We have been reading the information, Bohol that all go on tour, because there is something to look. Is such a pleasure from two thousand pesos and you all day ride around the island. Exemplary story we heard, once stepped off the ferry, by traysiklista Эddi, who offered us to bring their all interesting places Bohol on thousands. Somehow scary to trust a day excursion to the local motoperevozchiku (read Moscow taxi driver), because if he is lucky for the price of two times lower than the, heard, it is precisely their pesos by not miss and will heat up on something else.
A good option would be a rental bike, so you can see most of the attractions, lead here is not so wild, as in many Asian countries, gasoline was by my side, but rental can cost well (1000 pesos a day). But we thought about it, when they were halfway Pubis seen a lot of foreigners in the two-wheeled transport. We decided to make a separate mini-tour in a couple of places from the long list of Bohol attractions.
В резервацию к тарсиерам
From the center we took a jeepney to the bus station for 8 Peso. From there we headed to the Korel (Corella), inhabited by small animals – tarsierы (the most famous animals boholskaya). Getting there is not so long, but tarsierov reservation is three and a half kilometers from the last stop of the jeepney. Proezd Tagbilaran – Corella worth 13 Peso. I could go on and jeepney, which should be in Loboc, he could make a stop right in front of the natural reservation. And we walked on foot, looked at the village life around…
Farmer plowing rice field with his buffalo, girl after “khellou” shouted us: “Give me five pesos!” in that, the village is not very different from villages in Bali.
After heavy rains and typhoons in the past there was a grove of all 5 Stuck tarsierov (ten, who usually live there).
The peak of activity in the night time, when they zalavlivayut insects and worn around the neighborhood, and in the afternoon they sleepily rotated his head on 180 degrees and snuffle. The grounds are small reservations, 20 hectares (one of which is open to the public), more – wild jungle. At night tarsiery see well, find food, they are always excellent and tourists hear them wake up constantly, they get away from the snakes, can survive as, Yes, and also from the people try to get away.
We agreed, they are more like bats without wings, than the smallest monkeys, as we have described them. Of course, they are just adorable, pop-eyed animals and look cute, but they are nowhere to Bohol is not taken away. Our friend said Carlo, that they are very suicidal and kill themselves at every opportunity, when they were trying to smuggle somewhere. Photo done these funny little animals night, we went to catch the car in Loboc. Log in to the reservation cost 50 pesos per person.
В тихий городок Лобок
Waiting for next jeepney took probably all 30 minutes, but when you do not want to wait and think to go back to Tagbilaran, he comes:) Directions to the pubis (Loboc) cost 20 pesos per person and lay amid the lush green paddy fields and Fazenda.
In pubis is a river along which moves a few floating restaurants.
For 500 Peso live music and snacks, while you carry on the muddy river, similar to the Mekong.
But we stayed just for some water and baking, which are at each corner of. In the town there is an old church and tower…
…but it was nice to look at it from a casual platform, which was built with the money of one patron, it was nice to explore the town square and all its beauty.
While we gathered for a small snack, local all trying to entice us to ride a motorcycle or Tricycle. Incredible, how big historical event happened a few days ago – even in a small tropical Philippine town, local asked me, how far is my house from the place, where a meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk. Bus in the direction of Carmen (Carmen) and aunt arrived at the box office barely had time to surrender my dosobirat…
Взобраться на Шоколадный холм
By 30 pesos from the nose and we're going with the wind toward the chocolate hills (Chocolate Hills). The road goes along the serpentine and in the forest, past small villages and we repeatedly do stop, To find the next pasahero, even if the old lady standing by the road five meters, and for neй shkolьnica, through the other eight meters. The road to Chocolate Hills of pubic took about an hour.
Last leap up, we go up the road, at the gate collected from all local to 50 Peso. “Take water, you also 200 plus stairs to climb!”
We laughed, remembering, both ways up, to Manchenskim tombs, we counted 800 steps, and then the same, easily ran down. The water we had. Sits at the top of another group of local, which checks the input on tickets equipped hill.
I visited earlier Staroladozhsky Hills, but they were less, and the greenery around, too, was less, views from this hill, offering great.
Chocolate Hills were formed on the bottom of the oceans and were once coral reefs. Now they are green on your land, and in April and May might be a, because of what they are called chocolate – grass on them zhuhnet and changes color.
Tourists do sea pictures jumping and probably depict witches, when jumping on a background of hills with a broom. We breathed in fresh, Marine Kholmova air and rejoiced this bright day without heavy rains.
On the way back we were lucky again and we immediately jumped on the bus to Tagbilaran, once walked down the hill. Bus Chocolate Hills – Tagbilaran stoit 55 Peso and you can relax, it stops right outside the main street P.Garsiya (P.Garcia), where, moving to the south, You can get to the city center. At the same time, our mini-tour of the island Bohol ended and we went to the mall, watch the adventures of a new “Oreshka” Bruce in Moscow.