Electric bikes - a popular form of transport in Beijing, such a bloom of electric bike usage I haven't seen in any other Asian metropolis. For all the struggle for Europeans green world and reduction of waste production, incredible fees to combat pollution, they use are not the full potential of electric energy, there I have not seen so many elektrobayk, do not remember them in the streets of the same Amsterdam.
It turns, that it is in this issue, around the city - green technology in China ahead of the rest. At a conference, Chinese Vice-Minister of Construction, said, that there 120 millions and only moved, that electric bicycles and motorcycles. Of Hutong to work and to Temple to meal, rushes million Chinese, on electric bicycles.
If we consider, that the path from home to work in many takes not much too kilometers, then in the presence of an extensive network of bicycle paths, for a large part of the citizens in metropolitan areas, such a mode of transport would be a great solution.
So, again say, in China on this form of transport is moving almost as many people, how many lives across Russia. These bikes are not noisy, do not pollute the air with exhaust gases, and if desired, can never be accelerated battery, but just to pedal.
Электровелосипеды из Китая
A quick search on the internet tells me, that in Russia the production of bicycles and spare parts are no. If you compare prices on the websites of Chinese manufacturers, где, eg, electric bike standard Cost 350 – 450 dollars, with prices on the websites of our bicycle shop, The price for the easiest of starts elektrobayk 600 dollars - it becomes clear, that in Russia there is simply no such production, correct me, if it is not.
Our stores buy Chinese components or model and realize we have a premium for shipping and pocket yourself something put.
Производство электровелосипедов в России
Many complain, that Russian raw power, no production and so on, but such technology is not too complicated, the Internet has a lot of material, when people changed their usual electric bikes, hands.
True, they also bought components from China, so it is necessary to establish such production we. If all these stories about the transition from oil and gas to the innovative and high-tech economy is not just empty talk, it must be on the first line of the, who are these technologies provides.
Oil and gas companies are holding back progress, fear of losing the resource, that feeds them. But such inventions rather quickly reduce demand for our energy and once they invented, need to reorient our economy and develop in the direction of alternative technologies and to create even more. Hard to imagine what the die new elektrobayk, somewhere in Shanghai or Пекине.
Millions, which can then lose, better now to put on the equipment manufacturing, development of infrastructure (bicycle paths and plenty of parking), points recycling of waste batteries. Along the way to cut costs on the environment and possible improvements in terms of transport capacity. Certainly, You can do this kind of transport stylish and as beautiful, как например, old models “Wasp”, like a new life Scooter “Riga” or “Carpathians”, because the motor can be equipped not only tiddly bike, but moped, and scooter.
Features эlektrovelosipeda
Now, about the characteristics of: presently developed several kinds of batteries – a lead-acid, Nickel-Metal Hydride, Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium Polymer), LiFePO4 (lithium-iron-phosphate). For all the differences of technology, models, which are sold on the market, usually indicated charging time 4-6 hours.
Battery lasts for 25 – 40 but you can ride on such a bike, depending on the model. Travel speed on the motor, on the average 25 – 30 km / h, which is good for protection against speeders (although there are still people, who appoint themselves powerful motors, to 50 kilometers or more). In modern models have different modes of transportation, an electric motor, charging mode (The battery is charging, when you pedal) and Hybrid (Electrical + Pedal).
Used to be “elektrovenik”, and now “elektrovelik”!
Nothing complicated about, to effortlessly get to work, put your battery on charge, and in the evening to go back in the same comfortable way. Yes, as well as on any open truck, bicycle or motorcycle, you do not get warm in a warm car, but in the summer and spring and autumn, This type of transport is well suited. And for southern areas, where most of the year, he just needs some heat. Especially, when a bike can be folded, take with you on the subway or easily drag into the house.
Look at the examples and models on Chinese websites, I think you will be impressed, and police made electric bike. And who acquired, смотрите, yet it would be good not to forget to bring the battery to recharge, Beijing told me, this is the main, that steal from elektrobayk.
If someone after reading the article appeared more specific ideas on the organization of production, and investment in the project at any stage, пока “Chinese are not taken over the world”, welcome to the section contacts!
skolko stooit to kirgizstana velosiped
Abdirazak, it all depends on where sending, in what city, one bike or party. This question is probably better to clarify in cargo companies, of which there are many.
Can I buy one brand brand velobayk A002 and how much will it cost delivery to Belarus
Nina, good day! Unfortunately, I do not see in search engines even velobayk indicated brand. If you can, Send, please link, to look at this bike. If you take the, eg, байк Farm, you are asking too, it is not a Chinese brand, and the Chinese invented elektrobayk under our compatriots brand. We found several plants, who do exemplary analogues (factory option, which is not worth the original Chinese brand), send you information on the cost of, options and delivery times, when the Chinese answer.
I send you the website address on which I saw this bayk.Tam listed phone,but she says all call but she does not know.http://ru-elbike.livejournal.com/3937.html
In Russia, a sad situation, the worst thing in the world. While the power is not relieved, improvements will not be. We, unlike the Chinese people will not fight for the improvement of, any shit glad. Do not need to promote, waste of time. If the state itself does not support, and blocks alternative and progress, then you do nothing. Only themselves to buy and remodel for yourself, and travel by road at your own risk. The most offensive, that everything is already there, we would have overtaken the world of technology and quality of life for a couple of years, if a competent ruler was, patriot, rather than foreign fat moron.
Dear Rus! I understand, what you are experiencing for Russia, but do not, please, such phrases, that “we have the worst thing in the world”. It happens a lot worse. It, of course, adds honor us, but our people are trying to do something and not all inert, as you describe. Unfortunately, ruler, we are not a magician, Do not swing a stick, and not even the king, to hear and obey all. If our president was a foreign bacon, as you wrote, then our country has long ceased to exist, and this is the fat would be sitting quietly in London at the villa, so there can not agree.
Government – this is a great mechanism, in which there are patriots, and people are clearly hostile to our state, so let's think, how to make something yourself, at their level, and not to find fault with other people (government, американцев, Masons), waiting for help from someone. Main, not to interfere. Prodvigayte, please, Promote and let nothing stop you! We will be very happy.
We have different opinions, Because different awareness. As for the president and a magic wand will not write, politics is a great mechanism, to, this is a big scam. I just hurt, that the whole of Europe, China and Arab countries, the majority of inhabitants moved to a bike or scooter, because the government has made use of the machine unprofitable and inefficient. Only in Russia actively promoted avtokultura, and any alternative is locked. Take a look, on television advertising is not even motorcycles, Only cars. And advertising dictates fashion. And then, In Russia the available capacity in the technique is the lowest in the world, and the price of such equipment is the highest in the world. In France polugonochny Mercedes stands as we Korean bug. Scooters do not reach markets, there are large, but there are no roads for them. I can list the cons infinitely, but the advantages that it is no longer remember. This situation is just bestiality and shame, and what is the ruler, and such party.
Yes I would and promoted, but in the fact of the matter, that interfere with struggling, the state itself prevents. There are many people, trying to sell their products in Russia, but block all the way to the market. We can only resell the imported, its then no. It is very bad, when such a pathological dependence on fossil fuels, very fragile and unreliable system, plus backwardness in all directions.
I can advertise as electric bicycles, purely as transport, but high prices in stores scare people. The main problem is the fashion, which imposes media. Not to break the mentality of people, when the whole story inspired avtokulturu. If only did the bike route and parking, that would be interested in this, and no infrastructure and no demand. Only the desperate can on the roads with the car chase, no room for error.
Russian, I would really like to know more about what data you're talking about, that put us on the different points of view. You write so many negative things in a heap, let's understand one by one, and will not at once with such emotional position to consider the situation.
I can not say, что это great progress, difficult to assess, but the trend is planned: In Moscow, there will be more bicycle paths, and with the active support of such ideas cycling community, there will be more and in other cities.
Not all cities in China set up directly paradise for cyclists, also think about European cities, although perhaps you are right, and the ratio here is not in favor of Russia, but well, that is, you and other people, which may convey to the officials understanding of the benefits of this development vector. In China, eg, Many people also dream of a car, but in the absence of large funds, buy electric transport – is available.
Maybe something I do not know about Russian realities, but unless you will interfere, if you start its production of electric transport in Russia? The problem is there is no ready-made production chains, expensive batteries, but now the same foreign models have become many times more expensive, making it possible to launch such production we still more promising. Would you ban someone to sell you collect elektrobayka in Russia, block the way to the market? Yes, возможно, just before it was profitable to sell imported Chinese, because it is faster and pay off people's heads about many things does not hurt, they brought and sold – it is easier, than starting from scratch its production. A need for the production of cheap loans, которых, unfortunately, in Russia yet – this is one of the main problems. Otherwise, no way you will not go, if you have money, then make a batch of bicycles, Give advertising, through articles in the media shape public opinion. The government does not do, engaged in this business.
I will not argue with you about: “In Russia the available capacity in the technique is the lowest in the world, and the price of such equipment is the highest in the world” and “pathological dependence on fossil fuels, very fragile and unreliable system, plus backwardness in all directions”, because it's just a lump of negative emotions of common phrases without a single fact. Please, do not have to put everything in a pile, they say, in Russia everything is so terrible.
I absolutely agree with you, that need Russian counterparts, affordable, why I write about it, it is necessary to work towards its production. Perhaps the first upgrade to establish normal bicycles and assembly with some Russian components, followed by displacement of the bike. And about fashion, unfortunately, I can not agree. In the media there are different opinions, but if there is an affordable version of the budget around the city, that cycling will develop active, following a simple benefit. Bicycle paths and infrastructure building: “The city authorities have adopted a resolution on the development of cycling, in which will be in St. Petersburg 200 km of tracks. Planned, that within the next two years in different parts of the city to open routes for bicycle paths 16 areas”. – let's see, how will the situation change and try to make a contribution to the development of this mode of transport.
Нашу страну держат такие как Вы, которые надеются, что кто то за них всё сделает…потому что самим слабо!!!
I just wrote what is today. Let's see, and you will see, that progress will not be with the current regime.
“The problem is there is no ready-made production chains, expensive batteries” – This and the other is called the power factor, output power production and its tehnoparametry. Our products are not produced at all. If you do not know, Firms in Russia have foreign owners and co-founders, therefore, all profits go to foreign banks on account of others. If the name of the company Russian, не значит, that it opened Russian. Therefore, there is no development, there is depletion of the country and withdrawal of capital abroad. You tell, this business? No, a direct course of the government. No doubt you would argue, that business outside the law. And the law is not the government… Small Business interfere only illiterate laws illiterate officials, which are not patriots and all patients stupid people. They only bribery and personal profit work, executor of orders, rather than sources of ideas.
Второе, tehnoparametry same electric bikes, which reach our market, the lowest in the world. This is clear evidence, rather than a lump of negative emotions. I have already cited the example of a car in France and Russia, for example. In China, because elveliki popular, that have powerful batteries and comfortable for long trips. Photo on this site can be seen, that they are made in form scooters, Bicycle not, and this is not the bike, very comfortable ride. Main, there are racks and sturdy frame, loads transported properly. Therefore, they have become a substitute Society. Transportation in China. We have these forms I have not seen on sale, only as a mountain bike or women what that. And it is only in the summer park ride at the weekend, not for daily trips to the cities. And Batteries? Yes, we sell the weakest vtridorogo. In China, a very capacious battery, really replace gasoline scooter. But even if we faint, You can make the system, uvelichivayushtie mileage, more efficient motors, etc.. Here Shkodin tried to promote it, but its block. Investors in Russia is not found, production does not want to do it motors, Only our Jews had deceived him and lit. In Russia, the resistance goes to the full, but other countries are lured to his. You were born yesterday, know it all the same.
Here you write will make the bike route. But where? The parks, that's where. And because it is necessary to expand the road for bicycle line, instead of cycle paths in parks do. I am writing, that there is no development as transport, because it is converted into the mainstream of recreation and leisure activities. Bicycles to roller skates equated, behold, there was a ride in the park, and the road not put, there for cars. I do not know how in Moscow, I think there are better, but Peter does not have any development, even in the parks, which also becomes less and less. On Krestovsky Park generally closed to cyclists, and you are writing development…
In Moscow, then at least have a couple of elektrozapravok, monorail train, trolleybuses often go there, Metro is well developed, at least that is. In St. Petersburg were? Here, since the blockade trams travel, trolleybuses not allowed, and buses are made, that they neither climb nor sit. Metro is very inconvenient and slow, the world's deepest and most congested people, because people became more, and new stations to be constructed. Couple Soviet reservists do not count. Generally speaking, all done, that people would buy the car on credit. Man on electric bikes here as something alien and the alien. Everyone looks, but nobody buys, only old vosnovnom. It was the fashion for cars, commerce and bestiality.
“In the media there are different opinions, but if there is an affordable version of the budget around the city, that cycling will develop active, following a simple benefit.” – The media only advertise cars, in the Russian TV. Whose opinions are beautiful and advertising are two different things. What does it mean affordable option? Budget elektrobayk should have no more than a weak scooter, advantages and more. What is a budget travel around the city? For pedaling like money does not pay, this is not the budget? Batteries charge at work, too, for free. Some think will slowly – it is also a lie Fashion. In traffic jams are longer, breathing gases, a great overtake them) That's why I chose the large, that because of traffic jams machine loses its meaning. And too many problems with it was, documents and other. Easier and more profitable elektrobayk. Yet there – read ezdi. Will travel – quality will grow, Market filled. But 95% still on the car, because it is not no options, and society is raised, such a fashion. There is no demand in Russia, and the supply goes after demand. Demand in units, therefore the lowest goods from us. Correctly in China and Europe have made, that car was expensive to provide and promote their no, and the fuel is very expensive, so people naturally move on scooters and large. And infrastructure made because most relocated, not because, it is necessary to change seats.
Are you hard to argue, because you bring things like unsubstantiated arguments.
“Firms in Russia have foreign owners and co-founders, therefore, all profits go to foreign banks on account of others. If the name of the company Russian, не значит, that it opened Russian” – Just all-all? Due to what still then filled with Russia's budget and have enough money to pay pensions, salaries to state, Other social benefits?
Yes, a deduction of capital abroad, but this omission apparatus CB, который, judging by his work, does not apply to the Russian patriots. Can the government to disperse the CBA? – According to the Constitution can not yet. “Business outlawed” – not quite understand the phrase, which again is difficult to argue, because by some miracle, business in Russia and have filled budget.
In China, electric bicycles are not for sale, which can travel at speeds more 40 km / h, general restriction in Russia, and in Europe составляет 25 km / h for electric bikes, and I think this is a reasonable limit at this stage. That, that our craftsmen razlochivayut controller and chase as they want – for someone not end very well.
The problem of, they sell at exorbitant prices – it imports from other countries, in Russia brought the same elektrobayka, which go in China, but due to the delivery price will clearly be higher, than in the country of origin. I admire about Shkodin – it became interesting, that he tried and who then blocked.
“Here, since the blockade trams travel, trolleybuses not allowed, and buses are made, that they neither climb nor sit. Metro is very inconvenient and slow, the world's deepest and most congested people, because people became more, and new stations to be constructed. Couple Soviet reservists do not count.” – you as if from another Petersburg, zazerkalnoho, instead of, where I was born and lived 25 years. What a lie?!
Over the past few years have opened several new metro stations and buses all right. Opened several bike rental points, about trams, I will not even mention, and our busiest subway can not be compared with the Tokyo and Seoul.
I went on a conventional bike around the city, on roads and sidewalks, from the Bolsheviks to the Palace and the Moscow region is constantly riding. Of course, with the car ride a little pleasant. Unfortunately, Petersburg – старый город, where it is very difficult to expand the streets of the historic center, back to insert some more cycle paths. Rather, the output will overlap more streets for cars, to create a safe path to the center from the suburbs. City is too long, to do this immediately, but he must think architects, how to get to a safe area cyclists.
Did not pay attention in Europe on advertising cars, but in Asia it lacks, in China, in particular. You too exaggerate, mildly. And if Arguments, to accompany their links, please. Not very pleasant to read: “everyone knows”…
“Did not pay attention in Europe on advertising cars, but in Asia it lacks, in China, in particular. You too exaggerate, mildly. And if Arguments, to accompany their links, please. Not very pleasant to read: "Everyone knows" ...”
I was in Europe and China, Television is not never seen a car ad, on the street, too, was not. Just next to the autoshop.
“you as if from another Petersburg, zazerkalnoho, instead of, where I was born and lived 25 years. What a lie?!” – You were born in Leningrad, like me, and this was another city. I write about the current Petersburg. A couple of new stations opened… Just there, where they do not need. A ring need to do in Moscow. About the buses I wrote, that they do not take, where the number of seats reduced times 4, and was nowhere to stand too. They carry on 11 – 15 people, no longer fit. A ride with an interval 20-30 min. This does not solve congestion, and exacerbates.
Trams in some areas antediluvian, sezdit look. On a bicycle porzhal, was such a topic, but not for long. Now, do not have any points hire, there stole all great)) About Metro can also find photo, где 5 cops pushed into the car baryg) In other countries, the subway is faster, in St. Petersburg for a long distance and the longest, because few stations. Wagons old, even there is no air conditioning. Winter blows, and stuffy in the summer. And the deepest in the world, Wake up on the descent takes a long time.
The problem is solved very simply veloliny – necessary to the side of the road for a great mark, buses and not to call for it. So in Finland, Sweden and other countries to do, where the streets are already more, than in St. Petersburg. Parking ban side, make special race for them. Everything can be done competently, in Europe, only need order the government. And it is not present and will not be with such power.
“The problem of, they sell at exorbitant prices - it imports from other countries, in Russia brought the same elektrobayka, which go in China, but due to the delivery price will clearly be higher, than in the country of origin.” No, оказывается, service does not increase the price of 4-5 time, intermediaries are firms raise prices as they want, in their appetites.
“In China, electric bicycles are not for sale, which can travel at speeds more 40 km / h, general restriction in Russia, and in Europe is 25 km / h for electric bikes, and I think this is a reasonable limit at this stage. That, that our craftsmen razlochivayut controller and chase as they want - for someone not finish very well.” – That's not it. In China, sell high-speed electric bicycles, simply allowed to ride in the city no more than 30 km, because the flow of big bikes. Link to vikepediyu not a docking th. In Europe, I have not seen any electric bikes, there on the old drive, even there is no mountain in cities. Steal much of their.
“Just all-all? Due to what still then filled with Russia's budget and have enough money to pay pensions, salaries to state, Other social benefits?” – All those, who has access to a large market. Small companies in small towns do not count, they only sell there. И то, they quickly closed banks, loans strangled. The budget is replenished, but not toward pensions, of social. payments generally silent. You do not know the situation in the country, people we live. Pensions are, that humiliated pensioners. Money of course there, but they simply do not pay people. Because sawn and export capital, this is not the omission of the Central Bank, and the order of the Government.
Small businesses still do not have, so there is no production in our. And this only prevents the government and laws against business.
“You too exaggerate, mildly. And if Arguments, to accompany their links, please. Not very pleasant to read: "Everyone knows" ...”
– Links do not have a criterion of truth, they write the same people, which can also be mistaken or write to order. I am writing in their knowledge, to prove anything to anyone I do not need. Who needs, will be able to check and so. And I do not exaggerate, and dilutes them, because everything is much worse in Russia in the real world.
Why are you writing false things and summarizes all the worse? – You want to say, that lyase breaks 15 people and all? Them 2014 in St. Petersburg put into operation 233 pieces (pruf). “Public transport exacerbates congestion?” – Well, well… I do not remember the old trams in St. Petersburg, but perhaps a few rides, to create an atmosphere. Are you sure you do not mess up? Cover old, filling new.
About the subway station is not in the places you me laugh, of course. For example, Frunze district residents also sit laugh, they generally these stations were probably not needed))) And then on the subway ride to the center?
BICYCLE closed for the winter, or you have the data from the Department of Internal Affairs, that all great and so they stole closed? Or is it you open them, and you have all stolen? Metro slower, than in other cities? – link to let, please. It is a pity, that you did not get to ride new cars in St. Petersburg subway.
That's why I say, that you live in another Petersburg and see everything in black only. Links I ask you, because you represent everything in negative colors, and more and disputes. Other people may read this lie and take your word, also infected with a similar negative, and I do not want. Therefore, your “all full piz..ts”, I try to bring at least some rebuttal, to people, who happened to read it all did not give up, not washed down with grief, they say: “In the country we have complete w.!” At this point you have written so many lies, I even wonder, as you have not left our “Evil Empire”.
Bring electric bikes in Russia and take 10% cheating. Advertisement Advertisement, populyarizuete – All you just say thank you. I brought an ice speed limit driving to your argument about the lowest tehnoparametrah transport, who brought in Russia. To bring us the same bikes, and what is the use of more powerful batteries in China, if they can not travel with greater speed? In capacity brought the same, and you are the same 40-60 kilometers on them will pass.
Maybe pensions and small, but their pay, хотя бы. You can not bring happiness to all in the country, where there are economic problems, overnight. Reforms are needed, but the development of at least some also have. Inter alia, we live in Russia and we see the complexity and difficulty, but problems but you do not see anything else.
You still paint, in St. Petersburg bad (i understand, winter depression, he suffered), but you at least have done something, to change the situation? Or do you think, that “that's just the power we need to change”, and then to zazhivёm? – It does not happen.
Hello, decided to intervene in your temu.Vo France fully electric bikes, usually only with the engine capacity 250 Вт. Somewhere on YouTube,recently video in real time,that there terrorists seized, Police everywhere and people…electric bikes in the background ,fastened to ograzhdeniyu.Nedavno friends,who came from France,confirmed this. I live in “village”(small urban village), we already 2 electric bicycles have , my one ,as there highlands, engine power 1000 Вт. According to my observations, from electric bicycles scares primarily price, and secondly, for them, no one knows at all,that they have. Now in each village is suitable and wonders , type to which the progress reached, the first time they see and hear ,that the whole of China is sitting on electric bicycles.
Here tak.S respect, Roman
Thank you, sharing information, Roman. Prompt, You collected the electrical part of the kit or ready to buy electric bike. As you look at the prospect of helping villagers with the improvement of conventional bicycles, using kits for assembly? It's definitely cheaper yet obtained.
Hello, I myself collect the electrical part, a set, and the bike is still a work in progress. About “perspective to help villagers with the improvement of conventional bicycles” I thought, but firstly- many simply “not grown” even transfer to “just bikes”, why then in the minds of the people ,that car is cool, bike for kids. I put the car in the garage, and still enjoy extremely rare trips to electric bikes, I do not want to put studded tires, Yes, and as I said, work in progress. But in the summer, with him not tear. Second- price , and even not the price in China on the set, and shipping ,plus installation of all this on the bike, and debugging ,standing some knowledge, or again of money.
Although if you can offer a reasonable option, ready to work on this issue, it is interesting to me.
Здраствуйте Роман.интересен ваш опыт с электровелом)) хочу сделать такой для кругосветного путешествия ,не много ни мало,. )) в связи с развитием солнечных батврей нового типа на основе провоксивита, думаю это будет возможно в течении 1-2 years. А пока мне интересен вопрос касаемый того,какой лучше всего купить аккомулятор,,учитывая тот факт ,что он по возможности будет нагружен и загружен и проезжать на нем планируется несколько сотен киллометров в день, если это сейчас возможно. А главное надежность и износоустойчивость. Что посоветуете ? Где заказать.? По возможности могу посетить китай и приобрести .благодарю.
You do not understand those things, which argue. Write everything back to, there, and my answers ignore. Do not be afraid, все и так знают, Well what ne we live in Russia, my message to them is not new. Petersburg is really a hole, beautiful town in the center, but alas for life. Bicycles are not accustomed, yet the government does not change our. Yes, exactly, change vlasty, and then to zazhivёm, in another it was not in the history and can not be. Russia is not some sort of smelly India, where poor sleep between krishnoity roam the country and call for happiness, which they did not have in life. Start with yourself and will be a paradise on earth… Handsomely, but instead they have a colony of heaven masters and their servants, where instead of cars and rickshaws elephants… Here's what to bring obscurantism wrong power and lack of people's struggle, which zazombirovali be “happy homeless”.
We were brought a completely different bikes, or simply sets, who put on our.
And what have the speed and capacity? The greater the capacity of the on going away. The word powerful I mean capacious.
“You can not bring happiness to all in the country, where there are economic problems, overnight.” – Yup, This is because 2% population always happy, because the rest of robbing 98. And suddenly your already stretched 25 years… Dolgovato for reform. In 20 century during this period in the Soviet Union could the largest and richest country in the world to build, and then reform can not hold, that would pay pensions.
Personally, I have done and am doing all I can, that the people in St. Petersburg even learned, that there are electric bikes in addition to machines. In his personal time, I advertise for free, these bikes, Only buy, Use. But without a strong advertising and support of the state is a bad job. People look, спрашивают, but after a couple of days, under the influence of the media and the fashion for cars, completely forget. One is a warrior. If the government itself against the development of the country, it is better just to pack and leave the evil empire. You certainly will argue, but that's okay, Few people today have the courage to face the truth.
Что значит “Back ago, there”? Answer the questions, I ask, not for nothing that I cite references. Tell me: as seating and standing places in the Russian buses? Do the St. Petersburg, recently discovered that the station, does not need? I need not now go to St. Petersburg, to look for trams, you could show me at least a photo of dinosaurs from the Internet, to confirm his words. I just do not ignore your comments and try to answer them objectively, and not to give out their “value judgment” for “accepted truth”. The only, what I'm afraid, that more and more people will think of Russia as well, just like you – that nothing can be done, until a revolution, которая (Judging by history) never to Russia did not end well.
Your attitude is very well illustrated by the phrase: “Russia is not some sort of smelly India”. You must have visited in India and probably a lot of Krishna saw there, calling it to, what you say… Ладно, on bikes clarified, what you said about the capacity: except to bring us other batteries? It is not such, in China?
I am very familiar with your perception, but changes – it is not a simple process, and even when there is “nepatriotы” any. You have tried to go into politics and change something? It's easier to talk, that is all “they are” guilty. Good for you, that trying to promote electric bicycles, each in its place gradually change the system, if you will stick to the principles, and not to retreat in front of her and do not write off all the failures on someone else. Just imagine you are all as hole, and even tens of evidence and arguments you bring, you will still tell me, how we all bad.
Know, in China, and even “civilized countries” I also met people, who spoke, that everything is rotten, all terribly. For example, Chinese businessman, which has several apartments, steep jeep, the business, but he believes in this, that the country is a mess and the power necessary to change. And if they are in China still a bloody revolution, then wake up and realize later, that for all the shortcomings, that in any country there, They had previously “golden age”, and now a broken trough. I'm not saying, that we have everything in Russia chocolate, but the movement is, may slowly, but improvements there are bound to be more, if engaged in business and beyond.
If you think, that the change of power, you choose someone else, and then that he was in front of you will be held accountable, then you are greatly mistaken. Except you, Again this one will not do. While you will not take this question fully into their own hands, and will wait for someone or even violence to promote someone, in the hope, it for you that will decide, and then “Your chain will slip”. Just look, what happened to Ukraine, которая “tomorrow” in Europe was.
Электровелосипеды, like any business advertising needs, so why not deal with this advertisement, it's just? Do rollers, in the media, too, people are working, may be interested in one of your projects. The Government is also of the people is, Work with officials, looking for investors. Just do not give up and blame on someone else, telling, that we in Russia zombies and happy homeless.
Ладно, Here are the links of trams http://transphoto.ru/photo/406983/
Below you can read people's comments, as you can see, I'm not the only one angry. City really destroy and spoil, and people complain. Bah alex-nemen.narod.ru – are still ride in the central and northern regions. Inside both rotten tin. Sometimes allowed new, but that if someone in the administration nazhaluetsya. Then again, the old drive trough. Broken-down tram lines too, has not changed since the 90s. In general, the entire infrastructure curve and illiterate, sfetofora are not where necessary, trams constantly kissing with machines. These old trams and broken roads I have not seen anywhere in the world.
Now look, which trams “plan” let. http://www.sdelanounas.ru/blogs/51223/ The cabin seats are seen, I counted 15. And it's a long tram! View, how little was? And the passage narrowed inside the specially, Stand down everything important is. And almost no handrails. Like the tram for a few people made, private. Is public transport? In buses now also become, so they carry on 15-25 people, it is very small. I went to a bus, there were places where previously sedentary, now thick plastic or squares, handrails and only seats or on the ceiling, there was nowhere to stand up and take not for that. I just came out, because it is impossible to go to this bus.
If this development, it is an elephant ballerina. All people have made against parasites, sheer mockery. I am writing, that transport spoiled, a loan for machines simplified. Made auto fashion, machines became more, transport and less.
I can say about the business, that they can not get enough. Very rich just psychopaths, they live only for Ponte and race with other rich. Of course, if they can not or yacht Palace, in the country everything is bad and it is necessary to change the power. I am not one of them, I write about, which is evident to everyone and that they no longer hide nor what billboards – dirt, ruin and disgrace in St. Petersburg. Where are bicycle stick? Here it is necessary to carry out the revolution number two.
About the change of power, you think in the right way. Do not need anyone else to vote, it is necessary to establish a communist system. That there were no ruler guru, and pure democracy. And now all the cases solved fuel companies and the Central Bank, so the failure is obvious, and every year the situation is getting worse. There are already as prices increased, and salaries not. Почему? Because thieves and idiots in the government and in all decision-making positions, and the people the right to decide what is “ostensibly” no. Короче, Again back to the brainwashing by the media. You write, Work with officials, looking for investors… Officials is the main problem of Russia, are not people, this car. The only, they care about, it is their rank. They do not even Russian, and their accounts and villa abroad. Show me at least one official is not a Jew or a foreigner? Who is it for example CB is? Niʙiulina? И так далее. Was deputy, who tried to promote Russian officials, so he was killed. Illyuhin name, on YouTube dial Victor Illyuhin about Jews. The war against the same Russian goes, you were born yesterday… Although, if you are not Russian, what the conversation.
And investors only sixes, work commissioned by his wealthy owners, most have a lot of money are to Masons. Therefore, our inventors can not find investors to build their devices. Investors invest only at the, it destroys and corrupts Russia. You do not have to refer to China or Europe. There's another society, the other story, with a different mentality, the most important, with other religions.
About batteries. Here is a photo there, where the battery can be seen on the bike as a gas tank 1 and 3 photo. We have no such, it is very capacious battery and compact. I went to them, they 30 Population. This lithium-ion. We are very much needed. But there's only metal hydride to 20, they are bulky and heavy. Here's more photos http://experiment.ru/lifestyle/electrobikes-in-china/
China turned out not dirty country, as we rubbed the Western media, and the most environmentally friendly in the world http://bicyclelife.ru/elektrotransport/velosipedy-i-elektrovelosipedy-v-kitae.html But the oil spill in the ocean only Western companies.
The development of electric bikes quickly goes, the most important detail of the battery. But in Russia, I do not see any development in this area, even if we do not do their elveliki, but we do not have a course on alternative and ecology. How not cool, and now only Russia remained neftegazovouranovoy dirty auto fashion empire. I believe, if we had the power will not work together with the opinion of the people at least, Russia will quickly become the most backward country. We have the most backward of the train in the world, and planes all imported. It is a measure inoperable state. Today there is no power in the country, just a bunch of thieves interventionists. And anarchy leads to the collapse of the state. The main problem in our nation and brainwashing.
Respected, Russian! Along with links, that you have brought and described the problems, which occur, you manage to escalate, that the situation in general – snake-eyes! “In general, the entire infrastructure curve and illiterate, Traffic lights are not where necessary, trams with cars constantly kissing.” I'm talking specifically about such phrases, full of emotion, but do not correspond to reality. You do not see development, even if you refer to the entire “Made us” send, You can find what to complain about Russian achievements. Trams still not blockade, New compositions also introduced, and that's good. Have you seen these trams?
tyts and tyts. Buses – http://www.avtobus.spb.ru/socialnye-marshruty/stock
I will not argue, how many seats (link, that you have brought to the photographs show only two of the three sections), Just be sure you always sit in public transport? I think the main thing, that the long tram, the link above, can simultaneously carry 250 passengers, that will not stand in traffic jams on the kilometer 250 machines and clog the exhaust gases city. Machines increasingly in all cities, all around the world –
is not a good trend, согласен. There probably need to learn from China, where for, to buy a car, people stand in a queue (Shenzhen), and their number is limited, or in other cities, where one day drive cars with even-numbered, other odd. Part of the streets in the center it is necessary to overlap and do pedestrian, very convenient to do on Channel Griboyedov, eg.
For businessmen have a very biased attitude, they are different, and not only those, as you have described them. There are people, to create something, may, at the direction of such a development and not think, and not to stigmatize all “pontorezamy” and “loonies”. You want to say, that the revolution is number one with us right away led to prosperity? And you do not think about the millions of people's lives, who die in the Civil War, the death of Economy, that revolutions usually takes “with his head in g..no”, if she still floated to the top? Once again, I ask, you want to say, that after the revolution, life in Ukraine became better? Or in Egypt?
If you want the communist regime, it is worth it's different somehow call, because people with the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of people have lost faith in these ideals. In the USSR, with all democracy, still was Secretary General. The country, anyway, to be a leader, and if every horse will pull the wagon in his side, it is known, than it ends. You write about officials – this famous image, but you personally at least one spoke? At least one trying to promote the project, so to speak?
I am Russian and I agree with you, that there are problems in our country, but that's why we're a healthy lifestyle (and in every country there are different lobbyists), tell about elektrobayka, develop and do business, in its capabilities. If the current development in the country is not as fast, as you like – This does not mean, that does nothing. “We have the most backward of the train in the world, and planes all imported” – link, please, straight outright lie.
Engage batteries, If you have not tried to find investors and promote it, what so zealously write here, it does not mean, that they are not entirely. And please, do not tell, that the problem is in our people – our people have always revive and develop, after all the world, civil wars and revolutions. Here only, how many years it took to rebuild the country after the collapse and in what time frame the country could achieve even greater heights, without such, devastating for the economy, shocks.
http://www.electrotrans.spb.ru/1/22?c_dept_id=2&c_good_id=27 These trams are placed maximum 30 people, it is second-hand market. Because of the narrow passages and up 15 seats. Yes, in common. transport seats main, as it is for older people in the first place. These trams education, too rare, most old. But they are not regulated engines, there is no system of smooth acceleration and stopping, so people like sausage on American mountains. After a trip there again sit there no longer want. http://www.electrotrans.spb.ru/1/22?c_dept_id=2&c_good_id=26 – and these trams have not seen generally never, in many parts of am, these are not seen. Doing something new, but do not let, even trolleybuses not let stupid, They two – three at once pass, and then for an hour they are not. Buses similarly, 1-2 such a day will pass and everything.
“I'm talking specifically about such phrases, full of emotion, but untrue.” – Why is? Completely untrue, such irregular curve and the road infrastructure is not present in any city in the world. And if you have a problem with the perception of emotions, it's not for me…
Such a system in China we do not ride, in Russia do not have any services, watching even and odd numbers, no state, which would reduce to a minimum autoshops.
On the Griboyedov Canal blocked, but there's just the center, for foreigners and tourists that would have made for a walk. From the point of view of transport and handling benefits from this zero.
About Revolution – you do not know the story. Millions died before the revolution 1917 year, от голода, cold and war as cannon fodder. During the revolution, killing several hundred, and the whole country was saved. Subsequent civil wars with white Contra saved millions more, and losses on the part of the Red Army reached thousands. The Result – was built the most powerful and richest country in the world, USSR, gave birth to billions.
And now that? Without a revolution, millions are dying because of what that 5 years from alcohol, smoking, medication, продуктов, in car accidents. The white race is dying out, migrants savages inhabit the city, classic moskvichёm became chock, A Jewish pyetyerburjtsyem. This peaceful life? This is genocide and racism.
“the death of Economy, that revolutions usually goes away "with his head in g..no", if she still floated to the top?” – тоже самое. Learn history. Revolutions happen just because, that the economy goes, "with his head in g..no, and not vice versa. You have confused cause and effect.
“Once again, I ask, you want to say, that after the revolution, life in Ukraine became better? Or in Egypt?” In Ukraine, there was no revolution. There's the same thing happened, that we had in the '90s. The collapse of the government and the country. The people did not participate and no one asked, what kind of revolution? A bunch of primates themselves that they decided themselves got into parliament, Th want it, and create… This omission people, not rebellion.
In Egypt, a separate issue, there are constantly fighting two groups, Arabs and Islamists, the past is now quite insolent and started shitting in Cairo and other cities, even a museum bastards robbed, many carried. So we had the military again come to power and tame the savage, returning them to his home – cells. Egypt free Arab country, rather than Islamic colony Saudi Arabia. All these things are west suit, that would be chaos was. This helps them to strengthen the dollar and earn on their exchanges. Stability for them is calm, when there is no earnings. Plus helps introduce chaos into their own country's economy, way of life, outlook and put the needle on debt. It's all because in Russia did in the 90's.
“If you want the communist regime, it is worth it's different somehow call, because people with the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of people have lost faith in these ideals. In the USSR, with all democracy, still was Secretary General. The country, anyway, to be a leader, and if every horse will pull the wagon in his side, it is known, than it ends. You write about officials - is a well-known image, but you personally at least one spoke? At least one trying to promote the project, so to speak?”
And communism is democracy – people's choice, narodovlaste. Commune – Company, Company – people. Call it what you want, principle that one. No faith is not lost, on the contrary, who do not ask, all require people's power, at least openness and transparency of the authorities. Just ask for the media “тех, who should be”. The fact that today – it does not fit into any form of power. The government publishes anti-people laws, and ignore the demands of the people, deflect and block. Go to the website of the State Duma, over there 90% bills, designed to bring people to the authorities, rejected. Explanation of the most ridiculous and absurd. http://www.duma.gov.ru/#laws
That, that needs a leader – it is the very big mistake, due to which everything eventually ends with a new revolution. Very strange to think, which may be one person, representative of its people. That's president and representative of his people – Jews. What kind of person, and represents those. Класс, secret societies or national. And it is not satisfied with other classes and nations. Therefore, any system of government with the leader of the state is powerless, protecting the interests of only those, Who is the president. He does not represent me, Russia does not mean for me to have?
No, People's power must be, Others simply absurd. A horse only in the government, pull back, where pay more. And today it is very easy to create a system of government, based on the selection of the population. In 20 century it was difficult to, but in the age of computers elementary. The problem in our nation, it is not necessary to write about turmoil, they were just the fault of the people. Believe, Uncle will do everything for them, and then wonder, Why was so bad… And then people blame the Christian Church, destroyed our religion, destroyed and the people.
I tried so many times to promote their projects. Wherever they wrote, who not only explains. Zero results. In general, a complete disregard. Impression, that instead of the government gaping big hole, which scream, but his voice fades into the abyss of emptiness. No power, there is simply no one to solve. I am writing, there just what that rogues thieves, that all backyard and decide, how better to rob people and muck country. If you do not have people in power, then there is no power at all! It's a simple truth.
“If the current development in the country is not as fast, as you like - it does not mean, that nothing is done.” – At the time of the development of data goes only in stealing technology and reduce the number of indigenous white population. This genocide, rather than development. If you do not see – you're not Russian.
“We have the most backward of the train in the world, and planes all imported "- link, please, straight outright lie.” What other link?? Look at our train Railways and trains in Europe or China or the US. There's even a blind all clear. Or call me at least one passenger aircraft at our airports, which is made in Russia after the '90s, and which entered? http://www.ato.ru/content/pochemu-v-rossiyskom-nebe-vse-menshe-rossiyskih-passazhirskih-samoletov I am personally in the past 2 year did not see our aircraft, always served foreign.
And now members of morons want inostarnyh monkeys in our pilots! It is a sunset Russian aviaistorii. Because they will break all aircraft! They scratch in the earth fly, in the US such videos in bulk. Deputies disperse, All power to the people!
“Engage batteries, If you have not tried to find investors and promote it, what so zealously write here, it does not mean, that they are not entirely” – Why and how do I deal with them? They have in China, there are none. Our batteries are like scooters, investors are unlikely to help here. Let invest in revolution, still more will only get worse. Anarchy leads to the collapse of society. A power without people there is no.
I'm telling you, You can find the bad in the new trams too. You want to say, that the maximum passenger capacity of the tram 155 people – it lies on the site Electrotrans? I gave you a link to buses, there is a fairly new structure is – full lyase, Volzhanin, Scania. I lived next to the bus ring, saw it all go and they are normally, do not have to wait long, unlike, it was before.
What do you talk about a bloodless revolution? Take the USSR, when his betrayal of the revolution and disorganized – не было millions of victims? At The Moment, когда The situation began to improve, you propose to make another, that there was some kind of Siberian Republic or the Caucasus Emirate? And they will try to appear – only give a reason.
About the knowledge of the revolution at the beginning of the last century, you too can not brag, how many years it took to rebuild the country after the war, to build the most powerful and richest country in the world (while about wealth left the country, thanks to the revolution, You probably do not remember)?
“According to various sources, the victims of the Red Terror in the period 1917-1923gg. steel from 50.000 to 140.000 people. A lot or a little? For Russia, it was a great tragedy, not seen previously. Напомню, in Tsarist Russia in the period from 1826 by 1905gg. was rendered all 625 death sentences, of which only 191 was executed. After activation particular terrorists after the Russian-Japanese war with 1905gg. by 1910gg. the order was issued 5700 sentences, the execution of which is given in 3741 приговор (источник).” And how many more were killed in the civil war the Russian people and citizens of all nationalities, inhabiting Russia… Revolution does not happen without victims, no matter how you talk about it. Again, as an example the Ukraine, They also believed, and many still believe, it's a people's revolution for all the good, against all the bad.
Who makes you consume alcohol? We can say, that this genocide, but only from tobacco, alcoholic and medical companies, and elsewhere, where alcohol is not limited, in Islamic countries, acute alcoholism same problem. Again measures to restrict the sale of alcohol and price regulation, banning advertising do their work and will bring many benefits, If these measures do not cancel. Тут, of course, and more can be done, но пока, there. We, personally, do not drink and do not advise you. In Russia, by the way, in recent years there is a natural increase of the population, I'll link above cited.
Let you draw a clear line, where there was a collapse of the country, and where the revolution occurred, and how do you, speaking of the revolution, do not make the same country's collapse, both in our 90s? That, that you deny the natural nature of leadership in any population, will not change the situation, that leaders will emerge. The only question is, whether the leader of the pack to defend the interests of the people. Name one successful country, which reached unprecedented heights without successful leaders, solving all questions by a majority vote on each issue.
“Believe, Uncle will do everything for them, and then wonder, why it was bad ...” – All your previous reports, you just and sign in, that there is nothing we can not change and wait, that after the revolution, it would be better.
I confess, Not all comments read to the end (simply did not have the patience), but I can not afford to just walk away from the page, not to express their respect Al`u.
I admire your patience and communication skills.
Поддерживаю, и восхищаюсь!
I stand by AI!
Arguing with Hayter, It is like water in a sieve wear, Hayter and Liberal, it is generally full aleskaput. Its universe, with its laws of economics. That is why the work in their heads.
Let's say the most important evil, they find a dozen people in the Kremlin, but the real steal chiefs, foremen, Chief Engineers, local officials, and they do not want to hear.
Дочитал коменты до конца и терпелка не выдержала. Кому не равится Россия, приглашаю к нам в\на украину с победившим либерализмом. Прямо в зону боевых действий. Либералам здесь понравится. Al, Вам отдельная моя признательность что так последовательно отстаиваете интересы России.
этот ал и прочие, кроме руса, крымнашистские ватники строчат коммы за 85 AUD. не тратьтьте на имбицилов время.
Respected, вит! Мне очень интересно, как вы нашли информацию о вышесостоявшемся диалоге, и что вас побудило сделать выводы, которые вы тут публично озвучили. Я специально одобрил ваш комментарий, быть может ваше мировоззрение, полное разочарований, немного изменится, если вы тут пообщаетесь конструктивно и у вас будет что-то, что можно дать окружающим, кроме оскорблений.