If you're a fan of old Europe and oranges, then you, наверняка, worth a visit is an unforgettable sight, as a three-day battle in the town of oranges Ivrea, that is located in the north-west of Italy. Every year, on the eve of Lent here spend fun Carnival of disguise in medieval outfits, which culminates in orange carnage. The holiday begins on Sunday and ends at the so-called Fat Tuesday solemn requiem. Traditionally, director of the festival says the phrase: “See you next Fat Tuesday, in the hour of the day!”.
There are several legends of this bright holiday.
Так, some believe, that the idea of this festival is associated with events 18 century, in particular with the uprising of the peasants against despotism feudal Tukinadzho. Allegedly one of the gentlemen was so stingy, that gave only one pot of peas to the peasants once a year, which of course was not enough to feed. Angry peasants began throwing his arrest greedy Mr. peas, and then the stones. Thus began a popular uprising. Originally fights and performed using legumes, then they were replaced by apples, а после – Oranges, which became a symbol of national disobedience.
But since most romantic love stories, even in this case there is an alternative version of the origin of this romantic action. In 12 century there was such a disgusting habit as “right of first wedding night”. But there were a brave girl, daughter of a simple miller, named Violet, who decided to defend his honor and love, killing Duke, who wished to use it with their right of first wedding night. Townspeople stood up for the brave girl, throwing guards, who tried to grab her, stones. In this way, and oranges here came to symbolize the free and proud spirit of the people, does not want to obey the heartless tyrant.
Most modern traditions “Battle of the Oranges” formed after the Second World War. Так, now for Orange battle formed nine teams each with 100 people from all comers, citizens and visitors, which symbolize the rebels.

There is also a wagon with horses, each of which is about 10 people “guards”, dressed in special armor. Between “guards” and “people” and orange fights occur.
I must say, that the audience does not have the right to throw oranges to participants, although they may involve a team, if desired. There is also a special commission, which is closely monitoring the progress of all three days of fighting, and at the end of the festival selects team – among the winners “guards”, and among “people”. Also choose the most beautiful girl carnival, awarding it a name “Violettы”. It becomes a queen holiday, presenting all participants and winners of flowers and sweets.
Of course the fight is relatively symbolic, but in the heat of passion, anything can happen, and the orange – fruit still quite heavy, than obviously explains, что по итогам ежегодного праздника около двух сотен участников обращаются за медицинской помощью.

При проведении боёв используется просто колоссальное количество “снарядов” – более четырёхсот тонн апельсинов, которые доставляют из Сицилии. Поэтому понятно, что после трёх дней сражений мостовые города выглядят примерно так:

А потому ещё один хороший обычай этого праздника заключается в том, что все участники и гости мероприятия дружно занимаются уборкой городских улиц.
В этом году “Битва Апельсинов” продлится с 14 по 17 February.
Если у Вас нет аллергии на цитрусовые, смело одевайте красную шапочку (она является знаком неприкосновенности на фестивале) и отправляйтесь смотреть на один из красивейших праздников Europe. Хорошее настроение и ароматное море позитива Вам будет обеспечено!
Если вам по душе фруктовые битвы, то стоит посетить также овощную битву “La Tomatina” в Испании 🙂
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