In the laboratory, Olympus actively promoted open source resources. And everything works well on a barter system, if you can help children in their projects, then you, too, will make a great contribution to the future of our country.
Home: here.
In the conditions of isolation of our university programs from real life, and the closure of most of active laboratories at universities, This ray of hope lights up our future. Possible and we Coworking, fablaby and practice with the implementation of, interaction space without price tags for every sneeze and live chat.
About it and told me this is one of the founders of the laboratory Kirill Bodrov: “During the training to practice, we almost did not get. When you get interesting projects in the laboratories in the departments, it is practically impossible to get there, because there are working themselves teachers and graduate students.
Practice factory LOMO – It was just ridiculous (“to back off”), and at the same time just sad, because they learn in these conditions, something unreal. Therefore, and we decided to create a lab, where everything possible to try to apply, offer ideas and implement them.”
Active participation: in short, deed, materials and tools encouraged. Поэтому, If we are now living permanently in St. Petersburg, I would not miss the opportunity to come to this wonderful place on Kronverksky, 49. Join Olympus in the VC group, They tell you all, and may conduct a detailed excursion into the world of science, art and future interaction.
Large speaker
Last Seen Today – on public speaking at school master class “Oratorys” Anton Dukhovsky. Subject of public speaking is always current, because we need not only to shine eloquence a toast at a party, but also make presentations, ads on different activities to do, and in general, persuade others, inspire, Meet every day.
Like the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his principles of success:
- Vision (to set goals, think about where you're going, what result you want to see)
- big goals. And you can put small goals, but they usually do not inspire, but when you consider, that the strength and the fact, and then spent the same, why not just put an ambitious goal.
- ignore stoppers. Usually it is your family, family, friends, any, who will persuade you, that much “here it is impossible to achieve. It is impossible!” Much like we've heard in my life? And how did? Everything's possible.
- stick, as he called it, or Anton “pedal”, language programmers. That is closer to you? But if nothing is done, I assure you, nothing happens.
- Share. Give the world your knowledge, skills, resources and it will come back. and multiply. The world will be better – so true!
Yes, We are all afraid to die, the old man in us does not want to blurt out too much, so as not to be expelled from the tribe, so by all means the body stops us from this risk: adrenaline rolls, inner voice says – We need to be better prepared, the worst thing that can happen – people get up and leave. All this reading, like every day and communicate with customers, but even before one man for two minutes, the body and the time to show a reaction to at least one of the concerns. Relieve tension from such ejection can be easy 5 second alternating voltage / hand relaxation, legs, back.
I noticed more, that when you play an interesting topic you, say something, what is important to you, that make it much easier. When there is an experience, who want to share, идея, that inspires you, then talk about it a lot easier, than when you have to make a report on the topic, that you do not close.
And most importantly, I feel about this evening, speaking all 3 three times in front of people – without practice all these great ideas do not work. When you begin to speak for the first time, knocks or blurted out according to plan everything very quickly, nervous, do not you know, what to say… In the second speech, you feel already confident, and in the third you have not shut up.
so finally, three principles of fast and efficient learning, that we rarely use:
- I understood
- apply
- share
Above you can find basic calculations with an open master class in school “Oratorys”. Apply the principles of successful public speaking can and should be every day, and that I am sharing with you.
Useful links
Address Olimp laboratories: 197101, g. St. Petersburg, Kronverksky avenue, D.49 (Вход со стороны Сытнинской ул.). Если вы не имеете пропуска в Университет ИТМО – please:
- Write Master, liked Workshop, in a personal (, warned him the day before the Open Day on, that you are going to come to the workshop, write to him my phone number, so that he can contact you!
- Give checkpoint for 10 minutes before (with a need to have any identity badge, having photo, Name and stamp), to have met Master at the checkpoint and held a workshop on!
Russian production elektrobayka – надо!
link to “Oratorys” will not lead, полезно, but then you have school advertising will hang on every site in the context of.