Good, productive day. Ideas and works are in St. Petersburg, non-touristic, so, how it is seen by the ordinary people of the city every day.
Network marketing
Wherever I was in front of me flashed images of the future: Tianshi at Staro-Peterhof highway, metro Narvskaya.
China Corporation produces bio active additives, which we ourselves use, so I decided to learn more about sales and network marketing business, they offer.
Я побывал в офисе, where they are sitting pretty surly staff. My questions I got answers, but I decided not to become a distributor of this company with entertaining motivational program. When I found out, that the prices of products in the office (service center), where purchased Distributors, twice as high, than, that we order from Aliekspressa, I felt, I'll just vparivat selling at a price that people, even good products. My family feel well after taking the nutritional supplements and data, I have repeatedly pointed out, that, eg, Cordyceps Capsules help with colds, activating the protective functions. I have not hurt, but the effect was noticeable to me.
Even Julia says, that leaves any products left on Taobao or Alik, Marked with the plant or receiving bonuses, because the banks write to the Chinese yuan and the price of it is comparable to the price of the service center.
Next, I hovered in a cafe with cakes and settle the question by cafes.

open laboratory. Faʙlaʙ
Finally, could reach Olimp laboratories в ВУЗе ИТМО. Very Interesting tour and enthusiastic engineers, that move our science. About the laboratory I heard on Tech Weekend, event, where children demonstrated various technologies in action: 3D Printers own assembly, smart home layout, robots, optical and physical phenomena, modules for portable devices of its own design.
All this is even more impressed, when employees of the laboratory, located on the fifth floor of ITMO, сказали, that may come to them people of all ages and abilities, the most important, that there was enthusiasm for the work of existing projects and the soul lay in learning.
On the example of our own products guys can easily show different physical principles, every week come to them interesting guests. They all share one – this practice, that embody the, what they say.
it's unbelievable, but we have set up development center, similar to, which tells Jacque Fresco (The Venus project) – people can be engaged not only on the playground, but move in the scientific field, if there is such an interest in the arts, such direction also have.
If you have the desire to learn by doing, or take their children, learn something useful, then you add help for free.
To be continued – open laboratory.