Translation from Chinese to English, or the people “chinglish”, always happy while traveling in China. Today we decided to publish a collection of funny pictures on racist parks and organisms. Grass in China, too, can dream … C*nt – это очень-очень плохое слово в английском языке 😀 Или на переработку или это организм А таких отелей…
Category: China
China (China) – the biggest, by population, part of the plan, with its capital in Пекине. History “Central State” so long, counted 7 ancient, important capitals in the history of, and the area is so vast, that can be studied China in the journey years.
The country is developing rapidly and so, who hopes, that in China, as in other countries of Asia, will be very cheap, have to learn Chinese, to those little Chinese prices to find. At the same time, the prices are not as big, civilized country – for tourists not kydayutsya, but to make up for some more accurate representation, need to go there at least a few times. After all, China is so different.
We traveled in China, in October-November 2011 year.
Visa to India in China, Guangzhou
Пока виза по прибытию в Индию для россиян и жителей ещё 45 стран все ещё находится в проекте, in 2014 году работа над этим продолжается, а для нашей поездки нам нужно было получить визу на юге Китая. Индийские бюрократические службы славятся своей педантичностью, в чем мы еще раз убедились, submitting documents for a tourist visa in…
The deadly route from Guangzhou to Delhi
We're rushing 80 km / h on the highway, chatting and then I notice, that we are driven in a strange way, we go a little to the side, and straight again, the track is empty. I turn my head to the driver and see a glassy look…
What to do for the new year
Все ждут новый год и праздники, а когда они приходят, часто, совершенно не знают чем заняться. Насколько активно прошли ваши праздники? – У нас довольно активно. Before the new year we have a lot of time devoted to our new website, which will help people find your lost camera, флешку и другие устройства с помощью нескольких фото, posted on the website and…
Low-cost airlines in China
Cheap flights in China can be found. I once wrote, that there are no low cost airlines in China. Our February flight from Beijing to Shenzhen cost us 1000 RMB for one way ticket. Everything is relative: Beijing-Shenzhen train ticket costs 434 yuan and the journey takes about 24-31 hours, and you get on the plane with…