Wedding in China – big deal, and people come to this event very seriously, traditions have many different nationalities, Today show and tell you about some of them, Little did anyone dovedёtsya marry in China.
Even in the most my first visit to Beijing, I was amazed when I saw in the park nearly a dozen pairs, that there were photographed in different outfits.
How could so many people to play a wedding in one day? – I thought. After all, as we have, morning painting, then picture all attractions (will in St. Petersburg, a walk in Mednoho Rider), then a festive feast. And here emerges the first difference of the Chinese wedding of our celebration – wedding photo shoot at the bride and groom carried out before the official painting and can hold one or even a few days.
To make high-quality photo shoot, which will leave the memory for many years, families do not skimp. Agencies in China and can take five, and a thousand dollars for one day of filming, they provide costumes (be sure to change a few per day), organize the entire parks with decorations for wedding photography. In one of these parks and brought me within “stay in Zhuhai“, and offer in the park Bai Wan Kui Yuan (白万葵 Park) But such beauty.
So, spend four thousand yuan on wedding photo session, received photos grind out long photo editors, usually turns out beautifully, to this is a wedding photo album and portraits.
Albums can be done not just on paper, and wrap everything in plastic, get a heavy stone, and each page as a heavy plate, which is turned with a characteristic “you-dysch!” Even in the homes of the rich Chinese people we met portraits of newlyweds A3 size with long inscriptions in Chinese, also reinforced in the plastic on the wall.
Gifts for the wedding too, are different, one Chinese friend brought his wife's parents 8888888 yuan (how to accumulate turned) cash in baskets.
In sum, this has turned out a present 102 kilogram, carried him several people. Eight in the amount of an ulterior motive, This number is considered lucky in Chinese, so that for the present and the eight-pound piece of gold will approach, generally, when you go to fellow Chinese to the ceremony, razbiraytesy of local – like any festival, wedding is complete without red envelopes (How hong, Flood insurance).
Traditional marriage ceremony inherent red and gold color, they are considered lucky charms, wealth, benefit of a young family and are very symbolic in Chinese culture, primarily – this is love.
To the couple soon brought the child and as a wish of health bride, in front of her scatter symbols of fertility – rice and corn. Girls powder, applied them red lipstick.
The bride and groom bow to the world, ancestors, parents and each other. In ancient times, marriages were only by agreement between the families, Today most of the Chinese themselves, find a life partner, but respect for parents from the Chinese is very highly developed, of our dialogue with the Chinese, it seems to us, that they may even refuse marriage, if their parents are against.

Another – a tea ceremony, when the couple must serve the guests at the party. My American colleague told garden, that his parents' eyes became even wider with surprise, when he went to all the traditional costume pouring tea, a clash of cultures.
Guests are handed out bags of nuts and dried fruits, also with a certain sense: red berries – symbolize the imminent birth of a child, peanuts – hope for the birth of a boy, watermelon seeds – on children's health.
Perhaps the celebration in a more western way – Wedding in the church, white dress and a tour of the city. Often the bride and groom are replaced for a few day dresses. Anyway, Chinese are trying to make the ceremony a lush and beautiful, to remember all the guests for a long time. By the way, itself in the registry office wedding costs 9 yuan and the couple get their certificate quickly and easily, the state of their union already connected, this can also be done not on the same day, that ceremony.
Foreigners from different countries can also register their marriage in China, contacting your local registry office, there is no queue, important then to translate documents and assure its embassy. Holders of passports from the same country, wishing married in China, likely to be sent to his native embassy or consulate.
P.S. In China, we have not got married, but accept congratulations on our wedding, held in Russia. 🙂
Good good song for you good mood! All the world, love and harmony.