What awaits guests in Beijing, when they come to stay for a short while in the Chinese capital: walk through the hutongs, around ancient towers, Russian tourists often be taken to the Yabaolu, Well, and of course, many visitors go for a walk on the Great Wall of China.
The walk to the tombs of crowned heads of ancient years - less obvious choice, but this trip to the county Manchen, Hebei Province, will not be less exciting attraction. And most importantly, to do it yourself, can be easily! All archaeologists exactly worth a visit this attraction - the tomb of Prince Liu Han Shen and his wife Dou Wan.
Как добраться до Маньчена
So, to get to the burial of Prince Liu Shen and his wife from, where we now live, very easy. Between Baoding and Manchenom runs short intervals bus number - 10 路, which costs only five yuan (5Yuan) person. From any part of the city, of Sochi as, You can get to the stop, where you need to change on this “ten”. Road to Manchen goes through various industrial zone, wide fields of the Great Plain of China and occupies ~ 30 minutes. Stop at which you want to leave written as 满城 人民 广场, suggested to record her name and show the conductor. In general, you can go to the final. If anyone has any questions on Transport, write them in the comments, are always glad to help!
We got to the final.
Как в Маньчене добраться до ханьских гробниц
Prior to the tombs themselves still need to walk several kilometers and we went there on foot. At the end of the street, where “Ten” turned on holiday, You can find such a monument.
From this monument have to go all the way to the left. Generally, desired street called 中山 西路 (Zhōng shān xī lù) ney and have idti west. Walk along the south side of the road, until you see a public toilet.
Near here are such wonderful designs.
And, As a sign of, hanging over the road can be read, что до Mancheng Han Tombs остался всего 1 kilometer. Turn left, You can set yourself a mark on the navigator, street called: Xihuan (Xi Huan Lu).
In the distance, at the foot of the hill you can see the temple, and on top of the mountain are tombs themselves. On the outskirts of the mountain are going to build a big tourist facility, if you believe the pictures of the project, it will be a big park, channels and houses in a traditional style.
And while all of this huge construction site, which do not yet ready.
Подъём к гробницам и цены за вход
Soon we got to the entrance of the complex. Fabric login 10 yuan. Inside there is also a park for walks, Buddhist temple and horseback riding across the plains.
Top should go to the Funicular (cable car), but it did not work. Therefore minute on “catch my breath” and went up the stairs, to the top of which there are 800 pieces.
As always, nice stop along the way and look at the Progressed. It's not the most famous Chinese landmark, so you can freely climb the ladder, No pushing and no interfering.

Higher and higher, views of the surrounding mountains and the small surrounding villages.
A break on the way you can in a small gazebo.
And on top of us expect the tomb of Liu Sheng, Prince of Zhongshan and his wife, carved into the rock, in 113 year BC, 51,7 meters in length, 37,5 meters in width and 6,8 meters in height. Prince was the sixth son of Emperor Xiaojing di-and one of the brothers of the seventh Chinese emperor Syaou di. Archaeologists have counted in the burial of a 2700 funerary objects from iron, Bronze, silver, gold and jade.
Stumbled upon this military funeral in 1968,, when we were going to build there next to defensive.
Храм на вершине
Even higher, at the top of the mountain there are a few buildings, including temple. In China, we are not so common, как например, beyond (the same Kuala Lumpur and Penang, We've seen quite a few Chinese temples).
On the lookout left the set dressings with hieroglyphs (so far we only learning Chinese characters, therefore did not understand, what is written on the bandages, probably wishes and symbols of good luck).
Inside the temple complex there are several rooms with different statues.
As, there are indentations in the rocks with a small altar on which put incense.
Crowns the whole complex of turret on the hill.
If you want a bit of adrenaline, and the reluctance to walk down back, You can pay 40 yuan and shoot down on a sled. When we were at the top, on the mountain was very deserted and seems, that there is nothing there now does not work. So we stomped down on foot.
Under the mountain there is interest - the temple and another cave, the entrance to which is worth 20 yuan. We do not understand, what is there and not go. Some more pictures of the complex can be found in our galleries. And at other times you will need to take with the Chinese comrades, that explained everything.
Anyway, manchenskie tombs of the Han dynasty worthy of independent visits, as one of the best preserved in pristine condition burial statesmen.