That we come to mind, when we think about the city of Evpatoria? Me: курорт, Sea, пляжи, pensions, vacationers, strolling along the quays – as it is written on a fence: City of childhood and health. But not always, the sky here was so serene. Evpatoria seen many bloody battles for its 2500-year history (and pulls us live In ancient cities), and in the beginning of January the townspeople remember one of the most significant and tragic operations, conducted by Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War: 5 January 1942 year on the coast Evpatoria our paratroopers landed to divert German troops from Sevastopol and Kerch Peninsula.
В этом году, to 73 anniversary of the landing in Yalta, Member of military history club Evpatoria, Sevastopol Simferopol and has reconstructed the battle on behalf of the waterfront Tereshkova.
To tell the truth, at such an event I attended for the first time, even though в Петербурге performed like for the holidays, and even among my classmates were people, who spent a lot of money to recreate the costumes of the Great Patriotic. Look at it was interesting – Bach loud cannon, scribbled powerful machine gun and opposition was fierce. At the same time it was a pity small dogs, which hosts kept close, While there was a fight – they trembled, both during fireworks. When the battle ended, grandmother ran to raise “Wounded” and “killed”, maybe someone of them went to the battlefields and many years ago.
One of the organizers correctly observed, that such re-creation can remind people, that here, our ancestors died for, so that we today could safely walk the peaceful waterfront. Today too close to civil war, will take care of all the forces of the world.
Half of the day the sun was shining, periodically snowing, more like small pieces of foam, which is poured into ottomans. Video from the scene.
Useful links
Здесь and here You can read about the course of the operation 1942 year.