Football in China – первая лига. Как выглядят фанаты – ультрас команды Ухань Чжоэр и Шэньчжэнь Руби. Встреча с фанами у стадиона Баоань, суббота 7 June.
Category: China
China (China) – the biggest, by population, part of the plan, with its capital in Пекине. History “Central State” so long, counted 7 ancient, important capitals in the history of, and the area is so vast, that can be studied China in the journey years.
The country is developing rapidly and so, who hopes, that in China, as in other countries of Asia, will be very cheap, have to learn Chinese, to those little Chinese prices to find. At the same time, the prices are not as big, civilized country – for tourists not kydayutsya, but to make up for some more accurate representation, need to go there at least a few times. After all, China is so different.
We traveled in China, in October-November 2011 year.
Free Chinese copybook and handwriting rules. How to write Chinese characters
The basic rules of how to write Chinese characters and a link to the archive with the prescriptions of the Chinese language, that you can download for free, print and train. The order of hell, sequence of writing.
Dafen artist village — where to buy art in China
Everyone asks questions: where in China to buy a copy of the pictures and how much it will cost – precisely here! Dafeng – this quarter in Shenzhen, where to sell paintings, buy wholesale desirable. Walk to the shops, what to buy, plus Contacts Galleries.
Древняя культура Китая в наши дни. Exhibition ICIF
The ancient culture of China is still not dead and alive until people, которые любят кисточками выводить на улицах иероглифы, рисовать пагоды в горах и парках, танцевать народные танцы, play on arhu and other instruments - the Chinese and China will be of interest to all other peoples as civilization. Today in China hold exhibitions, чтобы люди не забывали, Cem rich…
What we should learn from the Chinese
Не секрет, что в середине прошлого века, Россия и Китай были очень дружны. Китайцы величали советских товарищей старшими братьями и после того, как дружно отстояли свой мир, перенимали накопленный опыт в разных областях. Возможно сегодня колесо истории крутится в другой фазе и может быть, and we have much to learn from the Chinese. Внутренняя самодостаточность “Nothing foreign…