
It is about Sather I said. Yet there is a good example huoguo station 车 公庙 seems so words. at the exit of the subway has a Chinese huoguo.
Khuoguo- conveyor belts on which the spinning and meat and fruit and vegetables and much more. Sign in such institution 50 yuan per person. You are given 90 minutes. Choose for yourself broth, you bring it through 3 минуты, and then take everything that moves on the konveerke and cook in your broth. Just in this place unlimited drinks, but then again- соки- as water, cheap beer, but you can drink.
About apartments noticed that trying to deliver is usually empty apartments. Likely to, that would break there was nothing. I remember saying ” not come up with another Japanese such thing, which could not break the Russian”, where really there Chinese. I usually look for an apartment and furnishings already inhabited. At least that would have been: Water Heater, washing. machine, kitchen,refrigerator, bed and wardrobe. Usually I prefer to cook yourself, than to go anywhere, so my kitchen is mandatory condition.
With regards to the damage in the apartment, doing the right thing, that right are calling the landlord. But mozmozhen option that he is now at his own expense all makes, and then he would be all deducted from your bond.
Take Huoguo interesting! About conveyors recalled and came up “Sushi Express” – chain restaurants, where the 6 yuan a plate of sushi and any rolllov, in stock. They also go in a circle, the two of us to load up, usually, с 10 plates. Sushi is, eg, на Convention центре и в Coastal City.
We also searched carefully with kitchen. We are not so often moving, found one place, I hope for a long time, then things can be sold, as somewhere to go to another city or even country. Посмотрим, the hosts will behave, our friend definitely had our will to move out, ask him, I managed to settle this matter.
At Longhua should be definitely cheap, I've been there, the truth about the apartments did not recognize, it is better to tell you), but in a restaurant like it was all at an affordable price.
about Longhua yet prices do not tell. I company provides apartment…more precisely, it is considered a hostel, but as long as I live alone. I know that next to my house there is a street bardeley…exactly how I explained colleagues zakaulok, where girls usually are readily available. How do they know this information I'm ashamed it requests. But if so, it is likely that the apartment should cost is not expensive in these areas. Cheap products here, relative to the same Baoan.
I also know, that there is an area with girls, seen, they are on the way to the subway all these spas and baths are, Well, heard from your friends. There are poor workers Foxconn work, days on which Apple is going for a small salary, here and the prices in that area too low. On the other hand, deshevizna not the main, Bao in the area of the stadium where it seems to me prettier Longhua District. We may have lived there in the area Shantan, only far from work to ride. As scouting, write, please! 🙂
In tsenam of 龙华- snyal kvartiru 20kW ( cabinet, bed, Water Heater, access to the interent, hood for the stove, wherein no)- 700 yuan per month, Bonds also 700.
rayonchik not expensive. Just Chinese said that it is possible for 400 yuan per month to rent a room in an apartment, but with someone to live as- it is not cool.
Cool! Yes, district and inexpensive vpravdu, even taking into account, that go all 30 minutes center (на Convention Centre) metro, so all is well, if somewhere near the station live. This is the lowest price I've ever heard in Shenzhen. Take the Nanshan District (near metro st, where I work), apartment in “Peasants” homes still expensive.
for 600 yuan offered for sale- Hall, Room, kitchen, туалет. but there is a jamb, that one simply does not have the frame of the window, grille stands and taut wire, Tipo order, that things would dry. I refused, donor did not want to work. Mosquitoes were already pecking
Thank you, that shared, Roman. Very useful additions! It turns out you without any agencies, find accommodation themselves or colleagues helped? Bargained a bit?
Found shelter database mediators- to. With regards to the toga- just threw apartment owners on furniture. Like himself, this is nothing difficult no.
For some, there is no problem (if the Chinese at), and someone difficult to negotiate without knowing the language, we helped each, which in Chinese is fluent.
thanks for the article. thinking from India to China to move and your article will give answers to many questions. easy to read. thanks again!)
Thank you, Jan! Rada, that the article was useful. You ask more, if you are interested in something about plaguing bytya in China, we will try to suggest, and of other good people, which to us stare at the poster, can also help.)
Tell, please, What are the first steps to finding affordable housing (1-bedroom apartment) the period around 3 month? Where is the easiest way to find vygodonye announcements? Internet? Newspapers?
Food in China on study for a few months, I will have a place in a hostel, but my friend, who will go with me, will need to find accommodation. Knowledge of the language is present, но довольно скромное 🙂
Good afternoon, I! We ourselves live in Shenzhen, in a one-room studio apartment, for priemlemuyu platu. I do not know about the rental property for a short period, there probably retake from foreigners or our compatriots, because contracts are usually concluded for a longer period (not saying, that it is impossible, everything necessary to agree, but it is probably more difficult). So this option you can search in the Russian-speaking groups about Chinese cities, I do not know exactly what you are going. For example, in Shenzhen you can constantly see ads in groups of retake property, for a short Term.
On the Internet, you can search, сайты и, as well as local city forums to help you, but the main problem that I encountered, when trying to find an apartment so – ignorance is difficult to determine rates and ad, Do exhibited adequate price for this accommodation. Another question, this unscrupulous agents, that mold tens ads with good pictures at an attractive price, pass this off as your, You are buying on price, call, and they say,, that this apartment is no longer, but there is another option, “let us show you”.
Therefore, the first item, I would advise you to go through the district, where you want to live; take a single agent and explain to him their demands, view, that he would propose – find local prices more accurately. They do not usually lomyat price, do not require too much, they benefit from a, so you got a deal, to get his commission (half of them will give you rent exactly), they can even ask for a discount from the landlord, but they did not take the advise. You may also get caught ads on cartons on the delivery of housing (typychno for “Peasants” quarters), Prices are usually low, Call and ask – so, my colleagues live in the old house for the Chinese 1600 yuan per month, for a large city like Shenzhen, it is quite a bit. Eshtё depend on the area, how to write a novel in the comments, possible and for 400-700 yuan to stay on the outskirts of flats.
Strategy so, need to see different options and understand, what price offer, for khaki apartamentы. Then you choose a beautiful area and the house they liked, where you want to live, go to a Baoan and ask the same thing about the apartment – they certainly know, who and what rents the house. They will pay you a few hundred yuan for help, but take off without housing agencies. Yea lock contract and vualya, You can live. Read more about our experience of searching, we wrote in the article “How to find an apartment in China”.
well described, I had a par with yuan, specify the rate for comparison
Thanks for the tip, c’c! Today yuan worth 5,52 ruble has already, and the sooner we all prices began to reason one in five. The cost of goods in China is not much time to change, but the ratio jumps. I think it will be easier, if you look at the actual rate of the yuan to its currency and immediately you can count all prices.
Good Day.
1.Please tell me , how much it cost to study the Chinese language in Pikine , Shankhaye Eli Guangzhou. I want to go to China for a year.
2. If you only deal with the study of language , years is enough ? I do not have much trouble with speech ( zaikanie ) possible to study with stuttering ? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Good afternoon, Valera!
1. I suggest you find you are interested in one of the college you listed Chinese cities, go to their website and see the price. Usually they write them in the public domain. For example: Learning Chinese language in high school.
2. All people have different levels of training and learning. If you are purposefully going to do, then a year can just learn to speak Chinese at a certain level, however, along with exercises and need constant practice (live chat), around which will be enough. About some problems with speech needs to be clarified at the university, where you will be going to do, но мне кажется, if it does not prevent you from engaging in any other activity in their native language, a problem for learning a foreign, it also will not create. Good luck to you!
Welcome E!
I have to you a commercial issue- proposal.
Could you e-mail for confidential correspondence?
Vladimir, good day! You can send your proposal through the form on the page “Contacts” or by email –
I did not work for a year to learn to normal levels. The reason was that, learned that we can say in Chinese village. All spoke a dialect of the language and practice it was very difficult.
But after the change of the University of things went on the mend.
Roman, encouraging to read, that you are in Chinese confidently communicate. But you're kind of in Shenzhen lived and worked, Is there no one on the outskirts of Mandarin is not talking? As you progress with your wife or girlfriend, to quickly kopilos? 😉 В каком университете вы учились и в какой перешли? let me know, can be useful to people and they do not go to study in the first, and immediately go to the second university, to study well.
Yes! Currently in Shenzhen. In China I 6 of years old already am. He started training at the University of deshmanskom in a small town, like a village. Then , When the interchangeable University, found a job.
With regards to the university. I doubt that this problem was unisera, is that we have been taught putuhua, and people communicate with each other in a dialect.
I agree, be difficult, when the acquired knowledge into practice fails to apply. You and studied Chinese at home or only on arrival in China began to study? Generally, interestingly, you have decided to go to study in a small town, and most importantly, both during the study were able to change the university. Had to start again, or you can continue learning, simply by enrolling in another university?
In Russia, began the study but too superficial. Ie. a couple of rules and words gramaiicheskih 50 I knew at the time of arrival in China. University, I found myself, I thought that if I learn in a small town that is a little Russian, and there will be more opportunities to practice Chinese. Russian Speaking, in the other as well as other foreigners were very few, practice the language but did not succeed.
To be more precise- I found a Chinese woman who spoke Mandarin but almost before the end of the school year.
Regarding the change University, it's nothing to no effect. I was on language courses, rather than on specialty.
Roman, And it turns out to combine study with underworking or stable work? You can tell more about their experiences and search the university enrollment for courses?
People ask us, what to do, different nuances. We know porassprosit, что смогли, learned, The article is written, but I think your experience will also be useful for all readers.
As for the search of the University-
I would not be with the first year of training to go to an expensive university, especially in Shenzhen or Guangzhou. First, due to the fact, that in too many temptations because of which you can just throw the study ( so many do). In- Second, not the fact that after the first year of a person is not to say that ” Chinese is not my” and leave home.
Of course, it all depends on the willingness and effort to learn the language, but I would advise any small town and inexpensive university. Where per semester could meet the 4500 yuan. This courses, and not a specialty, so I see no reason to pay more for the same training at the university, when standing next to a- a polytechnic with the same rate for the 4500-5000 yuan.
Particular educational institution, I can not tell at the moment, but I think for those who are interested in this, is not difficult to open another page of the browser and search the Internet that- something suitable.
As for the study…
Repeat, it all depends on the person and his efforts to learn the language. I have seen many people who for a year and managed to tighten up the language very well. And who- except that for the year “Bottle of beer” nothing learned.
Knowing only these examples, I would advise not to spend money on an expensive university and expensive city in the first year of study.
In the second University explained that had already begun to receive training in a year. I was assigned to a group are older.
Hello! Thank you very much! Just now getting ready for the trip to China as an English teacher and carefully studying your blog!
And you can indiscreet question? Do you have some salary was? I for 5500 yuan monthly food in Xianning (close to Wuhan). The employer provides accommodation, and he also pays electricity and water. I have no experience as a teacher and without professional education (I'm majoring translator). This is a normal salary during such initial data? Or not? Thanks in advance for your reply!
Good afternoon, Tatiana! We are pleased to, that is useful to you, something from our experience. Awesome, that you want to work in a place, so many historical events took place around any. Will us about “Троецарствие” talk and ride in Wuhan.
For a small town, as Xianning, I think it's a good salary, we in Baoding was absolutely the same conditions and about the same. You have no more 25 hours per month, a private school (training center)? Quickly running over ads, I found a little more and wages, but we should all weigh, working hours, eg, some papers offer more money, but without housing. Generally, with something we should start. Can, of course, try to bargain, but it will be difficult if the source data, that you specified.
I advise you to go online TEFL, even in the course of 40 hours will give an idea about the basic principles of building lessons, Well, colleagues experience the maximum gain is worth.
Thank you! Good, I will build on this:) I 22 lessons per week (по 45 min). + You can take additional lessons, to earn more, but, naturally, at the same school:)
Hope, Inflation in China is not very big (like, 2 percent?). И 5500 yuan 2015 g. – it is not much less, than in 2012?
About TEFL – of course, I am now studying all sorts of methods of teaching, where do without it. Just, when I signed the contract in February, I have not had any certificates.
You are right, Tatiana! Prices in China do not vary greatly, я думаю, 5500 for a small town it is still quite comfortable amount, that even something to postpone and then, and now. I will not tell you about the poor neytivov, which tells about a great internship in China, where they will be provided with housing, will be able to learn some Chinese, immerse themselves in the culture and even earn something (1By yuan per month!), and they have to give 5-7 lessons per day.
As for the work.
Wages quite good, given that the employer pays for housing.
I would certainly ask in advance housing- photos and the number of people living in the apartment. Often lodge in which- a dormitory for teachers.
This is a pitfall which many face when they come to China to work. Reached, that in a room 2-3 human people lived at first.
Of course, if it does not frighten, what other pitfalls I do not see.
Thank you, Roman, that prompted! I somehow this never thought. The contract stipulates, that the employer provides fully furnished and fully self contained apartment and covers the cost of electricity and water. And ask, how many people in this apartment and I did not think:( for some reason decided, I was one. Although it really is nowhere spelled out. Now I will learn
Although self contained and separate means, but I'm still better ask again. And then suddenly we have in mind, that a fully equipped, but shared
Hello, Al! Спасибо Вам за столь подробный отчёт – полезнее не придумаешь.
А подскажите, please, с какой примерно суммой в кармане стоит ехать, чтобы пережить месяц до первой зарплаты?
Все зависит от города. Есть дешевые города, есть дорогие.
Я к примеру сейчас нахожусь в Шеньчжене. Не сказал бы что город дешевый. Но и заработок здесь выше чем в том же Харбине или Циндао.
У меня пока всё банально – Beijing. Скоро, по идее, отправляться, а я до сих пор пребываю в катастрофическом неведении относительно этого вопроса.
Beijing- недешевый город. В нем был лишь проездом или по делам ( паспорт в посольстве менял).
Не могу сказать точно как там с арендой квартир. К примеру в г.Шеньчжень квартиры от 500 to 6200 юаней и больше за месяц. Залог ( как за 2 мес. аренды) и ежемесячная оплата.
В г.Циндао- залог ( за за 1 мес.) и оплата сразу за пол-гада или год.
Соответственно не могу сказать как дела обстоят в Пекине с оплатой. Если оплата полугодовая, то разумеется в первый месяц будет много затрат, хотя я в этом сомневаюсь почему- then. Т.к. едете работать, то думаю есть смысл спросить заранее у работодателей об этом.
Касаемо продуктов питания- цены зависят от района. Ie. тут кг картошки стоит 3-4 yuan, а в соседнем районе 5-6.
Но так или иначе, я бы ехал с суммой не менее 15000 юаней в Китай.
Первый месяц- apartment rental, как всегда что- то нужно будет докупить в квартиру ( веник, швабра и пр..), продукты питания, конечно же разъезды по городу ( изучение города и пр.).
Если же работодатели предоставляют квартиру, then 6000 юаней обойтись можно думаю.
Хочу поехать в Китай преподавателем английского языка по программе российского агенства. Стоимость программы 1800 usd. Плюс расходы на оформление визы, tickets, проживание и прочее. Зарплату указывают 1200-2100 usd. Кто ездил по программам такого типа? Какие “подводные камни”?
Good afternoon, master-off! С работой через российские агентства я сталкивался. Если у вас есть 1800 долларов на оплату услуг агентства и вы серьёзно готовитесь поехать на учительскую работу, то я бы посоветовал потратить эти деньги на проезд и жильё, пока вы ищете работу. Найти её самому вполне реально!
On the other hand, некоторым людям хочется в новые условия заехать и сразу начать отбивать свои затраты, не бегать с поисками.
Generally, я отталкиваюсь от своего опыта и так и не понял, за что агентам можно заплатить 1800 долларов комиссии… Объявлений много и они все в вичате и на местных сайтах. Легально работать по профилю преподавателя английского сейчас не получится, если только у вас не диплом англоязычной страны, и то не в каждом регионе Китая сработает. Нужно ехать с гражданством одной из англоговорящих стран, пока агентства такого не предлагают.
Otherwise, за визу или ВНЖ опять же, вы сами будете платить. Если за эту сумму нужна моральная поддержка, и прояснение некоторых вопросов при культурном шоке, который случается, то скажите, я напишу номер своей банк.карты.
О, я придумал! На эти деньги можно поехать и пройти месячную программу TEFL во Вьетнаме или в Таиланде, а то и ещё в какой-то интересной стране, с проживанием. Там будет, мало того, что обучение, как преподавать английский, так и практика с учениками сразу, общение с коллегами и более-менее вероятное трудоустройство, тоже отличный вариант для старта.