Мы долго собирались и думали, how to choose a new electric bike. In Baoding there is whole street, на которой продаются электровелосипеды, ordinary bikes and spare parts for them. The choice is very large now, unclear for what reasons, there are sales in the city. Once on this street, I decided to look around again and find out, what are the prices.
This is the standard option. 2100 yuan, according to the seller, the battery is charged for 60 but you can ride on such a bike.
The cheapest options, from new bikes, at prices from 1000 yuan (and that's all 5 thousand rubles). I do not know, why they are so cheap, half of the city population roams around on such bikes . There are various factories presented: from Tianjin, Guangzhou, Ningbo and others.
I had a leaflet of one of the companies with me, which had the characteristics of the bikes written and I was just poking my finger, asking, how many kilometers the bike can travel, what is the maximum speed and how long does it take to charge the battery. Most bikes can be 40-60 but you can ride on such a bike, they must be charged at night (6-8 hours).
To me, I did want to., so that you can safely pedal, like on a bike, When the engine charge runs out. Therefore, we settled on this version of the Guewer electric bike..
When the battery is discharged, а проехать на таком байке можно 45 but you can ride on such a bike, I'll just get to the place I want, like on a regular bike. With twenty-inch wheels, you can go a decent distance and that was the end of our search.. Unlike this type of bike, even with pedals, e-bikes with small wheels won't get you far, the pedals are arranged there more like in a moped, so that you can add traction up the hill.
Maximum speed, of course, cannot be compared with the first moped "Riga", which my friends and I collected in parts in my countryside, on this battery you can accelerate to just 25 kilometers per hour. I wanted to write, which is correspondingly more difficult to kill on it, but i watch china go crazy, so we will carefully drive the local bike paths.
This is not a folding bike, push him on the bus, like Migaru, it will probably be difficult, but the weight is very liftable. The website and the brochure contain different information about the maximum permissible load on the bike - 75-100 kilogram. At the same time, we see at every step, that everyone rides on e-bikes at least two by two: "Mei wenti!» – as they told us in the store, ie. "No problems!"And we calmly rode it together.
In general, this is a very pleasant feeling., when you quietly start and get a small, but speed and all this with the help of electricity! We follow the battery charge on the right on the indicator.
There is a small horn, but it will only be heard by passers-by, who throw themselves under the wheels, and the same cyclists, like me.
There's still a small lock on the back wheel., to block, and footrests for the passenger.
We were stuffed with a charger, raincoat and pump, and also a huge chain with a lock, because without it, great can be just carried away.
Generally, sheer pleasure to ride around the city, especially in summer weather, as now and with such an extensive network of bike paths, like in Baoding. I recommend to all, who are thinking about different ways to navigate the hometown, to take one, and I hope, that their production will be established in Russia, soon. All Bikes, shipped from China, get an addition of half the cost for shipping and customs clearance. And if we add to this the benefits store, then comes, we have bikes worth a thousand dollars.
Cool one! <img draggable="false" role="img" class="emoji" alt="🙂" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.0/svg/1f642.svg"> Gratz! Мы когда с моей Наташей месяц ехали через весь Китай, When my Natasha and I drove for a month through the whole of China, that hundreds of mopeds rush around the city and do not make any noise at all! Lately, understanding comes, what Chinese products need for export to Southeast Asia, it's too noisy here.
Меня больше удивило, что в соседнем с Китаем, Вьетнаме – электровелосипедов вообще не водится. Одни мотобайки, может единицы электробайков. Yes, согласен, надо не только в ЮВА побольше электробайков, но и на запруженные улицы наших городов…
Видимо в других странах кто-то активно сдерживает развитие электротранспорта, иначе я не знаю как это объяснить! Ведь экономично, экологично и с какой стороны не глянь – profitably. Но если посмотреть со стороны нефтемагнатов, то закрадываются смутные сомнения… Видимо Китаю на все пофиг, а в остальных странах пока сдерживают, но ничего – вода камень точит. Well done! С обновкой)))
Китай пытается слезть с иглы нефтяной зависимости уже давно. Чем не выход? Как мы писали раньше, тут столько людей на электробайках перемещается, сколько в России всего живёт. Сегодня опять посмотрел на цены в российских интернет-магазинах, горный велосипед с переключением скоростей стоит 2 тысячи долларов, там где произвели в два и более раз меньше… Thank you! Мне так хочется, чтобы все могли оценить простоту и удобство этого транспорта, такое удовольствие от поездок на велосипеде.
Такую бы “приблуду” к нормальному велику приспособить. К горному, чтобы запас хода в 40 км бонусом держать..
Vladimir, а такие велики тоже есть в продаже, только стоят подороже. Мы выбрали городской/дачный вариант, но есть вообще передовые. Вот например: http://www.electricmountainbikes.com/ Не знаю правда, сколько стоит, но выглядит круто.