This bright and unforgettable festival is held annually. In 2012 year it was held in Clark Field, on the basis of the former Air Force USA. Was launched about 22 colored ball, many of them are of irregular shape. Nine countries were represented by their pilots skill, including: Philippines, South Korea, Japan, UK, Netherlands, USA, Germany, Sweden, Finland. This festival was 17 in a row.
In addition to the haunting air travel for guests of the festival offers many other entertainment. Almost all of them are held in the air - skydiving, flying kites, exhibition of radio controlled flying models. Of course the festival does not exclude more traditional entertainment, such as cafes, bars, Casino. All those wishing recommended to book rooms in hotels, flights and to learn more about discounts.
Дата проведения: 12-15 February
Место проведения: Omni Aviation Complex, Clark Special Economic Zone in Pampanga
Официальный сайт:
Карта фестиваля
История воздушного шара братьев Монгольфье
This grand opening took place in 1783 in the small French town of Annonay. Montgolfier Brothers, Joseph Sr. and Jr. Etienne, were very respected and quite wealthy people in the city. They owned a paper mill. Suddenly, the city went a rumor, that successful manufacturers zachudili: made of paper some huge bags, fill them with smoke, and supposedly those bags even fly through the air.
In the small town rumors crawl quickly, and even over the brothers began to chuckle quietly. Why should they need to?
The brothers were observational, smart and practical people. They studied the physics and chemistry, interested and the other sciences and constantly apply the knowledge in practice.
Watching the clouds floating in the sky, brothers have made of canvas big ball and began to fill it with hot steam. But there it was. Pairs immediately cooled down, matter deposited on the water droplets, ball do the heavy, and no lift he did not have.
Then Joseph remembered, not so long ago, in 1766 year, the famous English scientist Henry Cavendish discovered a very light gas, which he received under the action of sulfuric acid on iron filings. Cavendish called it "inflammable air", For gas was not only fourteen and a half times lighter than a conventional air, but good burning. It was a hydrogen.
If hydrogen is so light, then, can, it will lift into the air balloon?
Procured quite expensive while hydrogen, brothers again failed: light gas instantly volatilized through the fabric of the ball. Then Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier tried to make balls of paper, but they did not deter too nimble gas. Another failure…
One winter evening, when the 35-year-old Joseph saw, as his wife, stood by the fireplace, suddenly hiked skirt. Above the knee - which at that time was totally unacceptable. Scolded his wife, he suddenly became interested in her explanation - “This is a smoke filled my skirt and lifted it up”. Task has become very clear - just fill the bag with smoke…
Tireless inventor turned to the web and paper, stitching them and impregnating a solution of alum. In 42 Joseph year launched the first envelope, filled with smoke - so far only under the kitchen ceiling.
Although the brothers tried to keep his experiments in secret, this soon became known citizens. They asked Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier show them outlandish piece. Brothers was appointed the first public flight of the ball on 5 June 1783 year. To this day they are prepared thoroughly and built a huge ball of matter, sized for the density of paper. In the middle of the ball has been strengthened more and cloth belt, which runs the ropes, that for them it was possible to hold the ball when filled with smoke. And at the bottom, near the mouth of, which had come hot air, was attached a wooden frame. Ball turned a three-story house in height and weighed more than 200 pounds.
And then came the day appointed. Gathered in the square is old and small, almost all residents of Annona. People are surprised to look at a bunch of painted matter and did not understand, what will happen next. A number of ready fire. Brothers explained to citizens, they now fill this shell most ordinary hot smoke and she, violence and swollen into a ball, fly up.
Citizens although respected brothers Montgolfier, but, listening, doubted and laughed openly.
But paragraph zapыlal koster. Eight assistants took up the side of the rope, and Joseph and Etienne put the neck of the ball over the fire. Hot air began to fill the shell, she, zashevelyvshys, like a living creature, began to rise from the ground, spreading its wrinkles, grow up. Soon the crowd grew a huge ball, More than eleven feet in diameter. It was written in huge letters "AD ASTRA", which translated from Latin means "to the stars".
The crowd became agitated, see, as eight people barely keep this monster. Then Joseph commanded, assistants to let go of the rope. Ball broke and flew vertically into the sky. Gasped the Square!
Have not seen this one. People rejoiced, surprised, congratulated the brothers successfully. The day was quiet, and the ball rose above the town, becoming less and less. He took off almost right up to the clouds, on the whole mile. When the warm air in it to cool down, Ball lost lift and began to slowly, as a parachute, fall. First in pursuit of him rushed, of course, boys. And after them - and adults. Ball down near, mileage from start-up locations, and the joy of the people knew no bounds. Cheered and the Montgolfier brothers. Finally, their dream came true!
Так 5 June 1783 year Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier and their small town forever in the history of aviation.
Viktor Goncharenko
book “How do people learn to fly”